The Neocons and Their Rise to Power • 51m
RON UNZ • MAY 1, 2023
• 6,800 WORDS • 346 COMMENTS • REPLY
Trump Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Biden Secretary of State Antony Blinken
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recently published a couple of articles focused on the Neocons, the ideological
faction that has now dominated American foreign policy for more than thirty
Did the Neocons Save the World from
the Thucydides Trap?
Ron Unz • The Unz Review • April 18, 2023 • 6,500 Words
Dislodging the Neocons, Difficult
But Necessary
Ron Unz • The Unz Review • April 24, 2023 • 5,500 Words
Having their
earliest roots a half-century ago, the Neocons eventually became a very
powerful force in our political system, but although I’ve sometimes mentioned
them in my articles, I’d never discussed their origins nor their rise to power,
and I think these have often been misunderstood. One of the reasons for this
confusion is that the very word “Neocon”—short for “neoconservative”—has
undergone dramatic changes over the decades, eventually coming to mean
something very different from how it was first understood.
The term neoconservative had originally appeared in the early 1970s, applied by critics to a small group of social scientists and other intellectuals who had rejected the radicalism of the 1960s and gravitated towards more moderate positions. Figures such as Daniel Bell, Nathan Glazer, Irving Kristol, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, and Seymour Martin Lipset were among the most prominent names usually mentioned, with James Q. Wilson and Thomas Sowell also often grouped into that category. In 1965, Bell and Kristol had co-founded The Public Interest, a semi-academic quarterly journal focused on matters of social policy.
Many of these individuals were Jews originally from New York City, often with deep personal roots in the non-Stalinist Left including Trotskyism, and the severe problems their metropolis faced during the late 1960s and the 1970s became an important factor behind their ideological shift, as they grew disgusted and horrified by the rampant crime and racial confrontations, along with the threat of fiscal bankruptcy. Also around that time, Commentary magazine, edited by Norman Podhoretz and based in the same city, moved in a similar direction, replacing its enthusiasm for the radical New Left with sharp criticism, and becoming the leading American publication associated with the early neoconservative movement.
In those pre-Internet days, professionally-produced print publications with a national circulation were an extremely scarce intellectual resource and as such could serve as the focal point for a nascent ideological movement. So Commentary played such a role in shaping the Neocons much as William F. Buckley, Jr.’s National Review had earlier helped to create the modern conservative movement in the late 1950s. But Commentary was also the flagship publication of the American Jewish Committee and Podhoretz himself deeply identified with Jewish issues. Those factors impacted his editorial line, which naturally included a major focus upon Israel and the Middle East along with the plight of Soviet Jewry. Partly for such reasons, a hawkish foreign policy including heavy emphasis on the Cold War soon became important Neocon concerns.
The aftermath of the Vietnam War and Watergate dominated the 1970s with the overwhelming majority of influential American publications and the intellectual elites who followed them skewing liberal or even radical in their political orientation. National Review had already spent many years as the lodestar of the conservative movement and many Republicans, but the overwhelming majority of the contributors and readers of Commentary were Democrats or even Socialists, and it had recently been very influential in such circles, so it could easily draw in the sort of disgruntled Democrats who might have dismissed Buckley’s publication out of hand. Thoughtful conservatives hoped to broaden the intellectual reach of their growing political coalition and they recognized how valuable Commentary might be in assisting that project. In a famous 1979 example, the magazine had published “Dictatorships and Double Standards” authored by a conservative Democratic academic named Jeane Kirkpatrick, an article that brought her to the attention of Ronald Reagan, who named her his U.N. Ambassador after he reached the White House.
During the Reagan Administration of the 1980s, Neocons often spearheaded such foreign policy projects and these began overshadowing the domestic social issues that had once dominated the movement. This was partly because Reagan proved much more successful at implementing the former than the latter, with Congress passing his large military buildup against the Soviets even as his efforts to roll back affirmative action, bilingual education, or multiculturalism languished.
Furthermore, some of the earliest neoconservative figures who had focused on domestic matters gradually disassociated themselves for a variety of reasons. Bell had long rejected the claim that he was any sort of conservative, neo or otherwise. Moynihan had won a New York U.S. Senate seat as a Democrat in 1976, becoming an influential figure in that party, but being subject to different ideological pressures he then became a fierce critic of the Reaganite foreign policy promoted by his erstwhile allies and proteges. Glazer, a mild-mannered academic scholar, also retreated from some of his earlier views, eventually even publishing a book entitled We Are All Multiculturalists Now.
So an ideological movement that had once consisted of moderate social scientists became much more strongly identified with fiercely hawkish militarists preoccupied with Israel, the Middle East, and the Cold War struggle against the Soviet Union. This transformation was gradual enough and the overlap in personnel and beliefs sufficiently strong that the original name continued in use and those underlying shifts received little public attention. However, I’ve always regarded the changes as so dramatic that I usually refer to Bell, Moynihan, Glazer, and others of their ilk as Elder Neocons in order to clearly distinguish them from their very different political heirs.
The Neocons had possessed no significant popular base and they originally entered the conservative movement as a small group of refugees from a Democratic party that had become too radical for their taste. But many of them proved far more skillful in their organizational infighting than the existing conservatives they encountered and they also possessed much better connections with leading media circles. As a consequence, they steadily expanded their role and during the Reagan era of the 1980s they gained disproportionate influence across the key nodes of the rising conservative movement. Such growing power and authority was often resented by their traditionalist rivals, who had toiled for decades in building American conservatism only to find that many of the fruits of their victory under Reagan were now usurped by Neocon newcomers, who had spent most of those same years on the other side of the barricades. But Neocon control over publications, thinktanks, foundations, and government appointments still steadily increased during the 1980s and into the 1990s. Paul Gottfried’s 1988 book updated in 1993 devoted several chapters to this conflict within the conservative movement, with Gottfried himself having coined the term “paleoconservative” to categorize his own more traditional conservative intellectuals, sometimes pushed aside by their sharp-elbowed Neocon rivals.
During these political struggles with rival conservative factions, the Neocons became noted for their ruthlessness and the effectiveness of their organization, which allowed them to gain ground against opponents who generally had views much closer to those of the movement’s own activists and voters. One important political advantage the Neocons possessed was that outside a fairly restricted range of issues—especially in foreign policy— they were usually quite moderate and mainstream in their views, thus having a cultural background and set of beliefs very similar to those of the powerful and (generally liberal) mainstream media, which they often successfully enlisted in their conservative factional struggles. Indeed, in 1986 Southern traditionalist conservative Clyde Wilson had famously complained:
The offensives of radicalism have driven vast herds of liberals across the borders into our territories. These refugees now speak in our names, but the language they speak is the same one they always spoke.
The heavily Jewish composition of the Neocons and their often intense focus on Israel hardly passed without notice among their resentful traditionalist rivals, but speaking out on such matters might be portrayed as “right-wing anti-Semitism” by the media and was therefore fraught with peril. For decades, Russell Kirk had been regarded as one of the most prominent conservative thinkers, but when he sharply criticized the Neocons in a major 1988 speech, archly declaring that “Not seldom has it seemed as if some eminent Neoconservatives mistook Tel Aviv for the capital of the United States,” he was bitterly denounced and his words became “infamous.”
The elderly Kirk was already near the end of his life, but during this period occasional missteps by other leading conservative figures outside the Neocon camp were quickly seized upon and trumpeted to the media as pernicious proof of “racism” or “anti-Semitism,” sometimes leading to the destruction of long careers. Two notable cases were those of Joseph Sobran and Sam Francis.
Although the name of Joseph Sobran may be somewhat unfamiliar to younger conservatives, during the 1970s and 1980s he possibly ranked second only to founder William F. Buckley, Jr. in his influence in mainstream conservative circles, as partly suggested by the nearly 400 articles he published for NR during that period. By the late 1980s, he had grown increasingly concerned that growing Neocon influence would embroil America in future foreign wars, and his occasional sharp statements in that regard were branded “anti-Semitic” by his Neocon opponents, who eventually prevailed upon Buckley to purge him. The latter provided the particulars in a major section of his 1992 book-length essay In Search of Anti-Semitism.
Oddly enough, Sobran seems to have only very rarely discussed Jews, favorably or otherwise, across his decades of writing, but even just that handful of less than flattering mentions was apparently sufficient to draw their sustained destructive attacks on his career, and he eventually died in poverty in 2010 at the age of 64. Sobran had always been known for his literary wit, and his unfortunate ideological predicament eventually led him to coin the aphorism “An anti-Semite used to mean a man who hated Jews. Now it means a man who is hated by Jews.”
A very similar fate for very similar reasons [was also] suffered by the late Sam Francis, one of the leading paleoconservative theorists in America, and a top opinion editor at The Washington Times, then a leading national force in the conservative movement. Despite winning numerous journalist awards and serving as an adviser to the presidential campaigns of Pat Buchanan, Francis lost most of his public outlets when he was purged for having the wrong associations, and his large body of accumulated writings have mostly disappeared from the Internet.
A particular flash-point came in 1990 after Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait and President George H.W. Bush prepared to go to war against him in response. Many leading traditional conservatives expressed very strong reservations about Bush’s Gulf War plans, while the Neocons fervently supported the attack against Israel’s most dangerous regional rival. Pat Buchanan had held important positions in both the Nixon and Reagan Administrations, and he was then a nationally-syndicated columnist with a huge television footprint on Crossfire, the McLaughlin Group, and other popular cable shows, certainly ranking as one of our most influential conservative figures. The ADL and other Jewish groups ferociously attacked the pugnacious pundit when he declared to his national television audience of millions:
Capitol Hill is Israeli occupied territory…There are only two groups that are beating the drums for war in the Middle East – the Israeli defense ministry and its ‘amen corner’ in the United States…The Israelis want this war desperately because they want the United States to destroy the Iraqi war machine. They want us to finish them off. They don’t care about our relations with the Arab world.
Bush’s unexpectedly easy military victory against Iraq strengthened the hands of the Neocons who had wholeheartedly endorsed the project, but a new political battle immediately broke out after the President began demanding that Israel halt its West Bank settlement activity. This soon provoked a related controversy regarding the long-suppressed story of the 1967 Israeli attack on the U.S.S. Liberty.
At that time, the Evans & Novak column by conservatives Rowland Evans and Robert Novak was among the most widely syndicated and influential in America, running in many hundreds of newspapers, and with Novak also having a large presence on the weekly political television shows. Their November 6, 1991 column dropped a major bombshell, reporting that radio transmissions proved the Israeli pilots had been fully aware that they were attacking an American ship and despite their frantic protestations had been ordered to go ahead and sink the Liberty regardless. These communications had been intercepted and decrypted by the intelligence staff at our Beirut Embassy, and the shocking transcripts were immediately provided to our ambassador, Dwight Porter, a highly esteemed diplomat, who had finally broken his self-imposed silence after 24 years. Moreover, these same facts were also confirmed by an American-born Israeli military officer who had been present at IDF headquarters that day, and who said that all the commanders there were sure that the ship being attacked was American. This may have been the first time I learned the true details of the 1967 incident, probably from one of Novak’s many television appearances.
Pro-Israel elements of the media and their numerous activist supporters immediately launched a fierce counter-attack, spearheaded by former New York Times Executive Editor Abe Rosenthal, a fervent partisan of Israel, who denounced the Evans & Novak column as biased, misinterpreted, and fraudulent. When I read Novak’s memoirs last year, he described how Israel’s partisans had spent many years pressuring newspapers into dropping his column, which substantially reduced its reach as the years went by. The columnists were punished for crossing red-lines, their future influence diminished, and other journalists were given a powerful warning message against ever doing anything similar.
So over the course of just a few years, several leading conservative figures suffered considerable damage or were even entirely purged for their candid words regarding the Neocons or Israel, surely leading numerous others of lesser rank to draw the appropriate lessons. In the past I’ve noted the sheer ferocity with which such Jewish activists attacked their perceived critics, thereby producing extreme caution in potential adversaries.
I’ve also sometimes suggested to people that one under-emphasized aspect of a Jewish population, greatly magnifying its problematical character, is the existence of what might be considered a biological sub-morph of exceptionally fanatical individuals, always on hair-trigger alert to launch verbal and sometimes physical attacks of unprecedented fury against anyone they regard as insufficiently friendly towards Jewish interests. Every now and then, a particularly brave or foolhardy public figure challenges some off-limits topic and is almost always overwhelmed and destroyed by a veritable swarm of these fanatical Jewish attackers. Just as the painful stings of the self-sacrificing warrior caste of an ant colony can quickly teach large predators to go elsewhere, fears of provoking these “Jewish berserkers” can often severely intimidate writers or politicians, causing them to choose their words very carefully or even completely avoid discussing certain controversial subjects, thereby greatly benefiting Jewish interests as a whole. And the more such influential people are thus intimidated into avoiding a particular topic, the more that topic is perceived as strictly taboo, and avoided by everyone else as well.
For example, about a dozen years ago I was having lunch with an especially eminent Neoconservative scholar with whom I’d become a little friendly. We were bemoaning the overwhelmingly leftward skew among America’s intellectual elites, and I suggested it largely seemed a function of our most elite universities. Many of our brightest students from across the nation entered Harvard and the other Ivies holding a variety of different ideological perspectives, but after four years departed those halls of learning overwhelmingly in left-liberal lock-step. Although he agreed with my assessment, he felt I was missing something important. He nervously glanced to both sides, shifted his head downward, and lowered his voice. “It’s the Jews,” he said.
Despite his impressive Gulf War victory in early 1991, economic problems and political missteps had severely damaged President Bush’s popularity by the end of that same year. As a result, Pat Buchanan decided to challenge Bush in the Republican primaries, a development that seemed likely to spark an explosive public conflict between the heavily Jewish Neocons and their traditionalist conservative rivals, potentially tearing apart the conservative movement that was home to both of them and drawing damaging scrutiny from the hostile liberal media.
William F. Buckley, Jr. had long reigned as the quasi-pope of conservatives, and he attempted to preempt this looming conflict by publishing “In Search of Anti-Semitism,” a massive 40,000 word article that filled an entire issue of his magazine and was later released in book form, generally coming down on the side of the Neocons and sharply criticizing his erstwhile allies such as Buchanan and Sobran.
However, Buchanan entered the Presidential race just as the issue was hitting the stands and quickly attracted such strong conservative support that Buckley’s magazine was soon forced to endorse the candidate it had so recently anathematized, a development that outraged the Neocons. Buchanan’s remarkably strong showing in the New Hampshire primary dealt a severe blow to Bush’s reelection prospects and galvanized a right-wing populist movement, eventually drawing independent Ross Perot into the race and setting up a three-way race with Bill Clinton that November.
Although they detested Buchanan, many Neocons had also grown quite disenchanted with Bush, leading some of them to return to their Democratic Party roots and endorse Bill Clinton, with Commentary showcasing their views. Under the ownership of Martin Peretz, The New Republic had moved solidly into the Neocon camp, and Peretz was the longtime friend and mentor of Sen. Albert Gore, whom Clinton had selected as his Vice President, making the Democratic ticket an easy choice for many members of that circle, with their efforts crowned by success in November 1992.
So while the Republican Neocons spent much of the 1990s in the political wilderness, the Democratic wing of their movement enjoyed a considerable revival in the Clinton Administration. This was especially the case on foreign policy issues, with Neocons providing very strong support for the Balkan wars that America waged in the former Yugoslavia. Victoria Nuland began her career serving as chief of staff for Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott in 1993, and Neocon influence on foreign policy grew even stronger after Madeleine Albright became Secretary of State in early 1997.
Meanwhile, the cross-currents of 1990s domestic policy issues were much more mixed and complex for the Neocons. Tax increases, racial conflict, a failed health care plan, and controversial gun control legislation powered Newt Gingrich’s Congressional Republicans to a major landslide in 1994, unexpectedly giving them control of both the Senate and the House for the first time in forty years. The Republican Neocons had played an important role in this victory and shared in the political spoils, but they regarded the concurrent growth of populist anti-immigration sentiments and the militia movement with horror, seeing these as signs of the white racial activism (with suspected anti-Semitism) that they so dreaded and feared. Although Charles Murray had long been a great hero to the Neocons, the ferocious backlash to his 1994 bestseller The Bell Curve led some of them to completely back away from racially-charged topics.
Huge California had long been overwhelmingly white, but over the course of a single generation heavy foreign immigration had shifted the state towards a non-white majority. The resulting ethnic stresses inspired a series of three high-profile initiatives on illegal immigration, affirmative action, and bilingual education during the years 1994-1998, which served to nationalize those controversial issues in the media. Opposition to the latter two policies had always been leading planks of the domestic Neocon agenda, uniting them with other conservatives despite their sharp differences on immigration.
My own views exactly matched those of the Neocons on these particular issues and my political engagement with them began during these years, as I organized and led the successful effort to dismantle bilingual education and ensure that all public schools taught English in California and across the country. I also began regularly publishing articles in Neocon outlets, becoming one of their leading voices on these controversial, racially-charged topics, later telling the story of these events in a lengthy 1999 Commentary cover-story.
California and the End of White
Ron Unz • Commentary • October
1999 • 8,600 Words
The end of the Cold War and apparent peace in the Middle East had greatly reduced the importance of foreign policy concerns during these years, and domestic issues dominated the 1990s, including those that had traditionally been especially important to the Neocons. The tough on crime policies of Mayor Rudolph Giuliani helped revive New York City, seeming to confirm the effectiveness of longstanding neoconservative nostrums while a huge Wall Street boom produced new fortunes, with some of the beneficiaries supporting Neocon projects.
But all of those matters were completely swept away in the aftermath of the 9/11 Attacks, as Neocon power and influence reached its public peak in the George W. Bush Administration. As I told the story several years ago, this represented a strange and unexpected development:
As President George W. Bush began inexorably moving America toward the Iraq War in 2002, I realized with a terrible sinking feeling that the notoriously pro-Israel Neocon zealots had somehow managed to seize control of the foreign policy of his administration, a situation I could never have imagined even in my worst nightmare.
Throughout the 1990s and even afterward, I’d been on very friendly terms with the Neocons in NYC and DC, working closely with them on issues relating to immigration and assimilation. Indeed, my December 1999 article “California and the End of White America” was not only one of the longest cover stories ever published in Commentary, their intellectual flagship, but had even been cited as the centerpiece of its annual fund-raising letter.
I and my other DC friends were well aware of the fanatical views most Neocons held on Israel and Middle Eastern policy, with their foreign policy obsessions being a regular staple of our jokes and ridicule. But since it seemed unimaginable that they would ever be given any authority in that sphere, their beliefs had seemed a relatively harmless eccentricity. After all, could anyone possibly imagine fanatical libertarians being placed in total control of the Pentagon, allowing them to immediately disband the American armed forces as a “statist institution”?
Moreover, the complete ideological triumph of the Neocons after the 9/11 attacks was all the more shocking given the crushing recent political defeat they had suffered. During the 2000 presidential campaign, nearly all of the Neocons had aligned themselves with Sen. John McCain, whose battle with Bush for the Republican nomination had eventually turned quite bitter, and as a consequence, they had been almost entirely frozen out of any high-level appointments. Both Vice President Dick Cheney and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld were then widely regarded as Bush Republicans, lacking any significant Neocon ties, and the same was true for all the other top administration figures such as Colin Powell, Condeleeza Rice, and Paul O’Neil. Indeed, the only Neoconservative offered a Cabinet spot was Linda Chavez, and not only was the Labor Department always regarded as something of a boobie prize in a GOP Administration, but she was ultimately forced to withdraw her nomination due to her “nanny problems.” The highest-ranking Neocon serving under Bush was Rumsfeld Deputy Paul Wolfowitz, whose seemingly inconsequential appointment had passed without any notice.
Most of the Neocons themselves certainly seemed to recognize the catastrophic loss they had suffered in the 2000 election. Back in those days, I was on very friendly terms with Bill Kristol, and when I stopped by his office at the Weekly Standard for a chat in the spring of 2001, he seemed in a remarkably depressed state of mind. I remember that at one point, he took his head in his hands and wondered aloud whether it was time for him to just abandon the political battle, resigning his editorship and taking up a quiet post at a DC thinktank. Yet just eight or ten months later, he and his close allies were on their way to gaining overwhelming influence in our government. In an eerie parallel to the story told in Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s Lenin in Zurich, the totally fortuitous 9/11 attacks and the outbreak of war had suddenly allowed a small but determined ideological faction to seize control of a gigantic country.
A thorough account of the Neocons and their takeover of the Bush Administration in the aftermath of 9/11 is provided by Dr. Stephen J. Sniegoski in his 2008 book The Transparent Cabal, conveniently available on this website:
The Transparent Cabal
Neoconservative Agenda, War in the Middle East, and the National Interest of
Stephen J. Sniegoski • 2008 • 178,000 Words
This raises a larger point. By 2000, the Neocons had gained almost total control of all the major conservative/Republican media outlets and the foreign policy wings of nearly all the similarly aligned thinktanks in DC, successfully purging most of their traditional opponents. So although Cheney and Rumsfeld were not themselves Neocons, they were swimming in a Neocon sea, with a very large fraction of all the information they received coming from such sources and with their top aides such as “Scooter” Libby, Paul Wolfowitz, and Douglas Feith being Neocons. Rumsfeld was already somewhat elderly while Cheney had suffered several heart-attacks starting at age 37, so under those circumstances it may have been relatively easy for them to be shifted toward certain policy positions.
Indeed, the entire demonization of Cheney and Rumsfeld in anti-Iraq War circles has seemed somewhat suspicious to me. I always wondered whether the heavily Jewish liberal media had focused its wrath upon those two individuals in order to deflect culpability from the Jewish Neocons who were the obvious originators of that disastrous policy; and the same may be true of the 9/11 Truthers, who probably feared accusations of anti-Semitism. Regarding that former issue, a prominent Israeli columnist was characteristically blunt on the matter in 2003, strongly suggesting that 25 Neocon intellectuals, nearly all of them Jewish, were primarily responsible for the war. Under normal circumstances, the president himself would have surely been portrayed as the evil mastermind behind the 9/11 plot, but “W” was too widely known for his ignorance for such accusations to be credible.
Furthermore the political circumstances of the 9/11 Attacks and the Iraq War that soon followed provided the Neocons an opportunity to purge all their critics, conservative and liberal alike, from the mainstream media:
In the patriotic fervor following the 9/11 attacks, few national media figures dared challenge the plans and proposals of the Bush Administration, with Paul Krugman’s column at the Times being the rare exception; expressing “unpatriotic sentiments” as very broadly defined could severely impact a career. This was especially true of the electronic media, with its vastly greater reach and therefore subject to more extreme pressure. During 2002 and 2003, it was very uncommon to find an Iraq War naysayer anywhere on network television or among the fledgling cable alternatives, and even MSNBC, the least popular and most liberal of the latter soon began a sharp ideological crackdown.
For decades, Phil Donahue had pioneered the daytime television talk show, and in 2002 he revived it to high ratings on MSNBC, but in early 2003 his show was canceled, with a leaked memo indicated that his opposition to the looming war was the cause. Conservative Pat Buchanan and liberal Bill Press, both Iraq War critics, hosted a top-rated debate show on the same network, allowing them to spar with their more pro-Bush opponents, but it too was cancelled for similar reasons. If the cable network’s most famous hosts and highest rated programs were subject to summary termination, lesser ranking personalities surely drew the appropriate conclusions about the risks of crossing particular ideological lines.
My old friend Bill Odom, the three-star general who ran the NSA for Ronald Reagan and possessed among the strongest national security credentials in DC was similarly blacklisted from the media for his opposition to the Iraq War. Numerous other prominent media voices were “disappeared” around the same time, and even after Iraq became universally recognized as an enormous disaster, most of them never regained their perches.
In the aftermath of the 9/11 Attacks, the Neocons had solidified their control of nearly all existing conservative media outlets, prompting Pat Buchanan and a couple of partners to found The American Conservative in 2002. The following year, he used that platform for a blistering attack on Bush’s Iraq War foreign policy, which he denounced as a Neocon project. David Frum, a former Bush speechwriter and one of his targets, launched a near-simultaneous broadside in National Review against Buchanan and other critics, whom he condemned as “unpatriotic conservatives.” Taken together, the two lengthy pieces provide a good overview of the key figures on both sides of that bitter ideological battle.
Whose War?
Loudest Clique Behind the President’s Policy
Pat Buchanan • The American Conservative •
March 24, 2003 • 5,200 Words
Unpatriotic Conservatives
David Frum • National Review • March 25, 2003 • 6,400 Words
Many moderates and liberals were equally appalled by the Iraq
War as it unfolded, but unlike Buchanan they were often quite gun-shy in
highlighting the obvious pro-Israel roots and motives of the leading Neocon
backers. Perhaps as a consequence, they soon began to depict the Neocons as
having Trotskyite origins and ideology, a wildly exaggerated accusation but one
that eventually became widespread in the mainstream media.
thus it may not be ignored. See Cynthia
Chung for this line of thought from the Factual History folks. –FNC]
This characterization even carried echoes of the bitter intra-Communist feuds
of the 1930s, when “Trotskyite” had sometimes been
used as a euphemism for “Jewish.” An excellent 2004 article by Canadian
Bill King summarized and very effectively debunked those claims, while also
providing a good discussion of the backgrounds and ideological origins of many
of the early Neocons.
Neoconservatives and Trotskyism
Bill King • Enter Stage Right • March 22, 2004 • 6,400 Words
Despite the unprecedented strategic disaster of the Iraq War, the Neocons fully retained their hold on the Republican Party’s foreign policy, while their Democratic counterparts achieved the same success across the political aisle. Thus, when the manifest failures of the Bush Administration led to the overwhelming victory of Barack Obama in 2008, Bush Neocons were merely replaced by Obama Neocons. Donald Trump’s unexpected triumph in 2016 brought to power the Trump Neocons such as Mike Pompeo and John Bolton, who were then succeeded in 2020 by Biden Neocons Antony Blinken and Victoria Nuland.
Husband and Wife: Bush Neocon Robert Kagan and Obama/Biden Neocon Victoria Nuland
As I recently explained:
One difficulty is that the very term “Neocon” used here has actually become much less meaningful than it once was. After having controlled American foreign policy for more than three decades, promoting their allies and protégés and purging their opponents, the adherents of that world view now constitute nearly the entire political establishment, including control of the leading thinktanks and publications. By now, I doubt there are many prominent figures in either party who follow a sharply different line. Furthermore, over the last two decades, the national security-focused Neocons have largely merged with the economically-focused neoliberals, forming a unified ideological block that represents the political worldview of the elites running both American parties.
Trump Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Biden Secretary of State Antony Blinken
Our nation’s two most recent Secretaries of State have been Mike Pompeo and Antony Blinken, and I’m not whether either of them even considers himself a Neocon, given that their foreign policy views are almost universal within their political circle. Do fish think that water is wet?
But consider the reality of today’s American foreign policy. In 1992 Neocon Paul Wolfowitz had drafted a Defense document advocating measures to ensure our permanent global military dominance but when it leaked the proposal was immediately repudiated by our Republican President and top military leaders, let alone the Democrats; however a decade later this “Wolfowitz Doctrine” had became our policy under Bush and today it enjoys complete bipartisan support.
Or consider the 28 standing ovations received by the Israeli prime minister when he spoke before a joint session of Congress in 2015, including the Stalinesque touch that some of our elected officials were denounced for applauding with insufficient enthusiasm. Given such a political environment, the strong pressure once exerted upon the Jewish State by such varied American Presidents as Carter, Reagan, Bush, and Clinton would be unthinkable today.
From the moment the Ukraine war began, our entire media and political establishments have been in absolute lock-step, with scarcely a trace of doubt or dissent. There has been no willingness to recognize the role of NATO expansion in provoking the conflict nor to ask questions about a possible American role in the explosions that destroyed Europe’s Nord Stream energy pipelines.
A few weeks after the outbreak of the war, I watched a discussion on the conflict and its origins by John Mearsheimer, Ray McGovern, Jack Matlock, Theodore Postol, and others, all figures of the strongest reputation and credibility. Mearsheimer was the eminent “realist” scholar who had spent many years warning of just such a disastrous possibility; McGovern had spent 27 years as a CIA Analyst, rising to become head of the Soviet Policy group and also serving as the President’s Morning Briefer on Intelligence; Matlock had served as Reagan’s ambassador to the USSR. These individuals represented some of America’s most experienced Russia experts and under other circumstances they might have been serving as top Presidential advisors in the crisis. But because they were outside the Neocon orbit, they were reduced to sharing their views with each other on a privately-organized Zoom call.
However, one ironic aspect of the complete Neocon capture of the American foreign policy establishment is that its key figures have become far less easily swayed by the Israeli government on some other matters than they might have been a couple of decades ago.
When the Neocons were merely a political faction, they were naturally influenced by the leadership of an important world government that controlled powerful assets within the American system. But the newer generation of leaders have grown up at the helm of the world’s sole global superpower and except for Middle Eastern issues probably pay much less deference to the positions of Tel Aviv than in the past.
Consider, for example, the Ukraine war, provoked by the Neocon-driven expansion of NATO and immediately followed by an unprecedented political and economic attack against Russian President Vladimir Putin and his country. Despite their ongoing conflict in Syria, Israel has generally maintained quite amicable relations with Russia over the last couple of decades, with the million or more Russian-Israelis constituting a powerful voting bloc and with several of Russia’s wealthiest oligarchs holding dual citizenship. For these reasons, Israel has been very reluctant to go along with the West’s anti-Russian sanctions or assist Ukraine, and unlike our European vassals, possesses sufficient political independence to maintain that position against American pressure.
Indeed, early in the conflict, then Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett had brokered peace talks between the Russian and Ukrainian governments, with an agreement apparently being close before Britain’s Boris Johnson was dispatched to Kiev and vetoed the proposal.
Israeli leaders have been equally reluctant to join the Neocon-led campaign against China, which they regard as not in their own national interests. Indeed, I had noted in 2020 that under the Trump Administration this divergence of American and Israeli views on China may have taken a strikingly lethal turn:
As our global confrontation with China has grown hotter, my morning New York Times has continued to provide invaluable information for anyone willing to read it carefully.
For example, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo probably ranks as the most prominent Deep State Neocon in the Trump Administration, and is a leading architect of our confrontation with China. Last week he broke quarantine to take a trip to Israel and hold important talks with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as reported in a 1,600 word NYT article. Although the majority of their discussion concerned American support for the proposed annexation of the Palestinian West Bank, a serious disagreement arose concerning Israel’s growing economic ties with China, with the piece noting that the Jewish State had “antagonized” Washington by allowing Chinese companies to make major infrastructure investments, some of them in sensitive locations. According to the three Times journalists, Netanyahu firmly stood his ground, determined to “push back” against Pompeo’s repeated warnings and refused to reconsider his government’s China policy.
But just a couple of days later, the Times then reported that Du Wei, the Chinese ambassador to Israel, age 57, had been found dead at his home, having suddenly fallen victim to “unspecified health problems.” The piece emphasized that he had become a leading public critic of America’s current policies toward China, and the juxtaposition of these two consecutive NYT articles raised all sorts of obvious questions in my mind.
According to standard mortality tables, an American male age 57 has less than a 1% chance of dying in a particular year, and given the similarity in overall life expectancy, the same must surely true of Chinese males. Recently appointed Chinese ambassadors are likely to be in reasonably good health rather than suffering the last stages of terminal cancer, but such causes together with obvious, visible injuries account for more than half of all fatalities at around that age. Thus, the likelihood that the 57-year-old Chinese diplomat died naturally within that two day window was probably far less than 1 in 50,000. Lightning does sometimes strike under the most unlikely of circumstances, but not very often; and I think that the unexplained deaths of ambassadors during international confrontations probably fall into the same category.
Thus, it seems exceptionally unlikely that the sudden demise of Ambassador Du was not somehow directly connected with the heated dispute between Pompeo and Netanyahu over Israel’s China ties that had occurred just two days earlier. The exact details and circumstances are entirely obscure, and we can merely speculate. But since speculation has not yet been outlawed by government edict, an interesting possibility comes to mind.
In sharp contrast to the elected leaders of America’s vassal-states throughout Europe and Asia, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu hardly regards himself as beholden to the American government. He is a powerful, arrogant individual who remembers the endless standing ovations that he had enjoyed when he addressed our own House and Senate, receiving the sort of bipartisan public adulation that would be unimaginable for a Donald Trump, who remains deeply unpopular with half our Congress and nation. So faced with demands by a Trump envoy that he sacrifice his own nation’s interests by cancelling important Chinese economic projects, he apparently disregarded Pompeo’s warnings and told him to get lost.
The classic 1972 film The Godfather ranks #2 in the IMDb Movie Database, and one of its most famous scenes concerns a conflict between a powerful and arrogant Hollywood film mogul and a visiting representative of the Corleone family. When the polite requests of the latter are casually disregarded, the movie tycoon awakens to discover the bloody head of his prized race-horse in his own bed, thereby demonstrating the serious nature of the warning he had received and indicating that it should not be disregarded. Pompeo had recently served as CIA Director, and he may have called in a few favors with elements of the Israeli Mossad and had them take lethal steps to convince Netanyahu that our demands that he reassess his ties with China were of a serious nature, not to be treated lightly. I strongly suspect that the controversial Chinese-Israeli economic ventures will soon be curtailed or abandoned.
I had never heard of the unfortunate Chinese ambassador prior to his sudden demise, and under normal circumstances any such notions of American foul play might be dismissed as absurd. But consider that just a few months earlier, we had publicly assassinated a top Iranian leader after he was lured to Baghdad for peace negotiations, an act vastly more weighty than the plausible deniability of a middle-aged diplomat being found dead in his own home of unknown causes.
A few days later, my Wall Street Journal carried an article entitled China’s ‘Wolf Warrior’ Diplomats Are to Fight, beginning on the front page and running 2,200 words, by far the longest piece appearing in that day’s edition. Yet although the late Ambassador Du had been in the forefront of this ongoing Chinese campaign to challenge American influence, both in Israel and during his previous posting to Ukraine, and the sudden death of this particular “wolf warrior diplomat” was surely known to the journalists, his name appeared nowhere in the text, leading me to wonder whether it had been deliberately excised to avoid raising obvious suspicions in the WSJ readership.
"The Neocons and Their Rise to
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1. emerging majority says:
May 1, 2023 at 4:10 am GMT • 11.3 days ago • 100 Words ↑
Permanent revolution ancient Trotskyites, their masters in City of London instructed them to take on a new role as semi-official Gauleiters of the RINOS Republicans and then readily transfusing to the current Deep $tate regime as the monitors of the never truly elected Pretzeldunce.
The controlling power of massive big money over the District of Corruption is almost beyond human understanding…particularly over the deracinated, de-literated, deliberately dumbed-down masses of the sub-urban majority of the American people.
It is a highly theatrical almost literal exposition of smearing shit into the last tattered remnants of pride amongst the denizens of the “land of the free and home of the brave”.
• Replies: @RobinG, @JWalters, @Andreas, @che guava, @Shamu, @anonymous, @Dieter Kief, @whodat
2. Carlton Meyer says: • Website
Despite his impressive Gulf War victory in early 1991, economic problems and political missteps had severely damaged President Bush’s popularity by the end of that same year.
• Thanks: follyofwar, Justrambling, Sarah
• Replies: @Chuck Orloski, @saggy
3. Anonymous[411] • Disclaimer says:
Russia, Iran, Sudan, Libya… They are coming.
• Replies: @Rev. Spooner
4. GomezAdddams says:
May 1, 2023 at 4:31 am GMT • 11.3 days ago • 100 Words ↑
BP —Blinken Pompeo —missiing is John Browne ( former CEO of BP-the oil and gas outfit) based in London and Canadian blackmailer Jeffery Chevalier —a Suits and Boots Man. Browne had to resign over perjury when stating he met Chevalier in Hyde Park while jogging —when in all truth Browne met Chevalier on a Gay Mens’ dating site. BP –says it all.
Blinken Pompeo and Browne all above the law.
May 1, 2023 at 4:37 am GMT • 11.3 days ago • 300 Words ↑
The ‘neocons’, i.e. Jews, were shaping US policy long before 1970 …. From ‘La Démocratie Victorieuse’, E. Malynski, 1929
The nation which above all others claims to be free and in sovereign command of its own destiny was brainwashed to the hilt. In 1914 any American would have laughed to scorn the idea that in three years time he would be struggling and suffering in France for the sake of affairs which had no connection with those of his own country.
And yet, when 1917 came, the same man enlisted enthusiastically. Every soldier whom we happened to interview and questioned as to his personal motives for fighting, invariably replied: ‘we are fighting for democracy’. They were one step ahead of their fellow soldiers from other nations, who went for their own country’s sake.
It is only when we realize that France was invaded by hundreds of thousands of inhabitants from Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Florida, Illinois, Wyoming, California, Louisiana, and subsequently from Ontario, Manitoba, Rhodesia and New South Wales, whose only possible motive was to hasten the triumph of democracy, that we begin to understand something of the power of Israel. The power to stir up a whole nation of solid, egotistical and utilitarian individuals, and to persuade them that their greatest privilege is to set out and get themselves killed at the uttermost ends of the earth, with no hope of gain for themselves or their children and almost without their understanding against or for whom they are fighting, or why, is a simply incredible phenomenon which makes one afraid when one comes to think about it.
• Thanks: frankie p, Sir Launcelot Canning, chris, Dumbo, Daniel Rich, mark green
• Replies: @Ulf Thorsen, @Rush, @Peter Gent
6. Kak says:
Neocons destroyed several nations to fatten their wallets. Hardly any news networks go after the obvious grift of these wars. They also never mention the huge amount of financial fraud and terrorism coming from the city of London and its owners.
• Replies: @GMC
7. anon[307] • Disclaimer says:
6,800 words when all ron had to say was 3:
jews gonna jew.
so jewy. this is why jews get good grades. but surprisingly not that high test scores. verbal pushiness.
8. LarryS says:
May 1, 2023 at 4:46 am GMT • 11.3 days ago • 100 Words ↑
Kristol, the “godfather” of neoconservatism and one of our most important
public intellectuals, played an extraordinarily influential role in the
development of American intellectual and political culture over the past half
• Thanks: Agent76
• Replies: @Sir Launcelot Canning
9. LarryS says:
Neoconservatives Conquered Washington – and Launched a War
by Michael Lind
April 10, 2003
• Replies: @36 ulster
10. anon[534] • Disclaimer says:
May 1, 2023 at 5:00 am GMT • 11.3 days ago • 100 Words ↑
Many of these individuals were Jews originally from New York City, often with deep personal roots in the non-Stalinist Left including Trotskyism…
This characterization even carried echoes of the bitter intra-Communist feuds of the 1930s, when “Trotskyite” had sometimes been used as a euphemism for “Jewish.” An excellent 2004 article by Canadian Bill King summarized and very effectively debunked those claims, while also providing a good discussion of the backgrounds and ideological origins of many of the early Neocons.
who writes these articles ron? it’s obviously more than one person.
• Replies: @Ron Unz
11. anon[534] • Disclaimer says:
May 1, 2023 at 5:02 am GMT • 11.3 days ago • 100 Words ↑
Many of these individuals were Jews originally from New York City, often with deep personal roots in the non-Stalinist Left including Trotskyism…
Many moderates and liberals were equally appalled by the Iraq War as it unfolded, but unlike Buchanan they were often quite gun-shy in highlighting the obvious pro-Israel roots and motives of the leading Neocon backers. Perhaps as a consequence, they soon began to depict the Neocons as having Trotskyite origins and ideology, a wildly exaggerated accusation but one that eventually became widespread in the mainstream media. … An excellent 2004 article by Canadian Bill King summarized and very effectively debunked those claims, while also providing a good discussion of the backgrounds and ideological origins of many of the early Neocons.
who writes these articles for you ron?
• Troll: chris
12. Johnny Canuck says:
May 1, 2023 at 5:02 am GMT • 11.3 days ago • 100 Words ↑
Ron, thanks for this article and your excellent web site. On the early origins of the neo cons, I recall that Jerry Falwell published a best selling book in 1981 entitled ‘Listen, America.’ He had a weekly television audience, founded ‘The Moral Majority’ and was thus influential in the late 1970s and early 80s.
13. Charles says:
May 1, 2023 at 5:04 am GMT • 11.3 days ago • 100 Words ↑
This is an excellent addition to the American Pravda collection.
Pat Buchanan was certainly correct about “the Israeli defense ministry and its ‘amen corner’.” I do not know (and frankly doubt) whether he meant “amen corner” literally – that is, “conservative Christians” who are low-church Southern Protestants. I speak from experience in stating that the backbone of Jewish power in the US is not the MSM, or Hollywood, or Ivy League universities, or even the State of Israel. The foundation is made up of cake-baking grandmas and granddads who taught boys how to shoot a .22 bolt-action. The Jewish power is not a product of weirdos in California or New York; it is a product of those decent people who tithe ten percent to Backwoods Baptist Church.
• Disagree: mark green
• Replies: @the Man Behind the Curtain
14. Achmed E. Newman says: • Website
May 1, 2023 at 5:11 am GMT • 11.3 days ago • 400 Words ↑
I’m very glad that I didn’t see the usually-appended Kung Flu origin theory, as I initially scrolled down on this post. Thank you for that.
I think you have a pretty good take on who the Neocons are (not the names, but what they stand for). I would differ slightly though. Regarding:
The resulting ethnic stresses inspired a series of three high-profile initiatives on illegal immigration, affirmative action, and bilingual education during the years 1994-1998, which served to nationalize those controversial issues in the media. Opposition to the latter two policies had always been leading planks of the domestic Neocon agenda, uniting them with other conservatives despite their sharp differences on immigration.
That may have been the case in those days and with the “personnel” involved in California politics in that era. (You were there, after all!) However, I don’t think modern Neocons care either way about the latter 2 issues, AA and Bilingual Ed.* See, they are not actually Conservatives AT ALL.
People see them as such due to their support for the American military and constant warfare. The big difference is that during the Cold War time, there was a need for (some of) that, or Communism would have taken most of the world. See, these Neocons are nothing but former lefties who were for unilateral disarmament (by the US, of course) and calling the President “Ronnie Raygun” and that. (Of course, REAL Conservatives aren’t for war other than for defense of this country. There ARE a number of us, you know…)
What happened is these now-Neocons had been jealous of the great support the Conservatives and US military had had from the American population during that Cold War period and the power that could be projected. Once the US became the sole superpower – as it truly was for 2 decades – they wanted a piece of that action.
So, there you go – the Neocons squandered the tremendous amount of goodwill that America had built up all over the world for containing and defeating the Communists along with squandering what should have been that “peace dividend” (remember that term, Mr. Unz?), oh, and completely busting the budget.
As for support of Israel, yes, that’s a big part of it, but not all. WTF was the mid/late 1990s bombing in the Balkans all about, for example? (No interest for Israel, and none of America either.)
* You did a great job taking care of that, but once California becomes closer to fully Latino, there will be no need for bilingual anyway, as Spanish can be the sole language. The place will be lost…
• Replies: @SteveK9, @Patrick McNally
15. Anon[291] • Disclaimer says:
The Neocons and Their Rise to Power, more aptly titled as ‘Neocons, Yet Another Coven of Filthy Low Grade Kikes’
1,000’s of words, Ron, to which the only reply is ‘Duh!’.
On another note; how many boosters you up to now, Champ?
16. RobinG says:
Pretzeldunce of Trashcanistan.
• LOL: Dieter Kief
17. IronForge says:
May 1, 2023 at 6:08 am GMT • 11.3 days ago • 400 Words ↑
IIRC, Murica have been waging Plunderous Colonization Wars beyond CONUS after riding on GBRittania’s Coattails then stepping forward with the False-Flagged Spanish-Murican War.
The Modern Day “NeoCons” were/are amongst Vassal Factions of the Anglo-Murican Oligarchs+Ochlarchs which serve – the Hegemon-Plutarchy.
The Hegemon are not a Nation-State; but are a Network of Plutarchs who own/control through a Network of influential Metropolitan-Organizations such as WashingtonDC/FEDRSV WallSt/City_of_London/Brussels/WEF-Davos/Jerusalem
Plutarchs sponsor+groom their State Actors within their Vassal-States. WEF-Davos have such Forums.
The Plutarch Soros leads a Faction of principal Jewish_Diaspora Vassal State Actors in his failing quest to subjugate Russia, China, and India. Vassals include Blinken (2ndGen), Nudelman-Khagan, Kolomoiskyy, Zelenskyy, Ally(?) Yellensky (USTreasury who “visited” Zelenskyy (related family tree with similar names?), Homeland Disinformation Chair Candidate Yankowicz (who worked on Zelenskyy’s Presidential Campaign).
To “remove” Psychopath NeoCons or other Vassal Oligarch+Ochlarch Factions who may lead the Hegemony to disastrous ends – the NeoCons (in this case) AND their Sponsor-Leader Plutarch(s) will probably have to be removed.
E.g., Since Team_Soros have been engaging Russia, China, and India – in Regime Change Rackets, Nation-States/Militia/PMCs/Vigilantes from SCO/RCEP/BRICS/EAEU Stopping Team_Soros and their Associates and like minded State Actors, then repeating the process to those who follow/align with Soros’ Regime Change Schemes – just might give the surviving Plutarchs the opportunity to take a different approach towards the SCO…
As I mentioned before – I refer to the core States of the Hegemony as the “H8″:
*1 -The Greater Israel Collective” consisting of
**1A – Israel
are the Singular Essential State which will be defended by the Hegemony+Vassals
until the Land becomes unlivable due to Nuclear War or Natural Disasters(e.g.,
**1B – The
Jewish_Diaspora amongst the Hegemony could technically be “grouped” to have the
collective wealth+control which would rank them well within the “G7”.
*2 – The Vassal_G7. Murica are the “Lead Bull” Vassal-State. NATO/€U/AUKUS/GBR_Commonwealth – follow Murica’s Lead for Critical Events.
RUS/CHN/IND growing beyond the reach of the Masonic-Zionist Hegemony’s influences are a relief to those living within the SCO/RCEP Trading Blocks – even as the Hegemony will keep trying as they consume the Americas and ThemePark_€URope for themselves.
@Ron Unz – I really wished that I knew of your Site and read that California Article in 1999. Probably may have saved my Family a relocation to SoCal and ensuing Cult-Stalking Racket, rode out the IT+Mfg_Offshoring/H-1b_Surge/Dot-com Busts better for a direct move Abroad.
Kind regards,
18. Dieter Kief says:
May 1, 2023 at 6:10 am GMT • 11.3 days ago • 100 Words ↑
Th Pretzeldunce – – – is an intriguing term. – I just don’t quite get the Pretzel-Biden connection. – As I said: I liked it. Is there something more to it than that, or is it an a little bit off metaphor, that – happily enough, is fun even though? – – – Its me anyhow, but its also – – -either me – or the metaphor, hehe.
19. Ghali says:
May 1, 2023 at 6:13 am GMT • 11.3 days ago • 100 Words ↑
If one carefully assesses the U.S. foreign policy, and in particular, the role of the US Secretary of State, one will easily finds that this role is devoted entirely to defending Israel, not the U.S. For example, in his recent tour of African countries, Blinken was more interested in promoting Israel not the US. Everywhere he stopped, he urged African leaders to consider establishing diplomatic relations with Israel and boycotting Iran. the self-described liar an thief, Mike Pompeo was not different He was worse. Pompeo is often described himself as an Evangelical Zionist Christian for Israel, a purely religio-fascist. His deep ignorance goes as far as 3000 years. He said, “Israel is not an occupying nation. As an evangelical Christian, I am convinced by my reading of the Bible that 3,000 years on now, in spite of the denial of so many, [this land] is the rightful homeland of the Jewish people”.
• Replies: @chris
20. Chebyshev says:
May 1, 2023 at 6:23 am GMT • 11.3 days ago • 100 Words ↑
As the neocons rose politically, they declined intellectually. They started out as serious scholars in the area of social policy, especially crime policy in New York City, but they ended up becoming a gang that has killed a huge number of people across Eurasia.
Eventually everyone will learn about the neocons’ crimes. That, plus geopolitics shifting out of America’s favor, means the neocons are going to be toast, toasted bagels, that is.
But what about the city whence the neocons came, NYC? The great James Howard Kunstler says that NYC and other major American cities will at some point decline in population and economic complexity, and, in some cases, simply collapse. There will be even more crime and disorder than there is now. It may be that no policy can save the Big Apple. If so, it will be the fault of that city’s rotten neocon spawn.
• Replies: @Anonymous
21. JWalters says:
May 1, 2023 at 6:26 am GMT • 11.3 days ago • 100 Words ↑
Thanks for this valuably useful history of the Neocons, and their role in politics today. Hopefully this will help fuel the country’s political discussion going forward. I’ve noticed recently that numerous political programs and commentators across the political spectrum are identifying the Neocons as principle drivers of US war policies. This includes The Duran analysts and many of their guests, Steve Bannon’s War Room, Mondoweiss, Consortium News, The Kim Iverson Show, Redacted News, Tucker Carlson, Crosstalk, Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, Ray McGovern, and Col. Douglas MacGregor.
In addition to the references cited in this article, a good
account of the Straussian intellectual roots of the Neocons is given in Laurent
Guyenot’s worthwhile book (ably translated into English by Kevin Barrett),
available as a free PDF download.
Yahweh to Zion
• Agree: GMC
• Replies: @Ulf Thorsen
22. JWalters says:
“The controlling power of massive big money” …
War Profiteers and Israel’s Bank
• Thanks: Ann Nonny Mouse
23. Xafer says:
May 1, 2023 at 6:33 am GMT • 11.2 days ago • 200 Words ↑
I always wondered how neocons dont share any tents with conservatism and thus how this name applies to them. Really interesting to read history of neocon movement. The amazing dexterity with which they have occupied the policy positions of their interest across the aisle is strange, even under a populist like Trump. Prof. Hudson discussed it as self selection into policy roles but still….. The amount of success in this infiltration does not seem only to be a function of fanatical motivation. Shedding some light on this phenomenon would be useful, i guess.
Also, detailed survey of policy preference landscape over which neocon diverge with zionist preferences can be a very fruitful exercise. It appears that two have divergences as well and are not as monolithic as most people assume (as exemplified by divergence on China and Ukraine issue). Also, it can aid the program highlighted in Ron’s last article.
24. anon for now says:
Love them or hate them, you gotta give those beaks credit; they have perfected their grift!
25. Miro23 says:
May 1, 2023 at 6:53 am GMT • 11.2 days ago • 200 Words ↑
Thus, when the manifest failures of the Bush Administration led to the overwhelming victory of Barack Obama in 2008, Bush Neocons were merely replaced by Obama Neocons. Donald Trump’s unexpected triumph in 2016 brought to power the Trump Neocons such as Mike Pompeo and John Bolton, who were then succeeded in 2020 by Biden Neocons Antony Blinken and Victoria Nuland.
Rather like Henry Fords “You can have any color you want as long as it’s black”
Neo-con and neo-liberal Jews are orchestrating the current disaster.
Talking about Henry Ford, he saw the problem as far back as 1920. He could see that organized Jewry was attacking American society and gave an account in “The International Jew: The World’s Foremost Problem” (“Dearborn Independent” 1920) . He stated that it was essential for the US to stay with industry and manufacturing, and that financialization was the route to poverty, ruin and Jewish elite control. What has in fact happened, plus 9/11 and the costs of endless Jewish wars.
The US public are in very deep trouble. Meanwhile, the rest of the world is trying to escape the clutches of this Hydra.
• Agree: Bro43rd, werpor, mark green
• Thanks: true.enough
• Replies: @werpor
26. goldgettin says:
May 1, 2023 at 7:19 am GMT • 11.2 days ago • 100 Words ↑
Poly ticks. Art of the Impossible.
complexities of these realities
never cease to amaze me. This rock,
and it’s rolls, baffle me to no end.
magnitudes, amplitudes, gratitudes
and fortitude of this consciousness
astounds me daily. Sophia seems to
be infinitely elusive. Philo still has
a lot of catching up to do. Que cera ?
To space,…and beyond? Qui bono ?
You, and this site are a national treasure.
• Agree: Vito Klein
27. prongbok says:
May 1, 2023 at 7:23 am GMT • 11.2 days ago • 100 Words ↑
Neocons are subversives, plain and simple. Did Norman Podhoretz, a mere editor-in-chief, decide on his own to reverse the political philosophy of Commentary magazine, as he claimed in his book “Breaking Ranks”? An employee overruling the owners of the business? No, the neocons planned all this out, the long march through the institutions including the conservative movement and the GOP. Joe Sobran was on to them.
28. the Man Behind the Curtain says:
May 1, 2023 at 7:31 am GMT • 11.2 days ago • 200 Words ↑
Pompeo had recently served as CIA Director, and he may have called in a few favors with elements of the Israeli Mossad and had them take lethal steps to convince Netanyahu that our demands that he reassess his ties with China were of a serious nature, not to be treated lightly.
Pompeo overplayed his hand and acted as a buffoon, and his political career is likely finished. His people should be kept running the spaghetti racket and not put in serious positions of authority. The result of his cheap tricks were closer international ties to China so if anything the plan backfired, which is why this kind of mafioso thuggery is behavior unbefitting a great state. His actions did not serve the national interest and only made his faction, and the country lose respect. It isn’t like China can’t find a few million more willing to take Du’s place.
Pompeo’s time in congress was also marked by squalid attempts to live out the Godfather:
Italians are highly overrated by the American system and they can go back to
where they came from
for all I care. In the 20th century, the joke in the state department was “If
you want to make ambassador you need two last names and they can’t be Kowalski
Vercetti.” Fast forward to today, where the CEO of Booz Allen is named Horacio
Rozanski (basically “Kowalski Vercetti”) and the results are predictable.
29. Levtraro says:
May 1, 2023 at 7:48 am GMT • 11.2 days ago • 100 Words ↑
So, a group of formerly far-left trotzkytes incredibly taking over the foreign policies of a hegemon, is the cause or the consequence of the hegemon’s decline?
Me thinks is the consequence, the decline being the prequel to the take over by the loonies, much like a body with prior compromised immunity will fall victim to posterior bacterial infections.
• Agree: Miro23
30. 24th Alabama says:
May 1, 2023 at 7:50 am GMT • 11.2 days ago • 200 Words ↑
Israel and its Neocon supporters in the U.S. claim they are acting in Israel’s best interest but the results of their actions rarely confirm their claims.The Iraq War was a prime example of how not to act in one’s own interest. The War intensified Arab and Muslim hatred of Americans and Jews from Turkey to Bangladesh. Although the Gulf States and Iran were relieved to be rid of Saddam, that appreciation is long gone.
Iran’s influence was enhanced by the new Shiite majority rule in Iraq and it has has made surprising advances in weapon production as we have noticed with their drones shipped to the Russians. The recent diplomatic accord between Iran and Saudi Arabia is clearly a warning to the U.S. for coddling Israel like a spoiled brat, and to Israel for its persecution and dispossession of the Palestinians.
The Jews have a history of self-destructive policies going back 2500 years and seem to have learned nothing. We should cut them loose and let them go down alone, a very unlikely course of action since they own the U.S. Congress and we are mere bystanders.
• Agree: Joe Levantine
• Replies: @the Man Behind the Curtain
31. dimples says:
May 1, 2023 at 8:45 am GMT • 11.2 days ago • 100 Words ↑
After reading the many comments to Mr Unz’s previous article on this subject, none of which provide any real solutions to the neocon problem, I conclude that the only practical method of eliminating them is to assassinate them. After the first few the rest will pull their heads in. Surely there are practically minded Americans who can take up the challenge. Americans, after all, are known to be able to do anything.
The example of the Chinese ambassador to Yidsrael that Mr Unz provides could provide a template. Although Americans obviously love their guns and shooting lots of bullets, a more subtle approach, in which any particular assassination could not be distinguished between an accident or natural causes, would surely bring best results. The neocons might even think the CIA is after them.
• Replies: @peterAUS, @brostoevsky, @Ace
32. Franz says:
May 1, 2023 at 8:49 am GMT • 11.2 days ago • 200 Words ↑
Having their earliest roots a half-century ago
Exactly fifty years ago. A very well documented start.
The 1973 Arab-Israeli War that Golda Mair blundered into showed American Jews just how much they needed Uncle Sam’s gunbelt to wage a war of survival seeing as how they were insisting on starting wars from then on.
I was a year out of the US Navy and still very much in touch with my former boss. All the stories you hear about American Phantom jets having the Star of David spray-painted on their wings and fuselages as they were trucked across the Atlantic and then the Med to rescue Israel? All true.
The real takeaway for the Jewish leaders and rank and file was they needed the American Military-Industrial Complex alive and flush with cash and lots of new weapon’s systems or Israel would be a parenthesis in Palestinian history.
There really was a delightful mood of America First Isolation in the early 1970s too. God if we had been luckier. But with the likes of Henry Kissinger installed and more on the way, Israel had no trouble keeping the Pentagon and military contractors flush with cash… for whenever Israel needed more planes, guns, bombs, and all the rest.
Till this day it has not changed. Fifty years of American stagnation. But always guns for Israel.
33. Been_there_done_that says:
May 1, 2023 at 9:04 am GMT • 11.1 days ago • 900 Words ↑
Some thoughts about three excerpted quotes:
“…the totally fortuitous 9/11 attacks and the outbreak of war had suddenly allowed a small but determined ideological faction to seize control of a gigantic country.”
The word “fortuitous” is highly inappropriate to describe the actual circumstances and distracts from the long and careful planning necessarily involved to instigate these attacks and subsequently cover up those efforts, on behalf of the culpable individuals. Perhaps somebody might provide an innocuous explanation – but I would doubt it – for why much of the three-hour film Pearl Harbor , which provided the frame of reference for the “outbreak of war“, had already been filmed in 2000, and why Joe Lieberman was unexpectedly chosen, amid great surprise by political observers at the time, to become the running mate of presidential contender Al Gore in the summer of 2000, and why the manifesto by The Project for a New American Century invoked “…some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor” as a pretext to sway public sentiment in their desired militaristic direction.
“…the strong pressure once exerted upon the Jewish State by such varied American Presidents as Carter…”
Missing from the narrative in this essay is the fact that President Carter’s pressure on Israeli prime minister Begin, to agree to the Camp David framework in September 1978 and sign the peace treaty with Sadat of Egypt in 1979, was regarded by the Neocons as a devastating blow to the staunch Likudnik military ambitions that they also harbored. After a dozen years of occupation, Israelis had generally viewed the Sinai Peninsula as “theirs” and strongly resented the notion of being obliged to return it to Egypt for promises they did not trust. The desire for retribution against Carter triggered their alternative support of Reagan, who, as readers could read last month at this site, was a puppet of the Jewish Hollywood mafia (Jewish Control of U.S. Presidents #2 — Ronald Reagan) since the beginning of his career. This was another significant pivot in American history.
Of course Carter also established The President’s Commission on the Holocaust, in November 1978, which enabled the vast and ever expanding Holocaust Industry infrastructure of exaggerated stories, commemorations, literary fiction, and projections of power, but that seems to be taken for granted nowadays.
“…the Ukraine war, provoked by the Neocon-driven expansion of NATO and immediately followed by an unprecedented political and economic attack against Russian President Vladimir Putin and his country.”
This extremely skewed and inaccurate comment is particularly disingenuous for its blatant reversal of causalities. NATO expansion was driven by the desires of the populations and the leadership in eastern Europe to counteract the unabated threat from Russia, which became overtly evident by 1994, after Russia had failed to vacate the Königsberg / Kaliningrad region, which they had been occupying since 1945, in contravention of the UN Charter. Poland, Czechia, and Hungary, whose people had no fond memories of prior Russian occupation, thus joined NATO five years later, two years after the formal 1997 Paris agreement ,between Russia and NATO, in which Russia explicitly recognized (again) the right of countries in the region to choose their military alliances.
The comment is also somewhat humorous, for its implicit aggrandizement of the Neocons, which they do not deserve, simply because in this instance their position on Russia happens to be congruent with that of most Europeans. While there are surely a few hundreds of millions of people in that part of the world, who would like to see Russia’s regional hegemony curtailed, for existential reasons, the author seems to pretend as if though it were just a few hundred Neocons inside the DC Beltway who are “somehow” subjugating all these Europeans for the sake of their tactical whims. Had Putin not miscalculated and started the Russian military attack against Ukraine, due to his delusions and sense of historical self-glorification, there would not have been a “political and economic attack” against Russia, which had been explicitly announced would occur at the 1992 Munich Security Conference, which Russian representatives chose not to attend, because they were not interested in negotiations.
Incidentally, it was during a public symposium at the 2014 Munich Security Conference, at which a European diplomatic effort was initiated, led by Baroness Ashton from the UK, that then culminated in the agreement, supervised by representatives from Germany, France, Poland, and Russia, between president Yanukovych and the leaders of Ukrainian opposition parties, to accept early elections. (Neocon Victoria Nuland played no role in this diplomatic process, hence her intercepted phone comment “Fuck the EU“.) Since Yanukovych realized he could not win and might even face indictment, he voluntarily fled the country a few hours thereafter, upon recording his resignation in a studio, which he then retracted from his refuge in Russia. In response to this, the parliament then duly proceeded to formally remove him from power. Nonetheless, some die-hard propagandists still prefer to erroneously characterize this sequence of events in February 2014 as a “coup” instigated by Nuland.
For additional context on what I satirically referred to as a “Kooky–Cookie–Queue–Cue–Coup“, check out my comments (#20, #124, #233, #300, #334) in a thread, prompted by an essay from Philip Giraldi, just a few weeks ago:
34. wlindsaywheeler says: • Website
May 1, 2023 at 9:32 am GMT • 11.1 days ago • 200 Words ↑
What’s to say further? Jewish Power is …well…Absolute Power. This is nothing new. Fr. Hardon back in the seventies said that America is the most powerful Marxist country in the world.
The Influence of Marxism in the United States Today
This is nothing new. Charles Lindbergh
“The Jews are one of the principle forces attempting to lead the U.S. into the war. The Jews greatest danger to this country lies in their large ownership and influence in our motion pictures, our press, our radio and our Government. i am sayin that the LEADERS of the Jewish race wish to involve us in the war for reasons that are NOT AMERICAN.”
Nothing has changed. America is thoroughly a Jewish state run by a Jewish elite. America is about enforcing and spreading Cultural Marxism here and abroad and setting up their Jewish World Republic. What else is new? America is a completely Jewish state. Jewish Power is awesome to behold. —how they have a stranglehold on everything, control everything. The Jews have won.
35. Andreas says:
It is a highly theatrical almost literal exposition of smearing shit into the last tattered remnants of pride amongst the denizens of the “land of the free and home of the brave”.
…and with the absolute maximum degree of conscious intent and deliberation. Let’s not forget to add that to your extremely salient insight. Have you ever been experienced?
Moreover, this “exposition” started well before and beyond just the hapless American fellaheen, who are merely the last of the useful idiots to be exploited and on whose backs the Zionist Jews have risen to unprecedented power. It is deliberate. Let there be no doubt. Since WWII, the Goyim everywhere have been targeted with abject humiliation. It began in Germany and rapidly spread like a cancer virtually everywhere in Europe. Any European nation with hordes of 3rd-world immigrants can also be shown to be completely guilt-tripped by the Holocaust and thus under the complete psychological control of Zionist Jews. There is no such thing as a coincidence. As such, European history since WWII can be likened to a very long, slow and public prison-rape of not just the expendable bodies of the Goyim, but of their very identities, their minds and souls. It is a deep, visceral expression of abject Jewish hatred and revenge against the Goyim for having not submited to their terminally arrogant and unspeakably exaggerated sense of themselves as the Chosen Ones.
Just witness the cocky, little rat terrier Zelensky who was selected just for these attributes. Does not the mass-media ensure that we always and only see him get his doggie treat in response to his loud and abrasive yapping? The parallel is absolutely stunning. It is an excruciatingly painful symbol of total submission to Jewish domination. Talk about the tail wagging the dog that completely dominates and rules his natural and true master. One can only conclude that the dog also controls the mass-media; for this premise is eminently consistent with the perennial reinforcement of this sad state of affairs.
This is an obviously inverted and completely dysfunctional relationship. Any good dog trainer will tell you that. Ask any dog owner who has allowed such circumstances to transpire. They live in a frustrated state of hellish regret and must take conscious and deliberate steps to get the dog back under control such that the two can live together in the harmony of the true natural order. This process may be difficult, even painful, at first. It requires discipline and emotional adjustment for both the owner and the dog. And, thus, resolve must always be consciously tempered with the knowledge and conviction that not only will the owner be much happier, but the dog is ultimately always much happier, too.
Is this not where people of European descent everywhere stand in relationship to the Zionist Jews?
• Replies: @emerging majority, @Michael Fury
36. nokangaroos says:
May 1, 2023 at 10:14 am GMT • 11.1 days ago • 100 Words ↑
So DP Moynihan was patronizing the neoCohns? He must be spinning
in his grave
– The picture that emerges is one of complete lack of principles (or ideology),
just undiluted Frankist Wille zur Macht; also I
fail to see any divergence
of interest with Israel: Israel has very tangible reasons not to anger Mother
too much
(Syria, Iran, dual citizens and their very lucrative rackets);
the neoCohns OTOH are free to proceed to depopulate the Ukraine and build
the Heavenly Jerusalem-on-the-Dniepr; any Russian misgivings are easily
deflected on the Americans (who in turn are driving the Germans in front of
It´s division of labor pure and simple – the chances of Russia calling the
are unfortunately nil.
37. JFKwasmurderedbyzionist says:
May 1, 2023 at 10:28 am GMT • 11.1 days ago • 100 Words ↑
Winston Churchill in his famous 1920 article Zionism versus Bolshevism taught us that political Jews tend to divide into two camps: Zionist and Bolsheviks. In America what we are seeing is a truce, more or less, between these two camps in which the Zionist, aka the Neocons, have given the Bolsheviks, aka ANTIFA, BLM, LGBTQ etc, free reign over the society as long as they the Neocons are free to have their never ending wars for Israel. The Bolsheviks seem quite happy with this divide. I mean when was the last time you saw a big 1960s style Leftist antiwar protest? Seriously. The modern day Bolsheviks are fine with foreign wars for Israel as long as they get to teach kids about anal sex and watch Blacks burn down cities. Meanwhile Legacy Americans are bewildered, scratching their heads and wondering what happened to Woodstock.
• Replies: @Patrick McNally
38. Jim H says:
May 1, 2023 at 10:29 am GMT • 11.1 days ago • 100 Words ↑
‘Israeli leaders have been equally reluctant to join the Neocon-led campaign against China, which they regard as not in their own national interests. Indeed, I had noted in 2020 that under the Trump Administration this divergence of American and Israeli views on China may have taken a strikingly lethal turn’ — Ron Unz
As best the reader can see, this rambling 6,800 word essay ends without a summation or a conclusion. Setting aside boxed, quoted material, its final paragraph above seems to stop in mid-sentence: ‘I had noted …’
Were some paragraphs left off at the end? Otherwise, this essay lacks a punch line. It wanders here and there, then just quietly dribbles off to silence.
39. che guava says:
I agree. So much of the article is Mr. Unz quoting himself, but the brief mention of the Trotskyite link at the start, then abrupt dismissal of it near the end of the article is really poor.
Leo Strauss, Schactmann (sp?), are important parts of the flow.
Burnham also interesting, but admittedly off topic. He certainly wrote more relevant analysis than any others mentioned. Did Eric Blair (also a former Trotskyite) read The Managerial Revolution? I can’t state definitely on that, but I seem to recall a brief mention in his collected miscellaneous writings, which I have read, sure seems to have influenced 1984. Goldstein is of course a Trotsky figure.
The only parts of the article that were new so of interest to me were those where Mr. Unz writes of his own publication in neo-con journals in the past.
40. SafeNow says:
May 1, 2023 at 10:49 am GMT • 11.1 days ago • 100 Words ↑
Yesterday Ding Liren of China became the world chess champion. To use Ron’s superb term in the essay, “sharp-elbowed,” Ding is the least sharp-elbowed person one can imagine. Contrary to the Blinken-at-Anchorage sharp-elbowed style, Ding excelled by letting calm expertise, self-control, and dedication speak for him. Ding is the perfect exemplar of the advance of China on the world stage. In China, cognitive merit and rationality are recognized, cultivated, and rewarded. Fortunately for Mr. Ding, his age is 30, not 57 as in the essay, and thus he is seemingly beyond the mortality-table-defying reach of even the most audacious lunatics.
• Replies: @the Man Behind the Curtain, @Realist
41. Anonymous[231] • Disclaimer says:
May 1, 2023 at 11:42 am GMT • 11.0 days ago • 300 Words ↑
This may have been the first time I learned the true details of the 1967 incident, probably from one of Novak’s many television appearances…
…the past I’ve noted the sheer ferocity with which such Jewish activists attacked their perceived critics, thereby producing extreme caution in potential adversaries.
You have to wonder if Jewish born and raised Robert Novak’s conversion to Catholicism wasn’t at least partly motivated by what he experienced and knew and what he had to go through as one of the most prominent journalists in D.C. and one of the most prominent critics of neoconservatism?
Novak had a long, illustrious career and near the end of it he was still subjected to ongoing harassment from neocon demons. Like the most fervent promoter of the Iraq War and the guy who coined the term “axis of evil”:
David Frum, writing for National Review, essentially dismissed Novak as a contributor to the modern conservative movement in March 2003. His statement prompted a rejoinder from Novak and defenses by other commentators. Frum then wrote his book The Right Man motivated by what he called “Novak’s disregard for truth.” Novak attacked Frum again in his autobiography, labeling Frum a “liar” and a “cheat”. After Novak’s death, Frum wrote on his blog criticizing Novak while also reflecting that “Novak and I were fated always to misunderstand one another.”
When I think of a great man like Robert Novak I’m reminded of the quote from Pascal:
“It is not our task to secure the triumph of truth but merely to fight on its behalf.”
Robert Novak’s honor remains upon earth while his soul lies in the hand of God.
42. Mark G. says:
May 1, 2023 at 11:51 am GMT • 11.0 days ago • 200 Words ↑
The Neocons are just one element of a more general imperialist movement to turn America into an empire. America had started as an anti-imperialist country, rebelling against being a colony of the British empire. During many of the anti-imperialist rebellions against the European empires after that, the U.S. was widely recognized as being on their side.
This started to change with the Spanish-American war, where the U.S. first picked up some of its own colonies. We then became involved in a European continental war in World War I. However, after that our traditional isolationism largely reasserted itself. The main dividing line was World War II. We never brought all the troops home after that war and have been involved in numerous overseas wars since then.
A desire for empire often coincides with expanding government at home. One example is the British empire. Many of the British imperialists, in addition to their aspirations for empire, supported a more extensive welfare state. It was the small government classical liberal types in Great Britain who opposed both. The high cost of this expanding warfare-welfare state eventually led to the decline of the British empire. The U.S. is now following down this same road. The high costs of our warfare-welfare state have led to ballooning deficits, something that is not going to be sustainable much longer.
• Replies: @anonymous, @the Man Behind the Curtain
43. chuck lowe says:
Like most Boomers, I lived through the 80’s, 90’s and early 2000’s in a fugue state, next to Keanu in the vat.
Thanks for a really pithy (Especially considering the decades long overview.) and informative article.
44. Ron Unz says:
May 1, 2023 at 12:17 pm GMT • 11.0 days ago • 100 Words ↑
who writes these articles ron? it’s obviously more than one person.
Of course I write my own articles.
Some of the earliest Neocons had been Trotskyites.
That’s very different from the ridiculous MSM claim that most or all of the later Neocons had been Trotskyites or that the entire movement was based upon Trotskyism.
• Agree: Verymuchalive
• Replies: @Verymuchalive
45. Chuck Orloski says:
Hi, Carlton!
Thanks for the video, and am sure that you know that Patrick Buchanan called the impressive a “turkey shoot”?
46. Ron Unz says:
May 1, 2023 at 12:26 pm GMT • 11.0 days ago • 100 Words ↑
The only parts of the article that were new so of interest to me were those where Mr. Unz writes of his own publication in neo-con journals in the past.
Sure, this discussion of the Neocons hardly contained any shockingly new material.
But it had recently struck me that very little had been written about the Neocons since the end of the Bush Administration 15 years ago, yet in many respects they’d gained control of the foreign policy establishments of both political parties and were now more dominant than they had ever been in the past. As Jeffrey Sachs mentioned in one of this interviews, the Neocons have now controlled American foreign policy for over thirty years.
So I decided it was worth pointing that out and providing a brief summary of their origins along with various references to more detailed discussions.
• Agree: Sam Hildebrand, MEH 0910
• Replies: @che guava
47. the Man Behind the Curtain says:
it is a product of those decent people who tithe ten percent to Backwoods Baptist Church.
Pretty much all evangelicals are like this, not just the downscale ones (Pompeo is one).
• Agree: Realist
48. Chuck Orloski says:
Please consider reading below?
This conflict between the ZUS and Israel will be over once the Israeli lobby starts to pander to the established presidential candidates and the billions of financing starts.
49. the Man Behind the Curtain says:
The Jews have a history of self-destructive policies going back 2500 years
Definitely true. No other people could last that long while also keeping population numbers so low. A curious situation indeed.
• Replies: @24th Alabama
50. Just another serf says:
May 1, 2023 at 12:43 pm GMT • 11.0 days ago • 100 Words ↑
I’ve also sometimes suggested to people that one under-emphasized aspect of a Jewish population, greatly magnifying its problematical character, is the existence of what might be considered a biological sub-morph of exceptionally fanatical individuals, always on hair-trigger alert to launch verbal and sometimes physical attacks of unprecedented fury against anyone they regard as insufficiently friendly towards Jewish interests. Every now and then, a particularly brave or foolhardy public figure challenges some off-limits topic and is almost always overwhelmed and destroyed by a veritable swarm of these fanatical Jewish attackers.
You cannot understate the importance of Ron’s observation here. That’s how it’s done.
Also, I was astonished with the revelation that the television, of all places, truthfully discussed the US Liberty attack in the early ‘90’s.
You learn a lot at this site.
51. Rich says:
If Lee Atwater hadn’t died. HW Bush would have been reelected in a landslide. Once he lost the only guy in his circle with any common sense, HW became a victim of out of touch country club repubs who thought he couldn’t lose.
52. Carroll Price says:
• Thanks: frankie p
53. the Man Behind the Curtain says:
May 1, 2023 at 12:51 pm GMT • 11.0 days ago • 100 Words ↑
Contrary to the Blinken-at-Anchorage sharp-elbowed style,
While I am not a huge fan of Tony Blinken the Chinese side harangued him for a long period beyond the agreed-upon time limit at the start of the meeting, and said a few things that were frankly meant to humiliate. Chinese are perfectly capable of sharp-elbowed behavior themselves.
• Replies: @Realist, @frankie p
54. MLK says:
May 1, 2023 at 12:52 pm GMT • 11.0 days ago • 200 Words ↑
File it under ‘It’s darkest before the dawn,” but we’re past Peak Neocon. That cult has been positively correlated with the chapter that began with the signal events of 1989-91 and has clearly come to a close, with the only question being what signal events historians will give pride of place to when looking back on the world-historical Sad Story that has been the last three plus decades for the US.
In an obvious different way and scope, the US sabotage of the NordStreams has the feel of the Chernobyl Disaster.
Consider the analogue that played out through FDR’s four terms. First in extirpating the ‘Two Cheers For Nazism” and then Communists, who had similarly burrowed in, with these influence agents reaching their peak under Henry Wallace. Then the trigger was pulled and he was replaced with Truman.
The current denouement is almost a parodied version. Whereas the last had “Who lost China?,” we for now, at least, have radio silence over the free fall collapse of American power, prestige and influence, under the illegitimate Biden regime. With the neocons desperately trying to revive the nazi links . . .
• Agree: Dieter Kief
55. Z-man says:
Pompeo isn’t a Jew and was never a leftist. He is not a Neocon. He’s that other problem we have in this country, Christian Zionisim. He would be classified as a Neocon stooge.
• Replies: @Ron Unz, @wormssnakesbrain
56. anonymous[132] • Disclaimer says:
May 1, 2023 at 12:59 pm GMT • 11.0 days ago • 100 Words ↑
I think it can be argued that Lincoln’s war against the Southern states was the first of “america’s” imperial crusades. While fundamentally about money and expanding the power of the national government, it was marketed with specious enlightenment moralisms and fought by an “international” army; 1/3 of the U.S. Army being foreign-born (primary Germany and Ireland) by 1864. This is the reason Lincoln is such a hero to the neo-cons (see Harry Jaffa and his school). And, it’s worth bearing in mind that Southern paleocon Mel Bradford was blackballed from becoming Reagan’s Humanities man because of insufficient worship of the Illinois Ape.
57. neutral says:
May 1, 2023 at 12:59 pm GMT • 11.0 days ago • 100 Words ↑
The neocons are jews, and they came to power much earlier than mentioned in this article. One can argue that the official day when jews took full control was in 1913 when they created the US central bank. Both Wilson and Roosevelt were total neocons serving jewish interests, they entered two world wars and there is no ideological difference to those cockroaches to the current day cockroaches running the regime.
• Agree: JimDandy, Protogonus
58. Been_there_done_that says:
May 1, 2023 at 1:05 pm GMT • 11.0 days ago • 100 Words ↑
“…a prominent Israeli columnist was characteristically blunt on the matter in 2003, strongly suggesting that 25 Neocon intellectuals, nearly all of them Jewish, were primarily responsible for the war. Under normal circumstances, the president himself would have surely been portrayed as the evil mastermind behind the 9/11 plot, but “W” was too widely known for his ignorance for such accusations to be credible.”
A reminder:
Today is the 20th anniversary of the infamous “Mission Accomplished” speech by “W“, who landed in full pilot gear on the aircraft carrier before changing his clothes for his Teleprompter reader role.
Twenty years later US military personnel continue to be stationed in the Bagdad region.
• Thanks: Agent76
• Replies: @Agent76, @Dieter Kief, @Carroll Price
59. Chuck Orloski says:
May 1, 2023 at 1:06 pm GMT • 11.0 days ago • 100 Words ↑
Below, the Biden Neocons don’t like this development which can lead to Israel’s demise.
Is evident why Henry Kissinger predicted that if Israel continues it’s barbaric policies, Israel will be over in 10 years.
Post scriptum: The informative Press TV will be the first website to be taken down.
60. Emslander says:
May 1, 2023 at 1:13 pm GMT • 11.0 days ago • 200 Words ↑
This is a great article, weaving personally gained insights into a fascinating skein of obscure Administrative State history. I gained some inside experience of this battle within the State Department during my time as a junior Foreign Service officer in the Nixon years. Though very junior, I was put into a staff position that revealed to me much of the top-level cable traffic between our embassies in Europe and the Department under Rogers and Kissinger.
I’d say that the battle then going on in our foreign policy establishment was a pre-neocon struggle between some people Kissinger had brought in and the traditional Foreign Service. It was vicious and it had a number of brutalized victims, such as Rogers. It interests me that Kissinger, still taking very public positions with his occasional opinion pieces, has parted ways with the neocons in its rabid berserker approach to the Russian Federation.
Mr. Unz, I wonder if you’d assign any link between Kissinger and certain of his deputies with the neocon foreign policy brutes of later times.
61. Realist says:
Ding is the perfect exemplar of the advance of China on the world stage. In China, cognitive merit and rationality are recognized, cultivated, and rewarded.
And this is why China will eat our lunch…going away.
62. Realist says:
While I am not a huge fan of Tony Blinken the Chinese side harangued him for a long period beyond the agreed-upon time limit at the start of the meeting, and said a few things that were frankly meant to humiliate.
How could you honestly say anything about Blinken that was n0t humiliating?
• Agree: che guava
• LOL: the Man Behind the Curtain
63. HT says:
May 1, 2023 at 1:18 pm GMT • 11.0 days ago • 100 Words ↑
Neo-cons were able to garner support for wars by appealing to patriotism which made it easy to fool conservatives. Nearly every conservative was united behind them when they launched the endless Middle East wars. That has changed. Many conservatives are not buying the Ukraine war narrative. Creating wars through chicanery and then demanding Americans embrace the subsequent involvement in them no longer works with that group. Unfortunately while many conservatives are now pulling away from the neo-cons and a constant state of war, more Democrats are buying into the insanity as we see with their unified support for the Ukraine War. Of course much of that is based on the media/government demonization of Putin and linking him to Trump.
• Agree: werpor
64. Jesuitic Ziowahhabiz says:
May 1, 2023 at 1:19 pm GMT • 11.0 days ago • 100 Words ↑
Since the terrorist USEUNATO conglomerate is a very diversified mafia in every sense, neocunts will always have a place to call home in some branch of their domain. And considering how “anti-neocunt” figurines like Trump are actually neocunts in disguise and with a big, loud mouth to spew politcally marketable bullshit, their future as multipolar partners of Russia and China is more than guaranteed, or else what would they do without profiteering off of the Pentagon’s “defense” taxcattle money black hole.
Real question is if we count the likes of Theresa May and Rothschild boytoy Macron among neocunts too, since they jumped onboard Trumpet’s bombing of Syria faster than Nuland or Kagan would’ve.
65. Altai3 says:
May 1, 2023 at 1:22 pm GMT • 11.0 days ago • 500 Words ↑
The ethnic dimension of the neocons and thus their true motivations and considerations is totally jettisoned from the discourse, even with most dissident writers.
The most prominent discussion of the neocons is Adam Curtis’ “The Power of Nightmares” which makes absolutely no mention of the neocons as being all Ashkenazi Jews (Let alone what this could potentially mean for them politically) and seems to try to make sense of their actions in the context of rational American foreign policy. He concludes that they deluded themselves etc etc and that’s why Iraq got invaded despite it not making any sense. Zero mention of Israel either.
I’d say it’s deliberate but it’s quite possible that Curtis never realised or considered it that is the extent to which this whole dimension is obscured. Which leads him into making what is a kind of deranged psychoanalysis of the neocons without noticing their whole being is tied into using the US as a golem for Israel.
Despite Zionist and paranoid Jews notions, almost all Westerns make a distinction between Israel and Jews in general. And this often leads progressive Westerners not to realise just how intensely people who have never lived in Israel or had any ancestors live there seemingly feel about it. See Rachel Riley (Who surprised many by revealing her, very slight, Jewishness) and her absolutely meltdown in the UK against Corbyn.
Similarly Michael Moore’s “Fahrenheit 9/11” released a year after the invasion of Iraq makes no mention of Israel.
It’s pretty simple, the neocons are just an expression of the deep ethnocentrism of New York Jews born circa 1920-1970 and these people saw the left treating Israel like the settler colonists project it was and defected to the right since the right was more amenable to bombing brown people in the Middle East and accepting of the logic of “might makes right” and a “just world”.
They also felt that social individualism and atomisation (At least among the dominant incumbent majority) were also good for the (Diaspora) Jews and so also brought this to the right too. They eventually realised that it was not Marxism but Freidmanite free markets that were good for the (Diaspora) Jews so they were comfortable too with that on the right.
The question is, if nobody ever points this out or holds them accountable, how will they be forced to stop? They’ve now made a tremendous mistake, bourne out of deep ethnic hatred and incompetence by starting this proxy war with Russia. What will they do to chase their losses as the US becomes weaker and weaker, if they’re going to do a hail Mary they need to do it soon. What will that look like? Because right now they won’t stop until reality stops them and how much damage will that come with?
66. Agent76 says:
May 1, 2023 at 1:23 pm GMT • 11.0 days ago • 100 Words ↑
May 6, 2003 “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” – A Summary Blueprint of the PNAC Plan for U.S. Global Hegemony
Some people have compared it to Hitler’s publication of Mein Kampf, which was ignored until after the war was over.
January 6, 2016 Neocons at National Review: ‘Stop Calling Us Neocons!’
When pondering the intellectual decline of political movements, it is hard not to call to mind the former flagship publication of the Buckleyite wing of conservatism called National Review.
March 5, 2023 Why America Needs War, The Project of the New American Century (PNAC)
HOMELAND DEFENSE. America must defend its homeland. During the Cold War, nuclear deterrence was the key element in homeland defense; it remains essential. But the new century has brought with it new challenges.
67. Sir Launcelot Canning says:
And in a sane world his smarmy son, who has been incorrect countless times at the cost of lives and fiscal resources, would be discredited and exiled into irrelevance. But this is not a sane world.
• Agree: Liza
68. Agent76 says:
Thanks for the reminder and what few have insight of this time.
Jul 19, 2008 Debunking 9/11 Debunking – Let’s Get Empirical – Pt.1 of 9 A talk by Dr. David Ray Griffin
September 11, 2013 9/11 Debunked in Under 5 Minutes
July 8, 2005 Robin Cook, The struggle against terrorism cannot be won by military means
Bin Laden was, though, a product of a monumental miscalculation by western security agencies. Throughout the 80s he was armed by the CIA and funded by the Saudis to wage jihad against the Russian occupation of Afghanistan.
• Thanks: Miro23
69. GMC says:
May 1, 2023 at 1:33 pm GMT • 11.0 days ago • 100 Words ↑
And that is
just the tip of the kosher, intel,mic, financial iceberg.
In the past 30+ years, around the entire World , from the Mid East to Africa,
Europe, Eastern Europe, Central America, the US, etc. etc. etc. , the amount of
human trafficking, refugee relocation, organ harvesting, cold blooded military
murder, torture and their bases, and all the other dehumanization and
depopulation that resulted from the constant regime changes , wars, civil wars,
special intel ops – you name it kind of actions, etc. , have not been
officially reported on.
These atrocities would make Seymour Hersh’s My Lai Massacre look like just another simple war crime , if anyone were to investigate it and put it out in the open. But between the Zionist media, the intel agencies, the bought world agencies, and all the cover up government employees – I doubt that any of these crimes against humanity will be exposed.
70. Brás Cubas says:
May 1, 2023 at 1:35 pm GMT • 11.0 days ago • 100 Words ↑
I have found this piece weak. The conspiratorial thinking regarding the alleged scapegoating of Cheney and Rumsfeld is hardly convincing (granted, that is from an earlier piece). Also, the explanation for the sudden loss of a central role for Israel is just absurd; what if it never had the role that was ascribed to it by “luminaries” such as Walt and Mearsheimer? That’s way more parsimonious.
• Replies: @Brás Cubas
71. Sam Hildebrand says:
Trigger Warning Trigger Warning Trigger Warning
After all, could anyone possibly imagine fanatical libertarians being placed in total control of the Pentagon, allowing them to immediately disband the American armed forces as a “statist institution”?
72. the Man Behind the Curtain says:
May 1, 2023 at 1:55 pm GMT • 10.9 days ago • 200 Words ↑
We then became involved in a European continental war in World War I. However, after that our traditional isolationism largely reasserted itself. The main dividing line was World War II. We never brought all the troops home after that war and have been involved in numerous overseas wars since then.
A desire for empire often coincides with expanding government at home. One example is the British empire. Many of the British imperialists, in addition to their aspirations for empire, supported a more extensive welfare state.
I could not agree more. It was a British false flag operation that resulted in American involvement in WWI… the Lusitania, an ocean liner with a lot of Americans on board, was loaded with munitions, making it a legal target for U-boats under the rules of the day. Of course the Brits lied through their teeth about it and maintained through the press that the liner was an unarmed liner, thus making the sinking of the ship an act of war, or even terror, by the German navy.
Interesting comment about the welfare state, as both Roosevelt and LBJ were proponents of it as well as being imperial warmongers.
• Replies: @Wizard of Oz, @Wizard of Oz
73. Zarathustra says:
Something horrible is happening. Combine Ukraine army with Nat0 volunteers is suffering daily loses close to half a thousand. (Mc Gregor was right)
Russia is making list of countries to which they will never supply oil.
74. che guava says:
May 1, 2023 at 2:07 pm GMT • 10.9 days ago • 100 Words ↑
Thank you Ron
It’s a good introduction for those new to the history in many ways. However, I think you were incorrect to mention, then dismiss out of hand, the Trotskyite connection.
Burnham is clearly, though very interesting, off topic, Leo Strauss and Schachtmann (sp?) are central to forming the ideas that became neo-conservatism.
• Replies: @Justrambling
75. Kak says:
May 1, 2023 at 2:17 pm GMT • 10.9 days ago • 100 Words ↑
Reminds me
of the barbarism Australian special forces committed in Afghanistan that the
government tried to desperately keep a lid on by trying to censor their media.
There’s probably a lot more instances of Australian forces brutally killing
Poor bastards, women and children just for the hell of it. Absolutely zero
reason for Australia let alone America to be in Afghanistan. The concept of
karma suggests every bad act committed by a person will be repaid to that
person with a bad act. Australia and America are both going to suffer for what
they did in Afghanistan and every other country they destroyed.
• Agree: GMC
76. SteveK9 says:
To me it seems the Neocons were 100% Jews and 100% interested in using America’s military power to destroy Israels enemies. When they gained power, others joined up, and the mission morphed into using America’s military power to gain a world-wide empire, run by ….
77. Liborio Guaso says:
Unbacked currency has allowed the privileges of a few to increase, and to impose more of the same, the “best of the worst” must be used as servers.
78. Emil Nikola Richard says:
Fun trivia fact: Anthony Blinken’s step father was rumored to be the last person who spoke to the living Robert Maxwell.
79. Ron Unz says:
May 1, 2023 at 2:39 pm GMT • 10.9 days ago • 200 Words ↑
Pompeo isn’t a Jew and was never a leftist. He is not a Neocon. He’s that other problem we have in this country, Christian Zionisim. He would be classified as a Neocon stooge.
I’d strongly emphasized that the definition of “Neocon” had greatly changed over the years.
Originally, it meant moderate social scientists focused on domestic policy issue. Most of them were Jewish but certainly not all. For example, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, James Q. Wilson, and Thomas Sowell were usually put in that category. Similarly, most but not all of them had leftist roots, with Moynihan and Wilson being strong exceptions.
Then the term began referring to foreign policy hawks who were fervent partisans of Israel and usually came from Democratic Party or leftist family backgrounds, with most but not all of them being Jewish.
But after 9/11, the Neocons gained total control of the foreign policy establishment of both parties, so the term eventually faded away. I doubt whether almost any of our government officials—including Victoria Nuland or Antony Blinken—call themselves Neocons, though anyone looking at their ideology would say it’s exactly what the Neocons had been advocating 20 or 25 years ago. And the same is true about Pompeo.
Similarly, John Bolton had been regarded as an ultra-Neocon in the Bush Administration, but he always rejected that identification since he said he’d never been a leftist. But neither Bill Kristol nor John Podhoretz had ever been leftists, so by that definition they couldn’t be Neocons either.
• Replies: @Zarathustra, @Chebyshev, @Sparkon, @Johnny F. Ive
80. Kevin Barrett says:
May 1, 2023 at 2:44 pm GMT • 10.9 days ago • 100 Words ↑
This excellent series on the neocons raises the million dollar question: What strategic plan could succeed in “dislodging the neocons” ASAP? Circa 2004 I thought pushing 9/11 truth into the mainstream might do it. But that is happening glacially, if at all.
Alan Sabrosky thinks it would require some combination of coup and civil war.
Be careful what you wish for, Alan. A dollar implosion and economic collapse could make that a plausible scenario.
• Agree: Chuck Orloski
• Replies: @QCIC
81. Anonymous[304] • Disclaimer says:
May 1, 2023 at 2:46 pm GMT • 10.9 days ago • 100 Words ↑
To me it seems the Neocons were 100% Jews and 100% interested in using America’s military power to destroy Israels enemies. When they gained power, others joined up, and the mission morphed into using America’s military power to gain a world-wide empire, run by ….
A super-genius Jewish guy from a single mother who courageously exposed the (((man))) behind the curtain— and I don’t mean Ron Unz— summed it up well:
• Replies: @the Man Behind the Curtain
82. emerging majority says:
May 1, 2023 at 3:01 pm GMT • 10.9 days ago • 200 Words ↑
The rat-terrier analog for Zelensky is spot-on. Also agree that many “dog-owners” have their canine relationships precisely bass-ackwards.
Living at the terminal stage of the Piscean Age, we are presented with many such examples as these head-on assaults on the natural order. Foo-foo pooches happen to be one of my pet peeves, but not so much as the fact that most of them are far better fed and are recipients of superior medical than those who rot in American jails and prisons. The incarceration racket is a big moneymaker for the well-connected. Why is that so? With 4% of the world’s population, the U$$A “sports” 25% of its prisoners…actually more than China and India combined. It’s not quite ALL about the $$$, but it is mostly so.
With Talmudists at the helm in virtually every major institution, the results are clearly evident. Were I a good archiver and had loads of time, it would be possible to come up with the name of the Talmudist who bragged that the Chosen are the DESTROYERS. Some poster may have that name and the precise quote right at their fingertips. We all need a refresher.
• Replies: @Zarathustra
83. Robertson says:
May 1, 2023 at 3:10 pm GMT • 10.9 days ago • 100 Words ↑
A not unrelated Question:
Is Rupert Murdoch compromised? Similar to Epsteined but from the distant past?
The biggest thorn in the side of the Neocons from a public relations standpoint was a one Tucker Carlson. They are very happy he has been removed. I wonder if a chit was called in.
84. Desert Fox says:
May 1, 2023 at 3:22 pm GMT • 10.9 days ago • 200 Words ↑
The neocons aka zionists aka communists took over America in 1913 when they saddled their privately owned FED and IRS on the American people. The central banks and the graduated income tax are 2 of the 10 planks of the communist manifesto and have been used to enslave the America people with debt and deaths in the neocon wars which started with WWI right down to the war in the Ukraine, all of these wars were neocon/zionist/communist wars for the profit of the zionists who control the ZUS.
The control over America was shown by the Israeli and zionist traitors in the ZUS governments attack on the WTC on 911, which was blamed on the muslims to give the excuse to destroy the middle east for Israels greater Israel agenda. Congress aka the lower house of the knesset , knows Israel and the zionist traitors did the attack but are too cowardly to do anything about it, and this says it all about the state of zionist control over America.
Zionists are destroyers of nations and humanity.
85. geokat62 says:
Gab comment posted by Mark Taylor:
No, they did it so Jews with names like Mayorkas, Blinken, Yellen, Greenblatt, and Garland would take away their freedoms.
• Replies: @the Man Behind the Curtain
86. Zarathustra says:
He He
It is a standard practice for Jews to give the dirty jobs to Goyms, so they can
wash their hands.
• Replies: @Zarathustra
87. the Man Behind the Curtain says:
The most common Jewish surname in the United States today is “Miller” according to Andrew Anglin so Taylor and Watson are not far off. You never know…
• Disagree: GMC
88. Anon[349] • Disclaimer says:
Jews Jews Jews.
Call it like it is.
Nothing Neo about them.
They oughtta be.
89. Anonymous[978] • Disclaimer says:
May 1, 2023 at 3:59 pm GMT • 10.9 days ago • 1,100 Words ↑
But what about the city whence the neocons came, NYC? The great James Howard Kunstler says that NYC and other major American cities will at some point decline in population and economic complexity, and, in some cases, simply collapse. There will be even more crime and disorder than there is now. It may be that no policy can save the Big Apple. If so, it will be the fault of that city’s rotten neocon spawn.
1) No
question about the Neocons policy failures, or their ability to replace the
leadership of opposition organizations by stealth internal politics.
2) Neocons could only exist if they could de-legitimize their organized
3) The Jewish coalition fought its organized opposition during the New Deal,
emerged triumphant after the JFK/RFK assassinations, and then supported the
4) Since then, the Jewish coalition has used US ability to borrow from
foreigners (used the US Dollar’s status as the international reserve currency)
to escape from any control by the US taxpaying population. In particular, the
borrowed money has been spent to cement Jewish coalition control of the
Uniparty (a coalition of political machines) and the US government.
The above forms much of the background of Ron Unz’s article.
US cities have been economically obsolete since the development of
containerization and the US Federal decision to replace railroads with air and
rubber tired transport. The two developments moved industry and electronic
services to the countryside, removing the shipping and small manufacturing
foundation of the pre-1970 city, and the ability of Irish, Polish, and Italian
coalitions (which had been necessary workers in the pre-1970 city economics) to
contest urban supremacy with the Jewish coalition. Federalization of welfare
and opening immigration transformed the cities into vote farms whose
populations were supported at a subsistence level, but whose infrastructure was
not supported.
The dominance of urban vote farms depends on minimizing the cost/vote from the vote farm. Political machines, even the uniparty, have only so much money to give out. Maintaining city infrastructure would apparently have made the vote farm cost/vote high enough to lose the allegiance of at least some other essential coalition members. Further, the failure of “public housing” strongly suggested that maintaining urban “public housing” was impossible.
Consequently, the decayed infrastructures of US cities are now an insupportable burden, are not able to support any human society, and the current generation of their inhabitants are destroying what’s left.
The unity of purpose that deterioration has imparted to the Black coalition, which lives in the most deteriorated part. In part this is because the Black population is the population most dependent on vote farming and live in part of the deteriorated capital goods mentioned above, especially “public housing”.
• Thanks: Chebyshev
• Replies: @Emslander
90. Zarathustra says:
In this case DESTROYER is some kind word for excuse.
91. Anonymous[145] • Disclaimer says:
May 1, 2023 at 4:08 pm GMT • 10.9 days ago • 400 Words ↑
The continuity in this account seems to swamp the change. Any label that can encompass force of nature Dan Moynihan and nepo baby Bill Kristol is about as descriptive as guys, so the change just looks like different guys. A few specific observations:
The notion that Neocons hijacked 911 hysteria to push war with Iraq is rich. CIA was gaming war with Iraq since the 80s. Armed attack on Iraq never stopped after the first invasion, it just relied on air power for a while. And lest we forget, it was that poor isolated non-Neocon Rumsfeld who jotted the sweep-it-all-up-guidance. 911 was scripted as all-purpose war propaganda and you know whoever filled the billets was going to blow shit up.
And Cheney swimming in a Neocon sea? I don’t think he lost any sleep over it, since he was using WHCA C3 channels from the White House bunker while dynastic presidential figurehead Bush minor was getting menaced by exploding cameras, whisked around in planes, and hidden away to cower in safety. Cheney was the guy that ordered the intercepting fighters to stand down and let 911 rip.
The effortless censorship of antiwar speech after 911 had a lot in common with the squelched discourse on the banned biological weapons and medical experimentation of SARS-COV2. That indicates an institutional basis for censorship, and we can readily find that in Wisner’s Wurlitzer, Project Mockingbird, and CIA direction of Twitter and Facebook. Are we sure it was Neocons doing the purging? Who has the wherewithal for purging? The institution with impunity, I think.
Murder of legally inviolable diplomats in breach of bedrock peremptory norms? But wait, there’s more! Remember that series of key Russian dips that got whacked until Stearney got his? This is an instrument of evidently unIsraeli policy, and a telltale message of Fuck You We Do What We Want.
What emerges from the account is more like court politics than history. We have various more or less Jewy factions contending for preferment by a command structure with impunity. The noses in the limousines might be big or small but either way policy will be the same – break every rule in the book to show you can. The successful faction when ordered to jump will ask how high. Neocons always jump high as they can. Wolfowitz’ proposal to extend arbitrary power worldwide was just untimely, as even GHW Bush, DCI emeritus sinecured as formal head of state, was then constrained to commit to the ICCPR.
The definition of Neocons that emerges is successful asskissers. And the ass they are kissing is in Langley. And that is adaptive, when the command structure has the arbitrary power of impunity.
• Thanks: Chuck Orloski
92. Zarathustra says:
With instructions naturally. (m0stly continuous instruction)
93. Shamu says:
You have missed perhaps the most important insight in Ron’s article: the Trotskyite label attached to Neocons is highly overblown. Yes, there is some, but it is much lesser than historic WASP desires to conquer as much of the world as possible. The Neocons are primarily an updating of historic Yankee, which in ethno-cultural terms means New England Puritan, imperialist designs. The Neocons would have fit easily into Yankee Republican government during the Civil War and Reconstruction and then also before and during the Spanish American War. They would have led the moves to make America become allies of the British Empire in the World Wars.
John Bolton types have always existed in every English speaking country. They have never needed any bunch of Jews to make them righteously desirous of warring to rule the world and more than happy to do that by abusing the vast majority of whites over which they rule.
It also is true that WASP culture was born of a Judaizing heresy: Anglo-Saxon Puritanism. And that the first WASP elites bang making international banking alliance with Jews before the death of archetypal WASP Oliver Cromwell. WASP culture is and always has been and always will be Anglo-Zionism.
• Agree: nokangaroos, Mark G.
• Replies: @Levtraro, @Richard B
94. Height_776 says:
ambassador to Germany says his country is helping Ukraine
Ron Prosor: “We are helping, albeit behind the scenes, but much more than is
known,” the ambassador claimed.
Israel, like its Neocon dogs, is on the same side in the conflict in Ukraine.
• Agree: nokangaroos
95. Chebyshev says:
May 1, 2023 at 4:39 pm GMT • 10.8 days ago • 100 Words ↑
I doubt whether almost any of our government officials—including Victoria Nuland or Antony Blinken—call themselves Neocons, though anyone looking at their ideology would say it’s exactly what the Neocons had been advocating 20 or 25 years ago.
Since the Neocon label is not affixed to these people anymore, would the widespread revelation of the Covid attack by America against China take down the Democratic neocons, or would it only further anathematize the Republicans in the media? It could be used as an excuse by Democrats to establish a one-party neocon state, rather than our current two-party neocon state.
• Replies: @Ron Unz
96. Broken Arrow says:
May 1, 2023 at 4:39 pm GMT • 10.8 days ago • 400 Words ↑
A very honest and objective summary of the facts regarding a subject that has been all too hot for mainstream news outlets to handle over the last 50 years. You have to tip your hat to Mr. Unz for having the courage for raising these issues. I too have studied them for over 50 years but when I addressed any of them in University classes or in the local media I was viciously shouted down and rendered persona non grata decades ago. I would like to see Mr. Unz or someone else go one step further and relate these abstract ideas to some practical street level facts. The Neo Cons were mostly, but not all Jews who used America as a pit bull to fight for and protect Israel etc. That much makes sense. Now…when Israel was formed in 48 and most of the Truman Security establishment were against it and Clark Clifford sited ” domestic politics” for the reason of acknowledging Israel what did that mean exactly …like that was in 48 not the 70s. Secondly, I have always suspected that getting out Russian Jews from Russia and placing them in Israel was an obsession with world Zionists and it significantly affected American Politics; did many American Jews ( including Kissinger) in addition to the Rosenbergs sell secrets to the Soviets during Korea and Vietnam and backstab America and its fighting boys in order to expedite Russian Jews into Israel? Lastly…I have made thousands of comments about how Jews do not fight for America …like especially in Korea or Vietnam or any of the middle east wars. And I mean the front combat roles where you can die. You can go through the cemeteries of the US military and see very few Jewish names and none are on the silver star or congressional medal of honors list. While lower middle class christian sons were dying in mass in all of those wars were not Jews going to business and professional schools and accumulating capital which often went to support Israel? The later issue is why I do not like most Jews. The next war of any kind should involve a draft where you drag the Jews out of the Ivy League and Wall St and Hollywood kicking and screaming and but them and their sons in the front row.
• Agree: Brad Anbro
• Replies: @Anonymous
97. KenH says:
May 1, 2023 at 4:39 pm GMT • 10.8 days ago • 100 Words ↑
Neoconservatism is an entirely Jewish phenomenon. Showing a picture of goy Mike Pompeo and Jew Blinken doesn’t change that fact. Pompeo is a lickspittle who worships Israel because he’s a an evangelical and worshipper of Israel. Pompeo is an opportunist as are other goy neocons because the pay and benefits are pretty good.
98. Shamu says:
The reason is that WASP culture itself was born of a Judaizing heresy. So all English-speaking Protestantism is going to produce a whole lot of philo-Semitism in religious thoughts, which will lead to politics.
• Replies: @the Man Behind the Curtain
99. Rev. Spooner says:
You missed China, Iraq, Syria, etc.
100. Parand says:
May 1, 2023 at 4:59 pm GMT • 10.8 days ago • 700 Words ↑
Thank you
for this excellent summary piece on Neocons and their role in Iraq war.
Another book on Neocons where could be an interest to other people is:
“The Neoconservative Revolution: Jewish Intellectuals and the Shaping of Public
Policy” by Murray Friedman, 2005
The creation of Israel is a WESTERN project let by Jewish mafia
bankers, Rothschild, to implant Israel in the region to create a source of
tension, putting one against the other to weaken and partition the regional
states in the middle east and North Africa to prevent unification of the Arabs
who ‘have one language and one religion in a wast amount land’. What we see
today is the work of number of centuries. That’s why you see the full support
of the criminal west including Russia, where repeatedly said: “Israel has a
right to defend itself”, therefore is allowed to bomb Syria on a daily bases
without any objection from either Russia or Putin.
The Bush regime came to power with a plan. The 9/11 terror, designed by the
neocons, majority were Jewish, to bring the world under US hegemony to destroy
Israel’s enemies to erect ‘greater Israel’.
As professor STEPHEN J. SNIEGOSKI wrote:
However, a group of men and women in and out of government proposed war with
Iraq even before 9/ll. These were the neoconservatives – including such leading
Bush administration officials as Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith,
and L. Lewis “Scooter” Libby.
The George Bush advisor who was sitting behind the closed door
to give advise on foreign policy to George Bush, Philip Zelikow, in 2004 at a
talk said the following:
{Why would Iraq attack America or use nuclear weapons against us? I’ll tell you
what I think the real threat is and actually has been since 1990 – it’s the
threat against ISRAEL. Zelikow told a crow at the university of Virginia on
Sept 10 2002. friday
16 April, 2004}
The reason names such as Dick Cheney is very prominent in Iraq
war, is that Cheney was involved with JINSA, where was pushing for Iraq war and
now for Iran war, deeply. Cheney was member of the board of advisors of the
Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) before becoming vice
president. He has been rewarded by JINSA, close to likut party (like FDD).
JINSA has given awards to other neocons, Jewish and non jewish, like:
1982: Senator Henry M. “Scoop” Jackson, 1984: Ambassador Jeane J. Kirkpatrick,
1991: Dick Cheney, Secretary of Defense, 1997: Senator Joe Lieberman, 2002:
Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy Secretary of Defense, 2003: Congresswoman Jane Harman ,
2006: Senator John McCain, 2012: Senator Lindsey Graham.
JINSA played an influential role in wedging the Iraq war, deceiving the public
that Iraq (Saddam) was a threat to US. Jinsa was very active in selling FAKE
policy, that Israel’s interest and security is US’s interest and security.
Jinsa like FDD, now is pushing for Iran military attack.
While U.S. policy traditionally stressed stability in the Middle East, “[T]he
neocons called for destabilizing existing regimes…. Likudnik strategy saw the
benefit of regional destabilization for its own sake – creating as it would an
environment of weak, disunified states or statelets involved in internal and
external conflicts that could easily be dominated by Israel…. Thus, unlike a
true ‘cabal,’ characterized by secrecy, the neoconservatives’ was a
‘transparent cabal’ – oxymoronic as that term might be.”
During the l990s – long before the 9/ll terrorist assault – the
neoconservatives were quite open about their goal of war in the Middle East to
destabilize Iraq and other enemies of Israel. Sniegoski cites a l996 paper
entitled “A Clean Break: A New Strategy For Securing The Realm,” published by
an Israeli think tank, the Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political
Studies. Included in the study group that prepared the report were figures who
later loomed large in the Bush administration’s war policy – Richard Perle,
Douglas Feith, and David Wurmser. Stephen J. Sniegoski writes:
[During the l990s – long before the 9/ll terrorist assault – the
neoconservatives were quite open about their goal of war in the Middle East to
destabilize Iraq and other enemies of Israel. Sniegoski cites a l996 paper
entitled “A Clean Break: A New Strategy For Securing The Realm,” published by
an Israeli think tank, the Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political
Studies. Included in the study group that prepared the report were figures who
later loomed large in the Bush administration’s war policy – Richard Perle,
Douglas Feith, and David Wurmser.].
• Replies: @Samavat, @RichardDuck
101. QCIC says:
The powers behind or above the Neocons seem to be driving towards such a collapse. I don’t know if this stems from unchecked hubris or a plan, though it seems highly premeditated. There is a good chance “they” will be more powerful after such a scenario, unless there is a period of real anarchy to wipe the slate clean. Such a period would be very bad for most of us.
I think the best hope is destructive infighting between the top power groups (mostly Jewish?). If I were an optimist I might guess that Trump hoped to play this card to support his own dynasty.
102. Wizard of Oz says:
Thank you for drawing on your decades of knowledge of people who were plausibly described as neocons to inform UR readers about what you are referring to when you write of neocons.The welcome nuance does however leave your denunciations of neocons and recent actions a little short on substance. Not content with merging with neoliberals you have them now not even applying the label to themselves and I am not persuaded that, however well you once knew them that you can now reliably say what a neocon stands for. Specifically I suspect that the virulent Jewish, including specifically Israeli, lobbies in America are poisonous in a way that cannot reliably be used to tar neocons in the 2020s. A not very close, but usefully suggestive, approach to classifying a good number of them might be Englishmen who have been at Eton or Winchester and gone on to debate at the Oxford and Cambridge Unions in a high minded way. Obviously Israel creates complications and it must often have been the case that it gave comfort when supporting principle was also good for Israel. Though I am in no position to make a case for them as high mindedly taking over the leadership and philanthropic roles of the WASPs I remain open to that containing an element of truth. I reject the idea that they pushed the CIA into pulling off a coup in early 2014 (and certainly see no evidence that you know anything that implicates the US inillegality ) and see no problem in providing encouragement and support for a Colour Revolution.
• Replies: @Brás Cubas
103. Monoculture says:
May 1, 2023 at 5:26 pm GMT • 10.8 days ago • 200 Words ↑
How true: “Expect this kind of draconian legislation to be forthcoming in any and all countries where White people reside, as we are ‘legally’ being prevented from even discussing our genocide. This follows right on the heels of Florida passing the most aggressive anti-1st amendment legislation of any state in order to protect the ‘chosen’ people who seek to enslave us all for eternity.”
Sicily is also an island in Europe, but unlike Ireland, it has fortunately not (yet) been the main target of the oriental-negro invasion prepared and directed by Jewish influence and the effects of its geopolitical destructiveness. Mr. “Jazzhands” cruises this place and invites to a 3 h entertaining journey, because only behind closed (car) doors you are still shielded from ZOG agents in Jewrope.
104. Dieter Kief says:
Photo with the fake halo of Mission Acomplished GW Bush is interesting.
105. werpor says:
May 1, 2023 at 5:40 pm GMT • 10.8 days ago • 400 Words ↑
Financialization is a means of buying up a countries productive assets. When a small tribe of actors, totally loyal to the tribe, engage in a concentrated campaign of control, most certainly by owning the means of creating the money, their advantage is absolute.
Obviously Henry Ford understood the power of Jewish money. When lenders lend to friends and withhold loans from anyone not of the tribe it is obvious why enterprises become monopolized. It only requires patience; sooner or later the tribe own everything. When an entrepreneur seeks additional funding after achieving a healthy degree of success and the lenders refuse to lend it is hardly surprising he is made an offer he dare not refuse. His competitors, hardly his equal, are gradually bought up and financialized. Wall Street lenders underwrite monopolizing by consolidation. They have unlimited access to capital. After succumbing himself, the entrepreneur watches Wall Street manufacture a corporate entity. Shares are offered and enough of the total book is sold to recover the total investment while control is retained by the consolidators. The new corporations monopoly power is then used to lobby for corporate tax relief. …And for policies which relieve it of responsibility for any harm it may do.
The financialized entity is more or less run into the ground if the plan is to offshore the enterprise. The offshored enterprise of course borrows money or issues debt instruments to fund relocation. Of course the monopolized entity is in a position at that point to sell back into the market it abandoned. Products are landed at cost plus a huge markup and are then able to adjust prices downward which keeps competitors out of the market or marginalized. …And still make huge profits.
Capital accumulates offshore. Those profits are then deployed to continue the process, described above, throughout the world.
Henry Ford was right. The Federal Reserve underwrites the entire process. The Federal Reserve is a private entity. The entire ‘economy’ has been made subservient to Jewish power and influence.
One certain consequence is an increasing absence of entrepreneurial activity at the grass roots. And large corporations are only entrepreneurial in so far as their tax planners or legal departments or bureaucratic capabilities are concerned. These huge financial conglomerates suppress anything which countervails their hegemonic intentions.
The enormous tax revenues which flow into the coffers of the federal government are redistributed to corporations by so many means as to defy one’s imagination. But most certainly corporate control and banking control, and political control is in the hands of a small tribe of Jewish tribe.
• Agree: 24th Alabama, nokangaroos
• Replies: @Miro23
106. 24th Alabama says:
Perhaps they
are kept around because they have a part in the final act.
But God is merciful and he realizes that Jews are an awful nuisance,
so he allows us to cull the flock from time to time.
The Jews
returned to the Levant because it was the Arabs’ turn to do
the culling, after the Germans and Slavs had done their part.
107. the Man Behind the Curtain says:
Nothing like being raised by a single mother to make you hate women and love truth. Make women property again!
108. Patrick McNally says:
“WTF was the mid/late 1990s bombing in the Balkans all about, for example?”
A problem which the Israel lobby has always had to deal with is how to sell USians on the idea that supporting Israel is good. For the first couple decades after the founding of Israel, a lot of appeals could be made to liberals with the cry of “poor little Israel!” After the 1967 war, this began to shift. Not at all at once, there are still leading Democrats like Pelosi who gush about supporting Israel, but the sentiment started slowly changing at the grassroots level after 1967.
The approach pioneered by groups like JINSA was to present support for Israel as a “national security” issue in the context of the Cold War. Moscow aided some Arab states, so the interests of the US supposedly required supporting Israel. This in turn required supporting a lot of other Cold War policies. The founding neoconservatives were major Cold Warriors.
Then the Cold War ended, and the issue came up of what would replace. If an anti-interventionist sentiment took hold among the US public, this would also mean greater reluctance to take on wars that might really benefit Israel. So, an effort was made by neoconservatives in the 1990s to develop arguments about how a US global presence was still needed. The Balkan Wars of the 1990s were one of the settings for this. There wasn’t any clear Israeli interest in supporting or overthrowing Milosevic. But promoting this intervention helped to keep the embers burning for an eventual invasion of Iraq which, in turn, it was hoped would enable the surrounding of Iran.
Today the problem is that the US public was clearly not so turned on by the War on Terror as they had been previously with the Cold War. It’s just easier to scare with talk about Russia and China as a threat than it is with Iran. So, neoconservatives have gone back to emphasizing Russia and China at precisely a time when Netanyahu would like to work out better relations with these countries. Netanyahu has also been pretty friendly with Orban in Hungary, and he probably is viewing the West as a power in decline. But neoconservatives have to sell to Western audiences. So that creates a conflict of priorities.
• Thanks: Achmed E. Newman
• Replies: @Brás Cubas
109. Marielle Redclaw says:
The Neocons
You misspelled war pigs
May the devil create a tenth circle in hell just for these filthy creatures
• Agree: Zarathustra
110. Odd Rabbit says:
Brilliant article by Ron Unz. I must confess once again that the more I read his writings the more I admire his creative intellectual capacity and moral awareness. Such a man is needed to lead the western world.
111. Ulf Thorsen says:
Thanks!(no button)
112. Ulf Thorsen says:
Guyenot lost any respect for his work that I had ever previously given him with his claim that no planes hit the towers during 911. From that point on he, and anything he has to say, went into File 13.
113. Ron Unz says:
May 1, 2023 at 6:51 pm GMT • 10.7 days ago • 100 Words ↑
Since the Neocon label is not affixed to these people anymore, would the widespread revelation of the Covid attack by America against China take down the Democratic neocons, or would it only further anathematize the Republicans in the media? It could be used as an excuse by Democrats to establish a one-party neocon state, rather than our current two-party neocon state.
Perhaps. But I’d like to think that the unprecedented scale of the Covid disaster would cause the destruction of our bipartisan American regime. After all, the alleged Ukrainian biolabs were opened and remained under Obama and Biden, while the latter ordered the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines. And our biowarfare infrastructure has been created and maintained under both political parties.
My historical analogy is the Chernobyl disaster that helped bring down the USSR:
• Agree: the Man Behind the Curtain
114. wormssnakesbrain says:
He would be classified as a Neocon stooge.
Good description.
I’ve called these thug idiots, “Neopets, Yidpets”.
115. Brás Cubas says:
May 1, 2023 at 7:01 pm GMT • 10.7 days ago • 200 Words ↑
Specifically I suspect that the virulent Jewish, including specifically Israeli, lobbies in America are poisonous in a way that cannot reliably be used to tar neocons in the 2020s
As I
intimated in my previous comment, that “Israel lobby” hypothesis, which gained
some latitude after the book by Walt and Mearsheimer, though it was never
widely accepted, lost what little power it had with the latest developments in
Ukraine — and Ron Unz’s present piece helped bury it, albeit unintentionally.
If Israel (and its agents of influence) had sufficient power to cause a war to
be fought (in Iraq) which they would profit from, then how do you explain that
they do not have sufficient power to prevent one war (in Ukraine) and a series
of belligerent actions and words (against China) which are against Israel’s
Ironically, it’s a “neoconservative scholar” who, in Ron Unz’s acount, accuses
Jews of being influent, only this time on the Left. As you can see, two
(factions) can play this game.
• Disagree: Zarathustra, ariadna
• Replies: @Iris, @Wizard of Oz
116. Colin Wright says: • Website
May 1, 2023 at 7:04 pm GMT • 10.7 days ago • 100 Words ↑
‘…One difficulty is that the very term “Neocon” used here has actually become much less meaningful than it once was…’
One could argue that in at least one sense, ‘Neocon’ has become more meaningful than ever.
The ADL’s bete noir, Tucker Carlson, once commented that ‘the Neocon cries out as he strikes you.’
That’s definitely an inside joke, but it explains the ADL’s animus, and it also relies on ‘Neocon’ having come to mean ‘Jew.’
• Replies: @ariadna
117. Colin Wright says: • Website
May 1, 2023 at 7:12 pm GMT • 10.7 days ago • 100 Words ↑
‘…Furthermore, over the last two decades, the national security-focused Neocons have largely merged with the economically-focused neoliberals, forming a unified ideological block that represents the political worldview of the elites running both American parties…’
To be frank, it’s more of a unified ethnic block. The ideological emphases vary widely, but none vigorously oppose the particular projects of their various co-religionists. Bill Kristol doesn’t fret over-much about open borders, and Bernie Sanders soft-pedals his criticism of Israel.
Ultimately, they all work together — and they crush anyone who challenges their emerging monopoly of power. Right now, we’re seeing if they can do it to Tucker Carlson.
118. Colin Wright says: • Website
May 1, 2023 at 7:21 pm GMT • 10.7 days ago • 100 Words ↑
‘…But consider that just a few months earlier, we had publicly assassinated a top Iranian leader after he was lured to Baghdad for peace negotiations, an act vastly more weighty than the plausible deniability of a middle-aged diplomat being found dead in his own home of unknown causes…’
Yes — but we murdered Soleimani at the behest of the Israelis; the killing of the Chinese ambassador would have been defying them.
119. Chris Moore says: • Website
May 1, 2023 at 7:35 pm GMT • 10.7 days ago • 500 Words ↑
Indeed, early in the conflict, then Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett had brokered peace talks between the Russian and Ukrainian governments, with an agreement apparently being close before Britain’s Boris Johnson was dispatched to Kiev and vetoed the proposal.
The Synagogue of Satan in its current incarnation us run out of
the City of London and Wall Street, not Tel Aviv.
Israel currently takes its orders from the Synagogue of Satan Western HQ, or didn’t you notice how Netanyahu quickly clipped the ears of upstart Bennet/Yuval Noah Harari and the liberal Zionist coup attempt and forced them back into the “Get Russia” camp because it’s in Judeofascism’s near term interests to undermine Iran and Syria-allied Russia.
This is about Judeofascism’s long term Zionist agenda of moving the Synagogue of Satan back to Jerusalem to run the world’s moneychanger grift, but doing so incrementally.
Israeli leaders have been equally reluctant to join the Neocon-led campaign against China, which they regard as not in their own national interests. Indeed, I had noted in 2020 that under the Trump Administration this divergence of American and Israeli views on China may have taken a strikingly lethal turn
China is the parasites long-term milking cow, but it’s not ready yet.
Kikestan, like Hollywood, like MSM, like the intelligentsia Chattering Classes, gets nearly all of its funding from Synagogue of Satan West Globalist Ponzi, so it marches to their tune. Indeed, the fallen, hollowed out American and Anglosphere economy now gets much of its financing from the Globalist grifters, so its new slogan should be “We’re all war whore Zionists now!” Or maybe, “We’re all in the thrall of the Globalist pyramid scheme run by the Synagogue of Satan West moneychangers now!” Or maybe, “We’ve all sold our souls to the Globalists for 30 pieces of silver and are entirely drooling Zoglodytes now!”
But those slogans are pretty shameful and ignoble and hardly the stuff of inspiration, even though true. So Americans will continue with their identity politics theater as the Synagogue of Satan West secretly runs the show, the whole time pretending that they (Zoglodytes) aren’t Judas incarnate. Eventually Jerusalem will be giving the orders, though.
That’s the long term Zionist plan, at least.
Are these concepts a Christian narrative, or are they basically reality?
Is Christian Logos the means by which the Synagogue of Satan will be comprehended, apprehended, and ultimately defeated, or is that all just “paranoid, backward, dangerous Christan superstition”?
The ((jews)) and their Zoglodyte stooges all say “Oy! You forgot to take your meds!” Funny how they’re all in Judeofascism lockstep on that profitable, Big Pharma hasbara.
Kikes are big on medicating their own children, too. It’s a form of pharmaceutical circumcision/mutilation/brainwashing/transitioning. Yuval Noah Harari and Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates are definitely on board that element of ZOG.
These are the poisonous fruits of a bad tree. Mathew 7:17 – 20.
• Agree: Zarathustra
• Disagree: the Man Behind the Curtain
• Replies: @the Man Behind the Curtain
120. peterAUS says:
May 1, 2023 at 7:41 pm GMT • 10.7 days ago • 200 Words ↑
….the only practical method of eliminating them is to assassinate them…
Not really.
After the first few the rest will pull their heads in.
They won’t. Even if “the first few” happens, which is unlikely for reasons explained below, they’ll use the state mechanism(s) to eliminate real, and percieved, threats.
….any particular assassination could not be distinguished between an accident or natural causes, would surely bring best results…
That requires a combination of character and more importantly skillset/experience people who could be willing to sacrifice themselves for the cause simply do not have. I guarantee you that not more than 1 % of people frequenting this online pub, for example, would have a clue as to how to even create a target package, let alone execute (pun intended) it. The Five Eyes have outfits who can do it in their sleep.
Besides, the problem of “neocons” is a bit more complicated than the author and most commenters appear to believe. Complicated and brief commenting to socialize online don’t go well together.
• Replies: @Colin Wright
121. Charles Pewitt says:
May 1, 2023 at 7:49 pm GMT • 10.7 days ago • 200 Words ↑
Reagan pushed open borders mass legal immigration and amnesty for illegal alien invaders.
Reagan put a member of the Bush Organized Crime Syndicate on the ticket in 1980.
Reagan brought the Jew-controlled Neo-Conservative faction into the GOP.
Reagan gave amnesty to 3 million illegal alien invaders in 1986.
Reagan’s three great mistakes:
1) Bringing the Neo-Conservatives into the GOP;
2) making Bushy Boy #1 his VP;
3) giving amnesty to 3 million illegal alien invaders in 1986.
The massive federal government debt of Ronald Reagan was a combination scheme of Reagan and the Federal Reserve Bank. The ruling classes of the European Christian nations went full-bore financialization and debt for the USA is a function of having the global reserve currency.
Reagan’s three good deeds:
1) He saw the Russian people as separate from the Soviet Union;
2) He went whole hog military Keynesianism;
3) Reagan’s wife, Nancy, never liked the money-grubbing scumbag rats in the Bush Organized Crime Syndicate.
• Replies: @Desert Fox
Another great vid. (no button).
123. Samavat says:
May 1, 2023 at 8:00 pm GMT • 10.7 days ago • 400 Words ↑
[The reason names such as Dick Cheney is very prominent in Iraq war, is that Cheney was involved with JINSA, where was pushing for Iraq war and now for Iran war, deeply.]
They are doing the same now. JINSA like FDD is pushing for a military strike against Iran for the interest of ISRAEL. They don’t give a damn about American people’s scarifies, only care about the mafia’s interests. Jinsa writes:
[Iran Is Attacking the U.S., So Why Aren’t We Striking Back? The United States is not quite done with war in the Middle East. In fact, coalition troops in Syria regularly fall under attack by Iranian-backed forces. Yet the U.S. rarely responds militarily to such strikes. That stands in stark contrast to Israel’s frequent attacks on Iranian groups in Syria, and their infrequent response.
Mark Dubowitz CEO of the terrorist FDD foundation, does the same and is advocating a military attack on Iran in his twitter account on a daily basis and is not blocked by twitter either!
{{Mark Dubowitz
What the
regime in Iran started in the Middle East now has spread to Myanmar.
Time to escalate sanctions pressure on the regime. And take a page from the
Israeli playbook. Destroy drones and drone factories on the ground inside
This is a warning to those delusional people who are coming here, trying to dilute the Neocons’ role in waging wars around the world to promote protect the Mafia from criticism.
At the present time, Mossad has a decisive role in the war in Sudan, but NO zionist media has written a word about Israel’s presence in Sudanese civil war, to partition the country further into smaller pieces, like when Israel and its army ‘safe Darfur’ spread lies about Al Bashir, former president, accusing him of ‘child slavery’ to promote the civil war in Sudan, to create chaos to be used in partitioning Sudan, erecting an independent entity,South Sudan to ship Mossad as ‘businessmen’ into the new state, like what they are doing in North of Iraq. Then, Israel used its influence in Trump’s regime through Kushner to force FAKE ‘abraham accord’ on people of Sudan, using blackmail. The two Generals in Sudan fighting each other, are agents of Mossad. No word is circulated on Israel’s ROLE in the war in Sudan, only about Russia and to some extent UAE. The zionist media keeps Israel’s role secret.
124. Emslander says:
May 1, 2023 at 8:07 pm GMT • 10.7 days ago • 100 Words ↑
The US Federal Government appears to be unworkable, and something different will likely emerge after the 2024 political contest. I cannot even guess what will emerge in 2024, except that the Neocons won’t be powerful anymore.
I think you’re correct on all points. It seems possible that most of the functions of the Federal government could disappear tomorrow and the only effect will be the increase in the numbers of unemployed. However, if some kind of election goes forward in 2024, the winner will assume all the emergency powers we didn’t know about and carry on in a cold, dark continent until forced to defend itself from its external enemies.
125. Charles Pewitt says:
May 1, 2023 at 8:14 pm GMT • 10.7 days ago • 200 Words ↑
Billionaire Dirtbag Antipodean RUPERT MURDOCH Pushes Neo-Conservative Propaganda.
Rupert Murdoch allows the evil, demonic Jews in the Neo-Conservative mob to push open borders mass legal immigration, mass illegal immigration, amnesty for illegal alien invaders, sovereignty-sapping trade deal scams, endless war and foreign interventionism, White Genocide and multicultural mayhem.
Rupert Murdoch owns and controls the New York Post, Fox News and the Wall Street Journal.
Rupert Murdoch and all minions of the Murdoch Organized Crime Syndicate must be financially liquidated and then they must be legally and forcibly and permanently exiled to concentration camps in a hot and humid and fetid part of sub-Saharan Africa.
Wall Street Journal owner Rupert Murdoch and WSJ editorial page editor Paul Gigot may surpass most Jews in their support for nation-wrecking mass immigration. Gigot is notorious for allowing Jewish writers to push for mass immigration in the editorial pages of the Wall Street Journal. Very rarely does Gigot allow a writer from the European Christian ancestral core of the USA make the case for immigration reductions.
Baby Boomer money-grubber Wall Street Journal readers love the smell of cheap labor from mass legal immigration and mass illegal immigration and those bastards love financialization and globalization and multiculturalism and they love the fact that regular White Core Americans are under attack from mass immigration-induced WHITE GENOCIDE.
Quantitative Tightening Now!
Twenty Percent Federal Funds Rate Now!
Pop The Asset Bubbles And Financially Liquidate The Readership Of The Evil Neo-Con WSJ!
126. Charles Pewitt says:
Kevin McCarthy And The Rancid Politician Whores In The Evil Republican Party Are Filthy Puppets For Demonic Neo-Conservative Scum:
Tweet from 2015:
127. 36 ulster says:
I was tempted to believe that Lind’s opinion would change in the past twenty years, that he would get on the Gallant Ukraine Bandwagon, blue-and-yellow virtue semaphores and all. But nope, his article from 2022 in tablet,com, entitled The End of Citizenship, proves that he’s been consistent.
128. Franz says:
I asked this once too. Never got an answer.
Goes on year after year and nothing is done about it. One more thing on the “don’t notice” list?
129. anon[365] • Disclaimer says:
May 1, 2023 at 8:32 pm GMT • 10.7 days ago • 100 Words ↑
Time has showed that he was right…but it’s a double edged sword as the damage is already done. Iraq was declared war on thanks to Jew pressure in the early 90s, then followed up with a full scale invasion based on Jew lies about WMDs under Bush Jr. Syria, Libya, and constant attempts to provoke Iran in order to destroy that country have also happened since then.
Population replacement – which was laughed about before the 1990s as absurd that a 90% White population could become a minority, is now pretty much a done deal – Whites are probably less than 50% of the population if illegals are counted and they should be.
130. Patrick McNally says:
“Winston Churchill in his famous 1920 article Zionism versus Bolshevism taught us that political Jews tend to divide into two camps: Zionist and Bolsheviks.”
Churchill was delusional. Many more Leftist Jews were Menshevik or Social Revolutionary (whether taken separately or together) than were Bolshevik, until the White pogroms began. As it happens, these 3 factions, the Social Revolutionaries, Mensheviks, and Bolsheviks, were the only parties which held any significant popular support from Russians. The SRs were the most popular party among Russian peasants. Among the urban working classes, the Mensheviks and Bolsheviks competed for support, with the Mensheviks usually gaining a lead during ordinary times. Churchill was simply displaying his own Right-wing antagonism towards the general Left by lumping SRs and Mensheviks in with Bolsheviks. Of course, the majority of Russian Jews in 1917 tended to support the Constitutional Democrats, rather the Left-wing parties. The average Russian Jew in 1917 was comparatively more conservative than the mass of Russians.
• Replies: @annamaria
131. Colin Wright says: • Website
May 1, 2023 at 8:34 pm GMT • 10.7 days ago • 200 Words ↑
‘…Not really.
After the first few the rest will pull their heads in.
They won’t. Even if “the first few” happens, which is unlikely for reasons explained below, they’ll use the state mechanism(s) to eliminate real, and percieved, threats…’
Meh. There’s also the argument that most of the enemy assume they’re safe — and so carry on.
If they perceived a danger — realized they might actually have skin in the game — they’d likely quit pushing their line.
Let’s suppose I, for example, like to go down to the local bar ‘n grill and endlessly shoot my mouth off about blacks. Normally, I could get away with that: even those who disagreed would agree I had a right to say it.
Now, suppose the Black Biker Brothers are breaking their road trip when I walk in.
…well, I’m going to have to feel pretty passionate about my cause to speak up right then. A whole lot of people would decide discretion was the better part of valor — at least for the nonce.
132. Brás Cubas says:
analysis assumes that the Jewish diaspora knows what’s good for Israel better
than the Israelis themselves. And furthermore they have a long-term strategy
that is invisible to the Israelis! The parsimonious hypothesis here is rather
that the Jewish diaspora doesn’t care all that much for Israel.
The American support for Ukraine and everything they are doing vis-à-vis China
provide evidence for my assertion. And the demonization of Trump strengthens
that evidence. Unlike his alleged support of Russia, his support of Israel is
uncontroversial and may have been considered excessive by the American security
apparatus and by the press (which some say are actually one and the same).
Russiagate may have been just a smokescreen: while they wanted to avoid talking
about Israel explicitly, they didn’t want a president which was liable to
listen to Israeli interests which might prove obstructive to their anti-Russia
(and anti-China) agenda.
• Replies: @Patrick McNally, @Colin Wright
133. Mr_Chow_Mein says:
May 1, 2023 at 8:45 pm GMT • 10.7 days ago • 100 Words ↑
Call them neocons, call them Normans, Stalinist Maoist etc…etc. What they all have in common is power and their lust for absolute power.
The way we do power doesn’t serve the vast majority of humanity but people seem powerless to come to a consensus for a new way.
The hardest thing most people find to do is think about a possible different way when there isn’t a dollar attached to that thinking…but thinking for a better way is a reward for all humanity for it is the chasing of the dollar that is a meaningless pursuit because once you believe you have enough they just devalue it by printing more.
Americans are about to get a lesson in the meaninglessness of dollar chasing as the world who has been exploited by the greenback now destroy its value.
• Agree: Zarathustra
• Replies: @Protogonus
134. Desert Fox says:
To see who Reagan was, get the book , The Trance-Formation of America by Cathy O’Brien and there is plenty in this book about GHW Bush and Bill and Helliary Clinton and a lot more, also see her videos on youtube.
The book can be had on amazon.
135. Sparkon says:
May 1, 2023 at 8:55 pm GMT • 10.7 days ago • 100 Words ↑
I’d strongly emphasized that the definition of “Neocon” had greatly changed over the years.
Like all labels, the definition of Neocon can and has been changed to suit the purpose, and/or it has become deprecated, or fallen out of favor.
Similarly, John Bolton had been regarded as an ultra-Neocon in the Bush Administration, but he always rejected that identification since he said he’d never been a leftist. But neither Bill Kristol nor John Podhoretz had ever been leftists, so by that definition they couldn’t be Neocons either.
What?! Far from being on the Left, Neocons are far Right-wing, thinly veiled Fascists.
• Replies: @the Man Behind the Curtain, @Chris Moore, @Ron Unz
136. Protogonus says: • Website
May 1, 2023 at 8:59 pm GMT • 10.6 days ago • 100 Words ↑
What is a “neocon” but a talmudist in political drag clothing? I mean, the original neocon (Leo Strauss, d. 1973) was precisely this.
And today, what are the genocidal talmudists, as sectarian tribalists, doing openly against all nations, post-Soviet Russia above all? Read to learn the history and the danger to you:
Note that to read the article, simply SCROLL DOWN; no sign-in is necessary. Thanks.
137. Colin Wright says: • Website
May 1, 2023 at 9:00 pm GMT • 10.6 days ago • 500 Words ↑
‘…I’ve also sometimes suggested to people that one under-emphasized aspect of a Jewish population, greatly magnifying its problematical character, is the existence of what might be considered a biological sub-morph of exceptionally fanatical individuals, always on hair-trigger alert to launch verbal and sometimes physical attacks of unprecedented fury against anyone they regard as insufficiently friendly towards Jewish interests…’
To be fair, I think that this behavior may precede Jewish control of the gentile world and even today often seems to be directed against Jews who stray too far from the fold as well as gentiles. One thinks of Goldstone and Toaff — and even figures such as Paul Krugman have made remarks that suggest they refrain from commenting out on Israel as much out of a sense of self-preservation as out of a genuine indifference.
It occurs to me that this may go right back to the kahal of the old shtetl — that Jewish self-governing body that policed its members and vigorously punished dissidence. In other words, the impulse didn’t originate with Jewish power — it merely extended its purview. It’s not about a Jewish impulse to suppress gentile dissidence — it’s about a Jewish impulse to suppress dissidence period.
• Replies: @mulga mumblebrain, @Wielgus
138. Protogonus says: • Website
No, they are all crypto-talmudists! See our comment #134 above.
139. anonymous[290] • Disclaimer says:
Maybe inappropriately I still played the movie The Godfather every Thanksgiving Day during our family dinner. I am still moved by the opening scene. When people ask me about supporting the Ucranian/IRAK/etc WARS I remember that scene in the Godfather Movie. I live/Work/ in AMERICA so the key question for me is Weather IF those actions/ or any other actions Benefit/NOT benefit OUR Country/USA..I still believe in America and its exeptionalism doemstically/abroad. I knew about the (jewish) Neocons back in the early 1990s during the BUSH I presidency..and I supported the war in Kuwait. Tofay I ask IF the wars in Irak/Afghanistan/Ucrain are beneficial to America and the obvious patent answer is NO. America today is: Economically, fiscally BROKE, militarily demoralized, morally, culturally debased, under a WOKE gay/homo/pedo/anal/lgbt/ antiChrostian/Anti American I am calle an ANTISEMITE. When I supported the Kuwait war I was OK, if I oppose them I am antisemite.?? I see my children, grandchildren struggling to pay for daycare/mortagage/college/…My youngest daughter was assaulted by a homeless crazy guy..,I dont go by jew/non jew NEOCONS I go by is it good/not good for America..when I run the numbers..teh USA is LOST..more and more like a banana republic. While ISRAEL and the financial, banking globalists ELITES run away raking TRILLIONS in profits for ISRAEL/JEWS/..THE JEWISH NEOCONS ARE NOT ACTING IN THE BEST INTERESTS OF AMERICA…somebody should find a horses head on their beds..
140. chris says:
May 1, 2023 at 9:29 pm GMT • 10.6 days ago • 300 Words ↑
Great points, Ghali.
As far as Pompeo is concerned, I don’t actually think he’s a born-again, or for that matter even a Christian at all. Nothing in his behavior has even the vaguest semblance of any religious reverence. I think he’s using his supposed religion to cover his craven sycophantic subservience to the center of power.
The part of the article which really stretches all credulity is the story at the end in which the knuckle-head, Shabbats-goy Pompeo goes to scold Yahoo on Israel’s relationship to China. In whose name would Pompeo have done that? The new messiah?
Far from giving orders, Pompeo went there to kiss the ring (or other anatomical appendages) and completely delusionally (to probably) ask for permission to run for President.
In no conceivable universe is Pompeo in a Position to give Yahoo orders. Much less to order the Mossad to assassinate the Chinese ambassador. That would imply the existence of an enforcement mechanism to which Israel and its entire government would be subject to.
Hard to believe considering the US foreign policy agenda is entirely Israeli-driven. Hard to believe, considering Yahoo’s personality. Pompeo, for all his bombast and bolstering is a first class lackey and craven boot licker, that’s completely clear from any video segment when he’s in the presence of pharaoh Yahoo.
Clearly the Shabbats-goy neocons are third class members of the nomenclatura, they may be used as messenger boys or as enforcers but never as planners.
The cabal system works in that when there is a change in direction, every member blindly and fanatically supports the change. That part cannot be kicked in unless the leader is a respected elder of the tribe who’s judgement is implicitly trusted by all the members. Pompeo does not fit the bill by any stretch of the imagination.
• Agree: lavoisier
141. Anonymous[190] • Disclaimer says:
May 1, 2023 at 9:33 pm GMT • 10.6 days ago • 100 Words ↑
The next war of any kind should involve a draft where you drag the Jews out of the Ivy League and Wall St and Hollywood kicking and screaming and but them and their sons in the front row.
As a former Vietnam infantry NCO, all I can say is “please don’t”. They’d get a lot of other people killed, or get fragged themselves.
142. Verymuchalive says:
It’s rather
like the claim that the Neoliberal desire for “World Democratic Revolution” is
based on French Jacobinism. Yes, it’s an influence, but you have to look at all
the other influences as well.
Woodrow Wilson, eat your heart out !
PS There are
no emojis with black faces.
President Wilson would approve ( even if most of them have yellow faces ! )
143. GeneralRipper says:
The Jews Are Our Misfortune
Thankfully, most of them will end up in Hell for Eternity, along with their wealthy Judazied bought Shabbos Goy.
144. Charles Pewitt says:
May 1, 2023 at 10:10 pm GMT • 10.6 days ago • 400 Words ↑
In 1952, Aldous Huxley wrote about neo-conservative types who are out of power and then they get power and they all of a sudden become new conservatives who want to preserve the order because it now serves them.
I have been saying for years — along with others — that what we got in the American Empire is a JEW/WASP Ruling Class and the Jew portion of that ruling class does not want any FREE SPEECH in regards to the Jew Question or about Israel or about the Israel Lobby in the USA.
I don’t think that Jews conceive of FREE SPEECH in the same way that European Christians do. The Jew conception of FREE SPEECH is that any speech that questions the behaviour or actions of Jews or Jew organizations or Israel is not free speech.
Comcast(NBC) and Disney(ABC) and Viacom(CBS) and the New York Times and Alphabet(Google) and other corporate media outlets are controlled by Jews and they do not support free speech for anybody but themselves. Although the New York Times has been more open to debating immigration over the last few decades than has been the Wall Street Journal under the control of the Murdoch Mob and its previous owners.
The internet has been shutting down free speech and shuttering the ability of regular people to express their FREE SPEECH and it doesn’t seem to me like organized Jewry has been too bothered. I would argue very strenuously that JOG — Jews Organized Globally — is expressly interested in destroying FREE SPEECH all over the world.
Aldous Huxley The Devils Of Loudun(1952):
“In Communist Russia, in Fascist Italy, in Nazi germany, the exploiters of humanity’s fatal taste for herd-poison have followed an identical course. When in revolutionary opposition, they encouraged the mobs under their influence to become destructively violent. Later, when they had come to power, it was only in relation to foreigners and selected scapegoats that they permitted herd-intoxication to run its full course. having acquired a vested interest in the status quo, they now checked the descent into subhumanity at a point well this side of frenzy. For these neo-conservatives, mass-intoxication was chiefly valuable, henceforward, as a means for heightening their subjects’ suggestibility and so rendering them more docile to the expressions of authoritarian will. Being in a crowd is the best known antidote to independent thought. hence the dictators’ rooted objection to “mere psychology” and a private life. “intellectuals of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your brains.”
• Replies: @the Man Behind the Curtain
145. JPS says:
It makes it sound like they’re just a bunch of young Republicans Hebrews who came to power by means of their charismatic articles in National Review. The only reason these kikenuts are in these positions is that there is total Jewish control of society via secret societies / intelligence agencies.
• Agree: dimples
146. Ennui says:
May 1, 2023 at 10:45 pm GMT • 10.6 days ago • 100 Words ↑
The neocons have certainly been influential, but the combination of messianic militancy, foreign aggression by a bunch of civilian intellectuals or pseudo-intellectuals, extreme pro-Israel foreign policy, domestic centrism on social issues verging onto libertarianism (despite the occasional poo, pooing of the left) and lax attitudes towards the border would not, could not have flourished anywhere outside an Anglo-Protestant society.
I just don’t see the neocons dominating Franco’s Spain or de Gaulle’s France. Neocons, or something like them, have been part of American Atlanticist foreign policy circles for over 100 years if not longer.
147. Samavat says:
May 1, 2023 at 10:49 pm GMT • 10.6 days ago • 400 Words ↑
{My old friend Bill Odom, the three-star general who ran the NSA for Ronald Reagan and possessed among the strongest national security credentials in DC was similarly blacklisted from the media for his opposition to the Iraq War.} This is true.
General Bill Odom was against Neocon’s wars including Iraq and Iran. Odom and Brzezinski wrote a piece together titled “A Sensible Path on Iran” giving their opinions on Iran’s nuclear program and what US policy should be dealing with Iran’s nuclear program. They wrote:
{Such a broader and more flexible approach would increase the
prospects of an international arrangement being devised to accommodate Iran’s
desire for an autonomous nuclear energy program while minimizing the
possibility that it could be rapidly transformed into a nuclear weapons
program. Moreover, there is no credible reason to assume that the traditional
policy of strategic deterrence, which worked so well in U.S. relations with the
Soviet Union and with China and which has helped to stabilize India-Pakistan
hostility, would not work in the case of Iran. The widely propagated notion of
a suicidal Iran detonating its very first nuclear weapon against Israel is more
the product of paranoia or demagogy than of serious strategic calculus. It
cannot be the basis for U.S. policy, and it should not be for Israel’s, either.
An additional longer-range benefit of such a dramatically different diplomatic
approach is that it could help bring Iran back into its traditional role of
strategic cooperation with the United States in stabilizing the Gulf region.}
We know that the Neocons pro Israel have hijacked Iran policy, by having deep influence in the ‘election’ process favoring charlatan and traitor to implement their expansionist policy in the region. The Clinton family especially Hillary was as corrupt as Trump. Both, in fact, were two sides of the same coin in dealing with the interest of Israel with different style. Both enriched themselves by selling the office to the neocons. Hillary Clinton, on the air, confessed that when she entered politics had nothing but an old Volkswagen. Now, we know Clinton’ assets is over $250 million dollars using their position of power like Trump did.
148. mulga mumblebrain says:
May 1, 2023 at 10:52 pm GMT • 10.6 days ago • 300 Words ↑
perpetual ‘antisemitism’ witch-hunt in the UK is delivering some delicious
ironies. Starmer, the peerless Sabbat Goy, married to a Jewish woman, raising
his children as Jews, was accused of ‘antisemitism’ because he had sat in the
Labour Shadow Cabinet with the infamous Corbyn, the ‘antisemite’ who had never
said a word against any Jew.
Then Dianne Abbott was lynched for saying that Jews, like ‘travellers’, faced
only ‘prejudice’ not racism, unlike blacks. This launched a frenzy of venom
(most plainly racist itself)because she had forgotten to mention the Holy
Holocaust, the Porajmos or ‘Devouring’ of the Roma by the Nazis being
unmentionable because not ‘unique’, unlike the Judeocide.
Then Andrew Brigden was expelled by the Tories for quoting another, a
cardiologist, who had said that the mRNA ‘vaccines’ were the biggest crime
against humanity since the Holocaust, neglecting, naturally, the genocides in
Korea, Indochina, Indonesia, Zaire/Congo, Rwanda etc. They very well may prove
so, but ‘antisemitism’ slanders are exquisitely malleable, and so a vaccine
critic was erased.
That liberal fascist sewer the Guardian was active in lynching Brigden, as it
was with Corbyn, so it is a delicious irony that now the Guardian itself has
been declared ‘antisemitic’ as well, for numerous petty infractions of the
rules of ABSOLUTE, GROVELING deference to the de facto absolutist rulers of the
West. Just how long this can go on is debatable, but the longer the greater the
reaction will be when it sets in. You’d think that thoughtful Jews with an
appreciation of history would be prevailing on their co-religionists to take care,
but, judging by the ferment in Israel, and Jewish history, Jews do not
particularly like one another much, either.
149. Mr_Chow_Mein says:
If this is a Jew, WASP thing then how do you account for the Harris’s and the Austins types lying and shilling for power? Aren’t they the downtrodden black?
Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.
So lets get rid of the pyramid power structure.
150. Sparkon says:
May 1, 2023 at 10:58 pm GMT • 10.6 days ago • 200 Words ↑
Ron Unz wrote:
Indeed, the entire demonization of Cheney and Rumsfeld in anti-Iraq War circles has seemed somewhat suspicious to me. I always wondered whether the heavily Jewish liberal media had focused its wrath upon those two individuals in order to deflect culpability from the Jewish Neocons who were the obvious originators of that disastrous policy; and the same may be true of the 9/11 Truthers
For another take on Dick Cheney, let’s try this 2011 article from The Atlantic by Conor Friedersdorf: Remembering Why Americans Loathe Dick Cheney
President Bush bears ultimate responsibility for the Iraq War, as do the members of Congress who voted for it. But Dick Cheney’s role in the run-up to war was uniquely irresponsible and mendacious. And after the invasion, he contributed to the early dysfunction on the ground. Even Iraq War supporters should rue his involvement.
The most succinct statement of his misdeeds comes from “The People v. Richard Cheney” a 2007 article by Wil S. Hylton. The piece recounts how Cheney undercut the CIA by instructing subordinates in that agency to stovepipe raw intelligence directly to his office. He also worked with Donald Rumsfeld to establish an alternative intelligence agency within the Pentagon. Both of these actions directly contributed to the faulty information that informed the decision to go to war.
151. Rush says:
May 1, 2023 at 11:01 pm GMT • 10.6 days ago • 100 Words ↑
My late grandfather was of military age in WW1 and there was a lot of social pressure to enlist. As a worker in underground mines from age 12 he was sceptical of the entire thing. The King of England is fighting with his cousin the Kaiser of Germany over which of them gets to rule the world and how does ensuring the King comes out on top benefit me but it sure makes it likely I will come off worse whoever wins. So he offered a compromise: I will join up as a Colonel. They didn’t take him up on his offer.
152. harfang67 says:
May 1, 2023 at 11:01 pm GMT • 10.6 days ago • 100 Words ↑
Neocons forming now a unified ideological block that represents the political worldview of the elites running both American parties, and the “Wolfowitz Doctrine” enjoying complete bipartisan support, even to the point of “challenging” Netanyahu’s new orientation towards China , does that mean that the US per se is now the new Palestine with DC the new Jerusalem?
153. Happy Tapir says:
May 1, 2023 at 11:04 pm GMT • 10.6 days ago • 100 Words ↑
To assassinate the Chinese ambassador sends a strong warning to cut ties with China. The ambassador is the liaison between two countries. Rather than the horse head, it may be like this: in Greek mythology, after Zeus had struck down Apollo’s son aescalapius for raising the dead, in retaliation Apollo slaughtered all of zeus’s prized craftsmen, the Cyclopes. Apollo could not assail Zeus directly as the all powerful king of the gods, but he could avenge himself upon his pets. The American deep state dare not kill a person of Jewish blood, Jewry would not tolerate that, but they can sure kill their pets. Chinese will be leery of directly interacting with the Israelis now!
154. frankie p says:
Actually, the behavior of the Chinese side in the Anchorage press conference was a new beginning of a new time, a new cold war, one in which the Chinese would no longer be happy as promoters of harmonious dialog. When faced with the relentless attacks of the US State Department, how could the Chinese continue their preferred style of communication and negotiation with “partners”.
Blinken caught the Chinese off guard in his opening:
Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that he and National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan would discuss “our deep concerns with actions by China, including in Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Taiwan, cyber attacks on the United States, and economic coercion toward our allies. Each of these actions threaten the rules-based order that maintains global stability. That’s why they’re not merely internal matters and why we feel an obligation to raise these issues here today.”
Yang Jiechih then responded, pretty much firing the first salvo against the “rules based international order”, and announcing that the Chinese did NOT accept this mythical order, which of course they should not.
In response to Blinken, China’s top diplomat, Yang Jiechi, said that because Blinken had “delivered some quite different opening remarks, mine will be slightly different as well.” He spoke for 16 minutes, blowing through the two-minute limit agreed upon in torturous pre-meeting negotiations over protocol. “Many people within the United States,” he said, “actually have little confidence in the democracy of the United States.” He went on to say that “China has made steady progress in human rights, and the fact is that there are many problems within the United States regarding human rights.” He also took aim at U.S. foreign policy: “I think the problem is that the United States has exercised long-arm jurisdiction and suppression and overstretched the national security through the use of force or financial hegemony, and this has created obstacles for normal trade activities, and the United States has also been persuading some countries to launch attacks on China.”
The fireworks were not over yet, and the butt-hurt US State Department wackos persisted:
As the press began to leave, assuming that the opening remarks were over and to make way for the private discussions, Blinken and Sullivan ushered them back in and challenged Yang, telling him that “it’s never a good bet to bet against America.” Determined to have the last word, Yang and China’s foreign minister, Wang Yi, responded again. Yang began by saying, sarcastically, “Well, it was my bad. When I entered this room, I should have reminded the U.S. side of paying attention to its tone in our respective opening remarks, but I didn’t.”
The actual
discussion of topics in these meetings then went off normally, without the
rancor that had certainly been pre-planned for the press and public. Yang’s
opening gambit had been preplanned and was not an off-the-cuff response. The
Chinese delegation had come with the intention of delivering a public message,
which they did in dramatic fashion. The message was:
The rules-based international order is over. Beijing and Moscow concluded long
ago that a world in which China and Russia generally acquiesced to U.S.
leadership, as they did in the 1990s and 2000s, was untenable
155. Charles Pewitt says:
May 1, 2023 at 11:06 pm GMT • 10.6 days ago • 300 Words ↑
Accusations of so-called “anti-Semitism” are used by the JEW/WASP ruling class to cover up the treasonous activities of the JEW/WASP ruling class.
When CIA Leprechaun Boy William Buckley wanted to attack Pat Buchanan because Buchanan was skeptical of wars that benefited Israel, Buckley the nasty whore called Buchanan an “anti-Semite.” In fact, the CIA Leprechaun scumbag Buckley wrote a whole book screaming about so-called “anti-Semitism” and Pat Buchanan. Willy F Buckley is a disgusting Leprechaun rat who is now roasting in the hottest pits of fiery Hell!
Buckley is another globalizer treasonous rat who was too stupid and greedy to be on the Signals Intelligence side of the American Empire.
William Buckley didn’t have one drop of English blood, but he had that same rat-faced visage that WASP turd George HW Bush had.
When disgusting rat whores in the US Congress such as Charles Schumer want to cover up the fact that they are pushing JEW NATIONALISM by pushing to continue to use the US military as muscle to fight wars on behalf of Israel, they accuse those who call them out on their actions by the swear word of the ruling class: “anti-Semite.”
Charles Schumer is a JEW NATIONALIST who uses his power and the power of the Israel Lobby to get American soldiers to fight wars on behalf of Israel in the Middle East. US soldiers are butchered, maimed and horribly wounded fighting wars on behalf of Israel and Charles Schumer will start screaming about so-called “anti-Semitism” if anyone questions the foreign policy choices of the American Empire’s ruling class.
156. FGreddie says:
Sharon said:
We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.”. The quote appears in this video …
It is even more true today…
157. mulga mumblebrain says:
It’s just
extreme xenophobia, boundless supremacism and a religion that exults genocide
and massacre as divine acts in action. Of course many Jews, over the centuries,
rejected these ways and habits as antithetical to a moral life among others,
but those left Judaism, which caused a strong selective pressure (plus their
breeding like rabbits) favouring the violent fanatics.
Those attitudes made Jews unwelcome with the rest of the communities in most
places they settled, so the pogroms, massacres and expulsions that followed
hardened the mutual hatred and fear. And the Jews were pretty ruthless
themselves when on top, further exacerbating the antipathy. Where these
tendencies were suppressed, and the Jews protected by strong Governments, Jews
and goyim lived fairly amicably together for long periods, as in Spain and
That has to be the accommodation we aim for, as with all communities. Mutual
self-respect and the absence of aggrandisement and exploitation by any group
over any others. Given the living reality of Israel, and the Zionazi dominance
of Western polities bought by straight bribery, it’s hard to be optimistic.
158. Monoculture says:
“Köksal Baba” is a Turkish dwarf Jew who likes to drive luxury cars.
• Replies: @Monoculture
159. Justrambling says:
What about the Jewish connection? The rise of Jewish power must surely be the linchpin of the rise of the neocons. That story would be worthy of an article of its own.
• Replies: @che guava
160. Patrick McNally says:
May 1, 2023 at 11:31 pm GMT • 10.5 days ago • 200 Words ↑
I certainly do not believe that everyone in the national security apparatus who favors a confrontation with China or Russia is ipso facto neoconservative or pro-Israel. Someone like Zbigniew Brzezinski obviously had a past record of pushing against Moscow, and it’s believable that, were he alive today, he might still favor something in this vein (though perhaps done more cautiously than we see today). Poles like Brzezinski have a long record of viewing the Russian bear with antagonism (sometimes justified).
But to the extent that real bona fide neoconservatives are involving themselves in this, I would explain the motive as above. If a bunch of Poles and Ukrainians were to somehow organize something which leads to a genuine setback for Russian power, then that could mean a loss of importance for this who maintain that US power should be used against Iran on behalf of Israel. It could mean new advisors emerging with influence that might displace pro-Israel voices. Hence, there is some pressure for the Israel lobbyists to get on board with whatever seems hot. It certainly is easier to tell the public that Iran is an enemy because it sides with Putin in Ukrainia, rather telling them that Putin is fine, but Iran should be attacked (which is Netanyahu’s view).
161. Sarita says:
May 1, 2023 at 11:32 pm GMT • 10.5 days ago • 200 Words ↑
This is an
article I’m gonna read 5 times because I have been wanting to know who these
fuckers are.
Some, as usual, say that the neo-cons are Jews or Jew creation but all I have
seen is WASP fuckers all over the place except the one that was in charge of
the Pentagon when 2 trillion dollars got lost and Rumsfeld -may he really
really really burn in hell forever- found out and exposed it.
So, if Rumsfeld who is definitely a WASP exposed that Jew guy stealing the
money, then the Jews aren’t neo-cons because he would have covered it up.
But maybe later they found the money and that’s why nobody talked about it no
more. Not even Trump.
(I recently found out Trump is Scottish and Biden Irish, meaning the two aren’t
WASP, so maybe you don’t have to be a WASP but a member of the International
Elite to belong to the Globohomo cartel where even some Arabs are members).
How do you lose 2 trillion dollars ?
This article will help a lot.
And most importantly, what was the fault of that young guy who jumped out of the window of one the twin towers on that day, he was probably a recently graduated lawyer that had just gotten a job and was happy about it, so why you fucking bastards!
• LOL: Ann Nonny Mouse
162. Mr_Chow_Mein says:
May 1, 2023 at 11:38 pm GMT • 10.5 days ago • 100 Words ↑
There is so much blame toward groups who play the system better then those who set-up the system.
There is also so much obfuscation and disinformation, side-shows and conspiracies and people sprinkled throughout such sites as this like sprinkles on a piece of bread, their job is to keep you talking and not acting -thats what they are paid for…do you get paid to be here?- because the clock is running on your lives and the longer it runs the longer those at the top enjoy the spoils.
What the “elite” love more than anything is inaction and obfuscation.
Sorry for interrupting…continue on!
• Replies: @peterAUS
163. the Man Behind the Curtain says:
May 2, 2023 at 12:06 am GMT • 10.5 days ago • 200 Words ↑
The reason is that WASP culture itself was born of a Judaizing heresy. So all English-speaking Protestantism is going to produce a whole lot of philo-Semitism in religious thoughts, which will lead to politics.
I take it you are a Catholic. While there is some truth in what you say (for example access to much lower interest rates was an early advantage of Protestant nations) let me add some color to my previous comment:
Evangelical Christianity in the United States (which is what Pompeo is) was a sort of Protestant revivalist movement that attracted a lot of conservatives in the wake of the cultural excesses of the sixties and seventies. It is very backward-looking in a sort of affected way and one of the weirder aspects is a staunch grass-roots Zionism. I don’t think this was actually a traditional aspect of Protestantism. A lot of millennials who grew up in the evangelical movement left it, and many suspect the whole thing was a psy-op to garner sympathy for the state of Israel, especially among boomer conservatives in the national security establishment.
• Replies: @Shamu
164. the Man Behind the Curtain says:
May 2, 2023 at 12:12 am GMT • 10.5 days ago • 100 Words ↑
These are the poisonous fruits of a bad tree. Mathew 7:17 – 20.
This is also Protestantism. The moral bankruptcy of Protestantism today can be seen by all of the gay pride flags hanging outside their churches. Roman Catholicism is also dwindling in unbelief.
Referring to both Israel and England:
“And he read, saying: Wo, wo, unto Jerusalem, for I have seen thine abominations! Yea, and many things did my father read concerning Jerusalem—that it should be destroyed, and the inhabitants thereof; many should perish by the sword, and many should be carried away captive into Babylon.”
– 1 Nephi 1:13, the Book of Mormon (Another Testament of Jesus Christ)
The Synagogue of Satan is the Khazarim, who say they are Jews and are not. The text simply does not say all Jews are the Synagogue of Satan.
165. Monoculture says:
May 2, 2023 at 12:21 am GMT • 10.5 days ago • 100 Words ↑
“Köksal Baba” literally means “Giant Nose”, but (according to self-disclosure) he doesn’t like to be called Turkish, he wants to be called “Khazar”. This makes it also very understandable why he is always greeted with “Shalom” everywhere.
His Ottoman admirers even claim, “one has to be particularly very careful with him, because he likes to make valuable things of all kinds such as safe keys, luxury watches suddenly disappear”, which he then does not want to give back.
166. the Man Behind the Curtain says:
May 2, 2023 at 12:28 am GMT • 10.5 days ago • 100 Words ↑
Similarly, John Bolton had been regarded as an ultra-Neocon in the Bush Administration, but he always rejected that identification since he said he’d never been a leftist. But neither Bill Kristol nor John Podhoretz had ever been leftists, so by that definition they couldn’t be Neocons either.
What?! Far from being on the Left, Neocons are far Right-wing,
thinly veiled Fascists.
From the article:
but the overwhelming majority of the contributors and readers of Commentary were Democrats or even Socialists,
Disgruntled leftists and leftists were the core of fascism. The names for Italian fasces (“bundling together”) and the “socialist” in “National Socialist Direct Action Party” (NSDAP, i.e. Nazi) show this clearly. These were not traditional conservative movements based on anglophone notions of the rights of the individual.
• Replies: @Sparkon
167. Colin Wright says: • Website
May 2, 2023 at 12:33 am GMT • 10.5 days ago • 200 Words ↑
analysis assumes that the Jewish diaspora knows what’s good for Israel better
than the Israelis themselves. And furthermore they have a long-term strategy
that is invisible to the Israelis! The parsimonious hypothesis here is rather
that the Jewish diaspora doesn’t care all that much for Israel.
The American support for Ukraine and everything they are doing vis-à-vis China
provide evidence for my assertion. And the demonization of Trump strengthens
that evidence. Unlike his alleged support of Russia, his support of Israel is
uncontroversial and may have been considered excessive by the American security
apparatus and by the press (which some say are actually one and the same).
Russiagate may have been just a smokescreen: while they wanted to avoid talking
about Israel explicitly, they didn’t want a president which was liable to
listen to Israeli interests which might prove obstructive to their anti-Russia
(and anti-China) agenda.’
Oi’m suspicious.
My own hypothesis is that Israel fully intends to trade off the US withdrawing its support from the Ukrainian oligarchs in exchange for Russia withdrawing its support from Assad.
168. Iris says:
May 2, 2023 at 12:45 am GMT • 10.5 days ago • 400 Words ↑
then how do you explain that they do not have sufficient power to prevent one war (in Ukraine) and a series of belligerent actions and words (against China) which are against Israel’s interests?
This whole premise is laughable, and therefore so is the surreal conclusion that “poor” Israel is allegedly stopped from developing its own bilateral interests with China by the “bad” USA.
China’s stance on the Israel-Palestine conflict was made clear a while ago, when China officially confirmed to Palestine’s guarantors Algeria and Jordan that “when the regional conditions becomes adequate” (or some phrase to that effect), a regional conference will take place to address the Palestinian question, which resolutions will be imposed on the involved parties. It is clear that such “imposition” was meant at Israel
Here is an extract from China’s more recent (February 2023)Global Security Initiative Concept Paper, which must have the Israeli leadership quaking in their wetted boots:
The international community should take practical steps to advance the two-state solution to the Palestinian question, and convene a larger, more authoritative and more influential international peace conference, so as to achieve a just solution to the Palestinian question at an early date.
And there are hundreds of official declarations from the Chinese
Foreign Affairs unambiguously supporting the establishment of Palestine’s
rights and forcing them upon the Zionist entity:
Not only China does not need Israel, but she very much needs good relationships with powerful countries Israel consistently made enemies of (Iran); she has openly, repeatedly and officially stated her principled position and intentions for a fair solution to Palestine’s woes, which will mean at minima restoring the borders pre-1967, as required by the UN resolutions.
This outcome cannot be seen as Israel’s “interest” by ANY Israeli faction, no matter their otherwise diverging views on other matters: it is a catastrophe for ALL Israeli factions. The seismic peace agreement brokered by China between Saudi Arabia and Iran was a major trigger: it has materialised her now-leading role in the region, and her ability to impose diplomatic solutions.
So, as seen by the Israelis, China’s is more Israel’s existential enemy than it is America’s, for Israelis never intended to satisfy themselves with the 1947 UN Palestine partition plan.
• Agree: 24th Alabama
• Replies: @the Man Behind the Curtain, @Brás Cubas, @Ron Unz
169. Chris Moore says: • Website
May 2, 2023 at 12:55 am GMT • 10.5 days ago • 200 Words ↑
Far from being on the Left, Neocons are far Right-wing, thinly veiled Fascists.
They’re Judeofascists: crypto-totalitarian, crypto-racist “Jews” and their Zoglodyte Judeo-“Christian” Zionist and Judeophile “liberal” and “progressive” accomplices/useful idiots…
They’ve projected what they themselves are onto Muslims when they declared them “Islamofascists” and “terrorists.” They’ve projected what they themselves are onto White Christians when they declared them “Nazis” and “fascists” and “****phobes.” They’ve projected what they themselves are onto Russians when they declared them “aggressors” and “bullies” with “neo-Soviet designs.” They’ve projected what they themselves are onto average America Firsters and working class Americans when they declared them “Deplorables”…
It couldn’t be more obvious. But the reason it’s NOT obvious is because their “Jewish Century” Zionist/Zoglodyte propaganda apparatus functions at such a high level of brainwashing and hasbara, and their operatives control the narratives through MSM/Hollywood, the Political Class, the intelligentsia, the Corporate Class and the key nodes of the Central Government.
Judeofascism is the classic “open conspiracy.” It’s so effective and all encompassing that even a lot of “Jews” believe themselves to be righteous victims of the “evil goy monolith” that refuses to educate itself and roll over and die to make the world a paradise for… the “chosen” parasite and grifter Judeofascists (who in reality can’t exist without feeding off of goy civilization, prey and clueless meat puppets).
• Agree: 24th Alabama
170. Hoyeru23 says:
your typical UNZ article: it’s the Khazarians!
171. the Man Behind the Curtain says:
I don’t think that Jews conceive of FREE SPEECH in the same way that European Christians do.
Freedom of Speech is simply not part of the traditions of most continental European nations. The British Isles and Scandinavia are the places which come closest, and these groups have always thought of themselves as a race apart from mainland Europe – there are large water features that separate them from mainland Europe just as there are water features that separate Europe from Africa. You do not understand Europe.
The British Isles and Scandinavia are also the parts of Europe with relatively more Jews, especially Britain.
172. Saba says:
May 2, 2023 at 1:13 am GMT • 10.5 days ago • 100 Words ↑
following servant thanks apartheid entity for being a friend of America. Why?
Because Israel has made America great! Can you believe it? I think he wants to
run for ‘president’.
• Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
173. the Man Behind the Curtain says:
May 2, 2023 at 1:15 am GMT • 10.5 days ago • 100 Words ↑
This outcome cannot be seen as Israel’s “interest” by ANY Israeli faction, no matter their otherwise diverging views on other matters: it is a catastrophe for ALL Israeli factions. The seismic peace agreement brokered by China between Saudi Arabia and Iran was a major trigger:
Once-powerful land empires fractured and broken up into more manageable bits has been a consistent plank of Anglo-American foreign policy since the world wars. There are too many examples to list; the Ottoman Empire is the one most germane to this geography. As the power of the Anglo-American alliance wanes, and as no power can any longer guarantee international borders, it is inevitable that larger states will swallow up smaller ones and there will be geopolitical consolidation.
• Replies: @24th Alabama
174. Carroll Price says:
Most people think the Mission Accomplished thing was a screw up but it wasn’t. Instead, it was a message to Netanyahu that his order to destroy Iraq had been accomplished.
175. Colin Wright says: • Website
May 2, 2023 at 1:36 am GMT • 10.5 days ago • 100 Words ↑
‘…This outcome cannot be seen as Israel’s “interest” by ANY Israeli faction, no matter their otherwise diverging views on other matters: it is a catastrophe for ALL Israeli factions. The seismic peace agreement brokered by China between Saudi Arabia and Iran was a major trigger: it has materialised her now-leading role in the region, and her ability to impose diplomatic solutions…’
It occurs to me this may make Israel tread gently for the nonce: for example, no morally catastrophic war between the US and Iran.
So it could be a good thing: millions of lives saved and all that. I’ve always figured one silver lining to the cloud of US national decline would be an end to the Zionist abomination.
We may never pull the plug; but we’ll stop being able to supply electricity.
• Replies: @mulga mumblebrain, @Iris
176. peterAUS says:
May 2, 2023 at 1:43 am GMT • 10.5 days ago • 100 Words ↑
Any suggestions?
You could
1. Inform/educate a critical mass of masses which will, somehow, change the
paradigm for better. Like this site, somebody would say.
2. Vote a saviour into office.
3. Go “direct action” which will, again somehow, change the paradigm for better.
4. Something else? You could pick.
4.1. Grift on frustration.Like this site, somebody could say.
4.2. Offload frustration onto anyone on Internet. Related to 4.1.I guess this
is the one already picked.
4.3. Something else?
177. Ron Unz says:
May 2, 2023 at 1:45 am GMT • 10.4 days ago • 100 Words ↑
What?! Far from being on the Left, Neocons are far Right-wing, thinly veiled Fascists.
You’re misunderstanding the issue. One widespread definition of “Neocon” was a conservative or right-winger who’d previously been a leftist or a socialist.
That (sort of) applied to many of the early Neocons, but certainly didn’t include John Bolton, Bill Kristol, John Podhoretz, or the vast majority of the later Neocons.
Ironically enough, William Buckley’s Yale mentor was Willmoore Kendall and one of the co-founders of National Review was James Burnham. They were universally regarded as right-wingers or conservatives and no one ever called either of them Neocons, but they had both been strong leftists, with Burnham having spent years as one of America’s top Trotskyites. [A search-this-doc for trotsky has 85 results! –FNC]
That’s a perfect example of why Neocon isn’t all that well-defined a term.
• Replies: @Wizard of Oz, @Happy Tapir, @Sparkon, @Pierre de Craon
178. Wizard of Oz says:
Thank you. You may have noticed ed something odd. My comment should have been addressed to Ron – I hasten to say as I hasten to try and check and fix.
179. Wizard of Oz says:
My purported Reply to this should have instead been
It was a British false flag operation that resulted in American involvement in WWI… the Lusitania, an ocean liner with a lot of Americans on board, was loaded with munitions, making it a legal target for U-boat
Wrong and wrong. It was no “false flag” . It was indeed a German submarine that sank the Lusitania.
And it occurred almost exactly two years before America entered the war.
180. Monoculture says:
May 2, 2023 at 3:03 am GMT • 10.4 days ago • 200 Words ↑
“That Gypsies are unclean, do not work but instead thieve like a magpie, is a lie of white racists”, all Jews claim. Those who, in spite of all humanistic logic, still maintain that this is merely an inconceivably brazen lie, contrary to all historical experience, should be taken out of circulation once and for all and rendered harmless.
It should finally be made clear what tremendous genetic potential also lies in Gypsies, whose talent is underestimated until today. After all, these poor systematically disadvantaged souls are in direct competition with the Jews posing as “whites” in terms of enormous financial claims for “reparations”.
Therefore, my music recommendation today to the fellow citizens so discriminated against by us should be a welcome to their precious Balkan culture enriching all of us. You just have to give them a real chance! We are dealing here with a considerable hitherto untapped potential of culturally rich diversity, which teaches us sonorous tunes that have so far remained hidden from us.
181. Wizard of Oz says:
May 2, 2023 at 3:24 am GMT • 10.4 days ago • 100 Words ↑
That’s a perfect example of why Neocon isn’t all that well-defined a term.
You have now made this point so clear in so many ways that I hope you may clean up some of your previous simple dismissals of anything coming from people you identified as or associated with neocons – Anne Applebaum and Julia Joffe come to mind though there are others.
The above may be conveniently be read with my Comment #102 above welcoming your article but somehow appearing as a reply to the odd commenter whose moniker I seem to have inspired.
• Replies: @mulga mumblebrain, @Zari
182. Si1ver1ock says:
May 2, 2023 at 3:53 am GMT • 10.4 days ago • 100 Words ↑
This article tracks more or less with how I remember things albeit a bit more detailed. Now though, it feels more like rummaging through a pile of dirty laundry than wistfully strolling down memory lane. Our country just seems so diminished, tarnished and faded.
I suppose I will agitate for RFK’s campaign as long as he stays true, doesn’t sign a loyalty oath for example.
Maybe RFK Jr. will lift America’s tattered flag from the gutter.
183. Happy Tapir says:
Love these dictated papers you have been putting out. I listen to them again and again!
184. 24th Alabama says:
Have you
forgotten the words of the UN Charter, that members pledge
to respect the territorial integrity of all others? Who should I believe?
185. Miro23 says:
May 2, 2023 at 6:52 am GMT • 10.2 days ago • 400 Words ↑
When an entrepreneur seeks additional funding after achieving a healthy degree of success and the lenders refuse to lend it is hardly surprising he is made an offer he dare not refuse.
Henry Ford in fact tried to minimize the influence of finance in his business:
“It has been our policy always to keep on hand a large amount of cash – the cash balance in recent years has usually been in excess of fifty million dollars. This is deposited in banks al over the country, we do not borrow but we have established lines of credit, so that if we so cared we might raise a very large amount of money by bank borrowing. But keeping the cash reserve makes borrowing unnecessary – our provision is only to be prepared to meet an emergency. I have no prejudice against proper borrowing. It is merely that I do not want to run the danger of having the control of the business and hence the particular idea of service to which I am devoted taken into other hands.”
Service for Ford very much involved his workforce.
“Finance concerns not merely the profit or solvency of a company; it also comprehends the amount of money that the company turns back to the community through wages.”
“There is something sacred about wages – they represent homes and families and domestic destinies. People ought to tread very carefully when approaching wages. On the cost sheet, wages are mere figures; out in the world, wages are bread boxes and coal bins, babies’ cradles and children’s education – family comforts and contentment.”
“There is something just a sacred about a shop that employs thousands of men as there is about a home. The shop is the mainstay of all the finer things which the home represents.”
“If profits go to swell a personal fortune, that is one thing; if they go to provide a sounder basis for business, better working conditions, better wages, more extended employment – that is quite another thing.”
“My Life and Work” Henry Ford 1922. Garden City Publishing Company. New York (A superb book)
186. Levtraro says:
May 2, 2023 at 7:01 am GMT • 10.2 days ago • 200 Words ↑
You have missed perhaps the most important insight in Ron’s article: the Trotskyite label attached to Neocons is highly overblown.
Actually it is the opposite.
The most important insight of RU’s essay is that indeed there was a sizable fraction of former trotzkytes at the origin of the neocon push for power in America.
Trotzkytes are so far left, so absolutely crazy and fanatical (they are rejected by the communists for being fanatics ffs!), that even a mixture containing 1% of them is toxic. The neocons have more than a 1% trotzkyte composition at the start. It is incredible that a nation like America has so much of these lunatics at the top of its foreign policy.
In addition, America’s foreign policy does indeed look like a trotzkyte foreign policy, seeking total dominance, full spectrum dominance, just like that disgusting bolshevik Bronstein wanted, to turn all major nations into a state of ‘permanent revolution’ or more precisely complete chaos and overturning of natural orderings.
187. Johnny F. Ive says:
May 2, 2023 at 7:22 am GMT • 10.2 days ago • 300 Words ↑
Thank you for the history lesson. I’m still hesitant on calling warmongers like Mike Pompeo and John Bolton, Neocons. If Mike Pompeo is a Neocon then most of the Christians I know are Neocons. They are against immigration, love Israel, and feel threatened by China just like Mike Pompeo. They watch Fox News and read the Epoch Times. Many of them voted for Trump. However, Neocons like Bill Kristol consider them to be nativists. Jewish Neocons probably consider these people to be domestic terrorists rather than Neocons. Neocons like Bill Kristol have had a very strong reaction against them. I don’t believe these people are in the same group.
Also I think Jewish Neocons are worried about pogroms and expulsions based on what Michael Hudson said. Mike Pompeo and John Bolton don’t lay awake at night worrying about another Hitler coming to get them. There is no league that protects them from racism. They have a totally different experience as Americans. Their history is different. Maybe the word Neocon is not the right word for either since the meaning seems to have changed. I guess it would be just deserts for a group that stole the word “conservative” to be identified with nativists and populist warmongers. I suggest we just call them what they get called inside the U.S. government: “The Crazies.”
Do they not care much at all for Israel’s security as they fight for American supremacy over everyone else? Israel is starting to look like an unlucky bystander to their policies. There are Russian Jews in Israel and they don’t seem to be clamoring for the destruction of Russia like Nuland and Blinken. What gives? I’m confused.
• Thanks: Emslander
188. mulga mumblebrain says:
May 2, 2023 at 8:31 am GMT • 10.2 days ago • 100 Words ↑
Applebaum and Joffe are simply Rightwing Russophobes. A dime a dozen. There is a strong link in much of the Euro Right back to the eastern European fascisms of the 30s and 40s. Why, we imported thousands of them to Austfailia after WW2. Remember the ‘Captive Nations’? Fascists one and all.
• Agree: the Man Behind the Curtain
189. mulga mumblebrain says:
The Jewish elites totally control Western politics through straight bribery, and, no doubt, Epstein fashion blackmail. They do NOT control China and never will. With luck China will gently force them to make peace, too. They’ll hate that, but it’s the best deal going.
190. mulga mumblebrain says:
You can NEVER grovel too servilely. Check out von der Leyen’s nauseating sycophancy and racist contempt for the Palestinians in her greetings to Israel recently, on the anniversary of the Deir Yassin massacre and the Nakba.
191. Wielgus says:
May 2, 2023 at 9:22 am GMT • 10.1 days ago • 100 Words ↑
It reminds me of an account by a British Trotskyist in WW2. He was in central London and noticed another man being harassed by women while he was handing out leaflets – they were Jewish and described as inclined to be hysterical – supporters of the Stalinist CPGB of the time, they were tearing leaflets out of his hand and drawing swastikas on them in lipstick. The first man was attracted to Trotskyism as a result of the incident, because the other guy was at bay and the situation was unfair.
192. neutral says:
May 2, 2023 at 9:45 am GMT • 10.1 days ago • 100 Words ↑
If people like this Sydney Watson accept the truth that those grandfathers were fighting for the jews against white people, then there is hope for whites. If they continue with this retarded “that is not what they fought for”, they will just be endlessly confused why things got to where they are now.
193. ariadna says:
“The ADL’s bete noir, Tucker Carlson, once commented that ‘the
Neocon cries out as he strikes you.’
That’s definitely an inside joke, but it explains the ADL’s animus, and it also
relies on ‘Neocon’ having come to mean ‘Jew.’”
Wow, did
ADL’s bête noir really say that? Not much of an inside joke anymore, more like
a Polichinelle’s identity hint.
Indeed “neocon” is understood to mean “jew in conservative garb. ”
To claim ambiguity because there are non-jews in the neocon ranks is like
saying that castle dwellers are not all aristocrats because there are commoners
living “downstairs.”
• Replies: @Colin Wright
194. Shamu says:
May 2, 2023 at 10:44 am GMT • 10.1 days ago • 200 Words ↑
You have just contradicted yourself, or more truly, you have just shown that your view misses the full picture, by emphasizing that Pompeo allies with Jewish Neocons because of evangelical beliefs, because of the cultural roots and fixations of English speaking Protestantism. So deep down even you know that Neocons are just playing out the game that runs directly back to Oliver Cromwell and the Anglo-Saxon Puritans.
We do not have a situation in which alien Jews have taken over things WASP and altered them. We have a situation in which Jews naturally are attracted to things WASP, especially its imperial designs and economic focus on globalist corporations to brace its imperialism. WE have a situation in which. a bunch of Anglo-Saxons created a Judaing heresy, Puritanism, and the used it as the basis to wage a Revolution, which totally reshaped the basic culture off a nation according to the Judaizing heresy. Jews are as drawn to join up with WASP culture, the culture produced by Judaizing heresy, as they were to despise the culture Catholic Merry Ole England.
And while Jewish bankers become indispenasble to WASP empire in the later 17th century, there were virtually no major actors ins WASP empire until the 19th century.
Anglo-Zionism cannot be solved by seeing it just as a Jewish problem.
• Agree: Emslander
• Replies: @Emslander, @KenH
195. Shamu says:
You are not going to the roots, the sources. Anglo-Saxon Puritans were so well known as arch Judaizers that they were mocked openly even on British stages as exactly that – absurd Judaizerrs proclaiming a type of ‘Old Testament’ Christianity – by none other than Skaespear’s main protege Ben Jonson. All such ‘joking’ about Anglo-Saxon Puritans ended when they won their revolution and began imposing their new world order at sword and gun point.
Judaizing lies at the very heart of all English-speaking Protestantism since Puritans refashioned English culture into Wealthy Anglo-Saxon culture. So eventually all church groups that are assimilated to WASP culture will reveal their Judaizing.
• Replies: @the Man Behind the Curtain
196. JR Foley says:
Mike Pompeo is supposedly from Kansas and is palsy walsy with the Koch Brothers of Koch Petroleum who made their fortune drilling on US public lands then forgetting to pay royalties. Mike claims to have a Bible on his desk but reminisced of his time at CIA stating ” We lied –we stole” and both such activities violate the commandments.
• Thanks: the Man Behind the Curtain
• Replies: @the Man Behind the Curtain, @Blissex
197. Zari says:
{I hope you may clean up some of your previous simple dismissals of anything coming from people you identified as or associated with neocons – Anne Applebaum and Julia Joffe come to mind though there are others.}
Applebaum is known to many as a Neocon. Don’t take it on UNZ,
take it on Anne!
Watch the following video where tells you Anne is a Neocon. Those who have
watched her on Jewish mafia funded program, Ammanpour & Co., noticed that
she is a propagandist against Russia, to take the public hostage to support the
proxy war in Ukraine.
She, like the Neocons, supports Israeli military terrorism against Palestinians
and others but passionately hates Russia.
• Replies: @Wizard of Oz, @Chris Moore, @mulga mumblebrain, @Wizard of Oz
198. brostoevsky says:
If anything the CIA is completely in bed with the necons. But yeah, these peotneed to be destroyed. But we have all the Soros, Schwab and WEF puppet presidents/prime ministers to deal with as well. It’ll take massive revolt to dislodge these people.
199. the Man Behind the Curtain says:
May 2, 2023 at 12:53 pm GMT • 10.0 days ago • 100 Words ↑
We lied –we stole” and both such activities violate the commandments.
Didn’t know about that but – Pompeo is really Bad News! He also sponsored a bill called “Keep Americans in the D.A.R.K.” act – D.A.R.K. stands for “Deny Americans the Right to Know” act. The act was designed to prevent Americans from knowing whether or not they were eating GMOs:
200. the Man Behind the Curtain says:
May 2, 2023 at 12:58 pm GMT • 10.0 days ago • 100 Words ↑
absurd Judaizerrs proclaiming a type of ‘Old Testament’ Christianity
It is definitely true the Puritans are/were much bigger fans of the Old Testament compared to other Christian groups. Still, I don’t think ardent support of political Zionism was as much a feature before the postwar evangelical movement? Then again there was the Balfour declaration and all that, and that was pre-war… but how much of that was associated with the teachings of, say, the Church of England?
• Replies: @nokangaroos
201. Sparkon says:
the “socialist” in “National Socialist Direct Action Party” (NSDAP, i.e. Nazi)
Ha ha ha. That is worth a full day of chuckles. One has to wonder where these sometimes comically mistaken ideas originate.
Psst: But didn’t the Germans before and during WWII speak, you know, German, and not English?
[speaking in German]
Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
[back to English]
National Socialist German Workers’ Party
It was merely DAP – German Workers’ Party – when Hitler took over with his motormouth, but the party was renamed NSDAP in1920, probably to attract socialists.
• Replies: @the Man Behind the Curtain, @Wielgus
202. Emslander says:
May 2, 2023 at 1:54 pm GMT • 9.9 days ago • 200 Words ↑
Anglo-Zionism cannot be solved by seeing it just as a Jewish problem.
Yours is the best synopsis of our current mess I’ve yet read.
An accurate gauge of the long-lasting failure of WASPishness is the national debt. The national debt and, on a more granular scale, the annual deficit between federal revenue and federal spending are the differences between what a sane, nationally responsive, government would spend and what the crazy berserker anti-Christ wants to spend. Traditional, masculine, Catholic rule would immediately reject excess spending as unmanly and an insult to posterity. It’s an unwillingness to follow a family approach to social life as opposed to rule by an individualistic, self-defining, autonomy.
Note, as well, that the Catholic Church has shifted from a masculine and militant identity to a feminine and pacifist identity during these same recent decades of decline. That’s another issue.
Please note, as well, that the interest groups started demanding access to lending about thirty years ago, in contrast to earlier demands for access to work. This worship of debt will be our demise.
• Replies: @the Man Behind the Curtain
203. Wizard of Oz says:
May 2, 2023 at 1:56 pm GMT • 9.9 days ago • 100 Words ↑
You may be right that Anne Applebaum is a bit hard-nosed on the Palestinian cause. I don’t know and I would still think Ron would be right to take a more nuanced and individual fact based view of what he no longer lumps together as one.
I have just come across this YouTube video of Nikuta Krushchev’s great granddaughter (and biographer) Prof Nina Krushcheva who is charming so far but I advise skipping 8 minutes of boring introductions.
Watch “Dialogues for Tomorrow: Russia – A Society in Meltdown” on YouTube
Enjoy, I hope.
• Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
204. Brás Cubas says:
May 2, 2023 at 2:31 pm GMT • 9.9 days ago • 100 Words ↑
Your reply
is the best among the ones I have received, because Patrick McNally just
restated his previous hypothesis, and thus he and I will have to agree to
disagree, and Colin Wright just proposed a new conspiracy hypothesis which I
find far-fetched.
You advance a view of China-Israel relationship which diverges considerably
from Ron Unz’s as expressed in this piece and the earlier one that he quotes
from. Unz’s hypothesis about the supposed assassination of the Chinese
ambassador becomes just a fairy tale under your assumptions.
As for the Russia-Israel relationship, you don’t go into that.
Unz sort of contradicts himself when he paints Israel as independent from the
U.S. in its relationship with Russia and highly influenceable in its
relationship with China.
Anyway, I still stand by my comments integrally.
• Replies: @Iris
205. Chris Moore says: • Website
May 2, 2023 at 3:04 pm GMT • 9.9 days ago • 300 Words ↑
Blumenthal outs Anne Applebaum as a Judeofascist posing as a liberal. But he won’t out his father. And he won’t out himself as a Judeofascist who goes after “anti-Semites” like Nick Fuentes.
In his mind, he likely believes the “Jews” to be righteous victims who just have been led astray by the Zionist element. He apparently sees no connection between Zionist mass murder and Marxist mass murder, and the Judeofascist common denominator. He doesn’t see that they’re both sold as kosher totalitarianism by Judeofascists? That Israel started out selling itself as a Marxist/Labor state?
It’s all about the Hebrew blood brainwashing, and Judeofascist culture, which is as nasty and mean as the day is long.
These people are like guard dogs built to attack non-Judeofascists. They are now attacking one another. Good. The world is seeing the real them.
Jesus called their culture a nest of vipers. Mathew got particularly nasty with his “Jew” brethren. Eventually Christianity defeated Israel, but this unleashed Judeofascism on the world because these nasty brainwashing shekel crazed psychopaths don’t die.
Shoving a cross in their face is supposedly like cryptonite, but eventually the parasite takes over the Church.
This is an animal force of nature that civilized human beings are unequiped to deal with. Moses reached a similar conclusion and decided to kill a huge faction of them so they couldn’t sell the Tribe into slavery, but they learned from that to subversively brainwash and do hasbara to have their evil way.
Today, they’re trying to sell the world into slavery via Globalism.
And they’re brandishing nukes to do it. And their nasty little ZOG stooges like Joe “I am a Zionist” Biden are helping them do it.
• Replies: @Zari
206. the Man Behind the Curtain says:
May 2, 2023 at 3:12 pm GMT • 9.9 days ago • 100 Words ↑
Thanks…I thought the “DA” stood for Direkte Aktion which I see is something else. Obviously they didn’t speak English, I mean we say “Holy Roman Empire” and not “Heilige Romische Reich” … in any case thanks for the correction – I believe this update does reinforce my main point which is that the NSDAP had a lot of disillusioned leftists, much like the neocon movement.
“Direkte Aktion” is another kind of socialist activity… in America May Day is in September so it’s easy to get these terms mixed up.
207. the Man Behind the Curtain says:
May 2, 2023 at 3:27 pm GMT • 9.9 days ago • 300 Words ↑
An accurate gauge of the long-lasting failure of WASPishness is the national debt. The national debt and, on a more granular scale, the annual deficit between federal revenue and federal spending are the differences between what a sane, nationally responsive, government would spend and what the crazy berserker anti-Christ wants to spend. Traditional, masculine, Catholic rule would immediately reject excess spending as unmanly and an insult to posterity
No, no, no, no no! This is is totally wrong. Catholic countries’ finances are so badly mismanaged they are called PIIGS (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece, Spain … I grant you Greece is orthodox). Argentina is another example of catholic financial mismanagement in the modern day. One of the great advantages Protestant powers going back to the wars of religion always had was much better control over finances and interest rates. Before the reformation catholic powers like Hapsburg Spain bankrupted themselves with ruinously high interest rates – if these countries were around today they would firmly be in junk bond territory. Philip II of Spain paid something like 20-30% interest rates on his national debt, as even the gold mines of Latin America could not adequately fund his ultimately unsuccessful war against the tiny Protestant Dutch Republic. Indeed in America the problem is acceptance of Catholics as whites that caused the debt to become unmanageable. The debt was never a problem when Protestants were a racial majority in the United States. If anything this comment shows Catholics should not be entrusted to positions of high authority in the USA.
• Replies: @Emslander
208. Sparkon says:
May 2, 2023 at 4:06 pm GMT • 9.9 days ago • 200 Words ↑
One widespread definition of “Neocon” was a conservative or right-winger who’d previously been a leftist or a socialist.
And that’s why actions speak louder than labels, and also the reason you can’t resolve fine detail by painting with a broad brush. Nevertheless…
Many of adherents of neoconservatism became politically influential during the Republican presidential administrations of the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s and 2000s, peaking in influence during the administration of George W. Bush, when they played a major role in promoting and planning the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
Whatever you want to call them, Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld were in charge on 9/11, and the same trio of liars led the United States into a War in Iraq that was based entirely on false premises, i.e. Saddam Hussein’s alleged possession of WMD, a claim for which there was not one shred of credible evidence, a fact well-known by President George W. Bush, Vice-president Dick Cheney and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, even as they lied through their teeth about it.
• Replies: @Blissex, @Chris Moore
209. Zari says:
May 2, 2023 at 4:29 pm GMT • 9.8 days ago • 300 Words ↑
[But he won’t out his father. And he won’t out himself as a Judeofascist who goes after “anti-Semites” like Nick Fuentes.]
Thanks for your comments. I am not aware of this behavior. We must also keep in mind that the Jewish children in many household are under tremendous pressure to become a good ‘jew’ sending them to religious school to be brainwashed. They are fed with ‘holocaust’ stories from the early ages to keep them in line. He may come from such a background, I don’t know and I don’t care. But, he at the present time, is strong enough to put these stories aside and go after zionist terrorists, such as Irwin Cotler supporter of MEK, a terrorist Organization, and a neocon liar, Anne Applebaum, to expose them while you and me are somewhere else. We should thank him for joining us in this regard. We cannot expect people do exactly as we wish. But, he has exposed enough zionist mass murderers and charlatans to take him seriously.
I have read comments at this site that celebrate Tucker Carlson who was aligned with the neocons working for Weekly Standard, in the past supporting Iraq war. Yet, many support him as a critic of US foreign policy and immigration agenda. He supported zionist wars waged by the evil empire since 9/11 including Iraq war. But, he recently has confessed that he was wrong and is ashamed to support Iraq war. We don’t know the reason behind it. But Peter Beinart gives some thoughts for this change of mind in his video, “How the Iraq War Created Tucker Carlson”:
• Replies: @ariadna
210. nokangaroos says:
Cromwell´s stated excuse* for readmitting the Jews into Merry
Ole England
(after Edward I “the Longshanks” of Braveheart fame
had kicked them out)
was that It Is Written ™ that the Jews must be dispersed over all countries
of the World before the End Times ergo a jew-free country cannot be tolerated
because it holds up the Second Coming.
The merger with Jewish prophesy (Ben Gurion´s “World Court at the Shrine
of the Prophets in Jerusalem, where the peoples of the world pilgrimate to
bring tributes and receive judgment”) was complete with the Scofield Bible.
*In slightly more actual reality it was always clear that Jews
were a plague upon
the common man – Matthias Corvinus (son of the great Janos Hunyadyi, no
to our arch-troll) bestowed upon Vienna the privilege of “Judenfreiheiheit
auf ewig”
(being free of the Jew forever) – but the ruling classes were always dependent
on credit (had Maximilian I made Jakob Fugger a prince ours might be a
211. Emslander says:
The most Catholic country on earth in modern history was Francoist Spain. For at least fifty years from the end of the Civil War, Spain followed a debtless policy of mercantilist trade. In other words, Franco was a stronger mercantilist than he was anything and his policy was that Spain was an isolatable family of Roman Catholics that needed little economic relationship with the corrupt Protestant entities that you call “Catholic”.
The Hapsburg empire got caught by believing that gold importation and exploration would make it rich. It wasn’t deficit spending.
• Replies: @the Man Behind the Curtain
212. Ron Unz says:
May 2, 2023 at 5:39 pm GMT • 9.8 days ago • 200 Words ↑
This whole premise is laughable, and therefore so is the surreal conclusion that “poor” Israel is allegedly stopped from developing its own bilateral interests with China by the “bad” USA…So, as seen by the Israelis, China’s is more Israel’s existential enemy than it is America’s, for Israelis never intended to satisfy themselves with the 1947 UN Palestine partition plan.
I’m very skeptical of that analysis. By all accounts, there was a fierce public dispute between Pompeo and Netanyahu regarding China being given that large Israeli development contract, and two days later, the Chinese ambassador—known as one of the most aggressive in pushing back against the U.S.—was suddenly dead of unexplained causes.
It seems extraordinarily unlikely that he happened to suddenly die naturally at that moment, so someone very likely had him killed. Since he’d been working closely with the Israelis, I doubt the culprit was Netanyahu, while Pompeo seems the obvious suspect. And after the death of the ambassador, Netanyahu quickly changed his mind and cancelled the Chinese project.
I think my explanation is the most plausible one, but what’s yours? Do you think the Pompeo/Netanyahu battle was faked? Or do you believe that the Chinese ambassador happened to expire randomly at such an opportune moment?
213. Blissex says:
May 2, 2023 at 6:42 pm GMT • 9.7 days ago • 300 Words ↑
«the Neocons eventually became a very powerful force in our political system, but although I’ve sometimes mentioned them in my articles, I’d never discussed their origins nor their rise to power»
And here as usual my impressions are rather different from those of Ron Unz:
* He seems to think that the various generations of neocons rose to power thanks to their intellectual and political strength as a cabal.
* Instead I think that politics and policy are beauty contests among various cliques and the people with large power bases (mostly money) then “sponsor” those that are best aligned with their interests.
So for me the most interesting question is not how the neocons became powerful, but *why* the finance and real estate and MIC investors and CEOs “sponsored” them and not other cliques proposing different cliques. Because it is pretty obvious that once a clique has obtained that sponsorship they will “rise to power” being given it by their “sponsors”.
Put another way, the neocons are not “principals”/”masters” who make the big decisions, they are (however influential) “agents”/”trusties” who have been chosen because their ideology and politics are best aligned with those of the “principals”/”masters”. Probably none of the neocons mentioned in this post have their own power base, political or economic, never mind military.
I think that the general preference in the USA is for politicians and “grand commis” who do not have their own power base, who are not principals in their own right, because they may have delusions of independence, like in part D. Trump.
• Agree: Iris
214. Blissex says:
May 2, 2023 at 6:51 pm GMT • 9.7 days ago • 200 Words ↑
«Do you think the Pompeo/Netanyahu battle was faked?»
That is not necessarily the case: there can be big arguments between masters and trusties, what matters is who has the power to decide the argument, and it is the master.
The question being raised is that it is not immediately obvious who is the master and who is the trustie between Pompeo and Netanyahu. Your impression is that the master is Pompeo’s clique, “Iris” seems to think that it is Netanyahu’s clique.
Obviously the israeli lobby has great power in the USA political system, but unlike the “it’s always the jews” parrots I reckon that ultimate USA interests are decided by USA oligarchs (the usual categories: the slimy eastern financiers, the midwestern commodities barons, the brutish texas oilmen, the western tech moguls), among which there are many jews, but the majority is not. They will throw the israelis under the bus (as they did to the ukrainians and germans recently) if it is in their core interests.
• Replies: @Ron Unz
215. Blissex says:
May 2, 2023 at 7:00 pm GMT • 9.7 days ago • 100 Words ↑
«Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld were in charge on 9/11, and the same trio of liars»
Those were not “lies”, they were salestalk, which the the most common form of talk in the talk. Nobody expects salestalk to have some relationship with either truth or lies except by accident.
«led the United States into a War in Iraq that was based entirely on false premises»
The war was based entirely on true premises as the sponsors of “Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld” surely had quite realistic and solid premises for wanting that war, they just did not tell them to the public. which was instead given salestalk. Standard usian business and political practice.
“I am shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!”
• Replies: @Zari
216. Ron Unz says:
May 2, 2023 at 7:19 pm GMT • 9.7 days ago • 200 Words ↑
The question being raised is that it is not immediately obvious who is the master and who is the trustie between Pompeo and Netanyahu. Your impression is that the master is Pompeo’s clique, “Iris” seems to think that it is Netanyahu’s clique.
No, my model is somewhat different. I’d regard both Pompeo and Netanyahu as powerful individuals, with neither considering himself subordinate to the other, which was exactly what produced the conflict. It’s an exact analogy to the conflict between the film mogul and the Corleones in The Godfather.
Netanyahu told Pompeo to “get lost” so Pompeo probably had the Chinese ambassador killed to show he really “meant business.” Netanyahu decided the dispute wasn’t worth the risk and folded his hand.
Meanwhile, just a couple of weeks later, the former head of Mossad said that Israel should stay out of the China/America conflict:
• Replies: @Zari, @the Man Behind the Curtain, @geokat62, @Blissex
217. Anonymous[242] • Disclaimer says:
May 2, 2023 at 8:04 pm GMT • 9.7 days ago • 100 Words ↑
There is a lifespan for client states like Israel.
Back when South Africa was a favored CIA henchman, the US pissed away international standing in buckets to support the Apartheid regime. South Africa helped CIA with germ warfare, conventional proxy wars, agents, wet work, all kinds of stuff. In turn CIA protected South Africa from sanctions and even from Andy Young. But at a certain point, the Skunk of Nations got too embarrassing. The CIA regime flushed Apartheid South Africa down the toilet.
Israel now is where South Africa was in maybe ’88. The Mideast is making peace and focusing on the Izzie’s extermination program. The CIA regime is bleeding international standing. Their soft power is gone, their sanctions are slipping, and their military is exposed as crooked third-rate losers. The USA is drowning and Israel is a concrete life preserver. CIA is gonna let them sink.
• Replies: @mulga mumblebrain, @the Man Behind the Curtain
218. the Man Behind the Curtain says:
May 2, 2023 at 8:13 pm GMT • 9.7 days ago • 100 Words ↑
The Hapsburg empire got caught by believing that gold importation and exploration would make it rich. It wasn’t deficit spending.
The Hapsburg Empire was geographically disconnected and exorbitantly expensive to run. Philip II of Spain, one of the more effective of the Spanish Hapsburgs, was at war somewhere for most of his long reign. The Dutch revolt, sparked by excessive taxation and religious persecution, was just one of his ruinously expensive military campaigns. Naval campaigns against England in the Atlantic and the Ottomans in the Med further strained the treasury. Spain would never have amounted to much without the treasure fleets.
Franco’s rule proved brittle and only lasted a generation. He also imported American-sponsored technocrats in the 1950s.
219. Blissex says:
May 2, 2023 at 8:15 pm GMT • 9.7 days ago • 100 Words ↑
«Mike claims to have a Bible on his desk but reminisced of his time at CIA stating ” We lied –we stole” and both such activities violate the commandments.»
From the obituary of a SIS/MI6 top manager:
“Quintessentially English men happiest outside England often
enter the clandestine world. […] His Roman Catholic faith remained central to
him, although in later years, knowing himself, he did not take communion since
he could not reconcile it with decisions he made in the office.”
220. Zari says:
May 2, 2023 at 8:17 pm GMT • 9.7 days ago • 100 Words ↑
[Netanyahu told Pompeo to “get lost”]
I have strong doubt that Netanyahu ever said that to Pompeo!
[Meanwhile, just a couple of weeks later, the former head of Mossad said that Israel should stay out of the China/America conflict..]
I believe this statement. Most of the Mossad former heads frequently have said that Israel should act according to its SIZE, and let the United States do the talking. It is obvious that Netanyahu’s policy has not worked. That’s why Israel ALWAYS resort to Assassination, terrorism and aerial bombing. He is a showman
221. Zari says:
May 2, 2023 at 8:17 pm GMT • 9.7 days ago • 200 Words ↑
[The war was based entirely on true premises as the sponsors of “Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld” surely had quite realistic and solid premises for wanting that war, they just did not tell them to the public.]
You are too
late. The purpose of the war was given to the public LONG TIME AGO.
Those who staged the false flag operation terror had a plan for the region to
protect the expansionist policy of Israel. That’s why they killed 3000
Americans to bring the gullible people on board.
Philip Zelikow, who became Bush’s adviser on October 8, 2001, had this to say at the Virginia University on Sept. 10, 2002:
[Israeli security is the undiscussed factor that “dare not speak its name” in the United State’s threats of war against Iraq.Why would Iraq attack America or use nuclear weapons against US? I’ll tell you what I think the real threat is and actually has been since 1990 – it’s the threat against ISRAEL
So, they killed 3000 Americans to implement the expansionist policy of an apartheid entity, Israel, in the region with the plan designed by the Neocons. I am sure they convinced George Bush and his extension, that Israel’s expansionist policy and its security is needed for America to become a hegemon to control the world and its resources.
Iran DESTROYED their plans in the region for a better world, of course with a high price.
222. the Man Behind the Curtain says:
May 2, 2023 at 8:19 pm GMT • 9.7 days ago • 100 Words ↑
Netanyahu told Pompeo to “get lost” so Pompeo probably had the Chinese ambassador killed to show he really “meant business.” Netanyahu decided the dispute wasn’t worth the risk and folded his hand.
Netanyahu is still PM while Pompeo does not held political office of any kind. Pompeo overplayed his hand and proved he isn’t fit for high office.
So in reality… Pompeo did “get lost.”
• LOL: littlereddot
• Replies: @Blissex
223. geokat62 says:
Netanyahu told Pompeo to “get lost” so Pompeo probably had the Chinese ambassador killed to show he really “meant business.”
… and Milikowsky if he wanted to could probably have directed the CIA/Mossad to eliminate Pompeo’s entire family to show he really “meant business.”
224. Blissex says:
May 2, 2023 at 8:42 pm GMT • 9.7 days ago • 600 Words ↑
«Netanyahu told Pompeo to “get lost” so Pompeo probably had the Chinese ambassador killed to show he really “meant business.” Netanyahu decided the dispute wasn’t worth the risk and folded his hand.»
I understand that is a plausible reconstruction; and whether or not the chinese ambassador was an object lesson, or there was some other type of pressure, Netanyahu folded.
But while to you that means that Netanyahu thought he was Pompeo’s equal, that to me means that Pompeo’s side were the masters and Netanyahu’s were the trusties here, as the trusties ended up obeying; they did, even if the trusties had delusions of independence and thought perhaps that they should be considered principals too, which fits well with Netanyahu’s notorious self-regard.
Much the same as the european elites and the ukrainian government war against the Donbas, or their economic partnership projects with China: they sure would rather be more independent, as Macro recently claimed, but in the end they fold, because they don’t have the power base to be principals (the knee of the USA navy is on their throat, the imports of oil and fertilizer and metals). My usual quotes:
«There are two kinds of European nations. There are small nations and there are
countries that have not yet realized they are small nations.»
Andrew Marr,
“History of modern Britain”:
«Britain’s dilemma from 1945 until today has been easy to state, impossible to
resolve. How do you maintain independence and dignity when you are a junior
partner, locked into defence systems, intelligence gathering and treaties with
the world’s great military giant? […] In practice this meant sharing
intelligence with the Pentagon and CIA, the intertwining of nuclear strategy,
large US bases on British soil, the leasing of British bases to America, and a
posture towards American presidents that is nearer that of salaried adviser
than independent ally.»
Another quote from time of Suez, when the israelis, french and british governments tried to behave as principals:
«Burke, one of the US Navy’s greatest fighting sailors, is recalling a
conversation with John Foster Dulles, Eisenhower’s Secretary of State. Dulles
has just wondered out loud if there is any way to stop Britain’s Fleet from
launching its attack on Suez in 1956. Admiral Burke describes his reply: ‘And I
said, “Mr Secretary, there is only one way to stop them. We can stop them. But
we will blast the hell out of them.” He [Dulles] said, “Can’t you stop them
some other way?” I said, “No, if we’re going to threaten, if we’re going to
turn on them, then you’ve got to be ready to shoot. I can’t give these people
orders to do something. They can’t do it in the first place – no matter who
gives them orders – to demand and then get laughed at. The only way you can stop
them is to shoot. And we can do that. We can defeat them – the British and the
French and the Egyptians and the Israelis – the whole goddam works of them we
can knock off, if you want. But that’s the only way to do it.”’»
«The French drew the clearest lessons. Suez showed that they could never rely
on perfide Albion. Britain, then Europe’s strongest power, would, it seemed,
always put its “special” relationship with America above its European
interests. And the Americans, to the French, were both unreliable and
annoyingly superior. […] The major lesson of Suez for the British was that the
country would never be able to act independently of America again. Unlike the French,
who have sought to lead Europe, most British politicians have been content to
play second fiddle to America.»
• Thanks: Wizard of Oz
225. Blissex says:
«Netanyahu is still PM while Pompeo does not held political office of any kind. Pompeo overplayed his hand and proved he isn’t fit for high office.»
Neither Netanyahu nor Pompeo are principals, they don’t have significant independent power bases (money, clientes, allies, secrets, troops, …), even if Netanyahu has a small group of followers. But evidently the principals in Israel think that he is still useful, while it is easier to replace Pompeo.
226. Iris says:
May 2, 2023 at 9:04 pm GMT • 9.6 days ago • 800 Words ↑
As for the Russia-Israel relationship, you don’t go into that.
I did not think I needed to: you are usually of the objective kind, and the facts available to us ordinary members of the public speak for themselves. Apologies in advance if my reply sounds long-winded.
It did not escape any of us that the NeoCons spearheading the mortal charge against Russia since 2014’s Maidan, with Victoria Nuland Kagan at the helm, were overwhelmingly Jewish. How could this fact have escaped the Russian leadership?
It is Syria, a key Israel self-designated “enemy”, that Russia chose to make her principal Mediterranean ally, the central pivot providing a vital worldwide access to her Navy and to the nuclear submarines indispensable to deploying her nuclear deterrence.
By defending Syria, both militarily and diplomatically, Russia has worked with and gained the trust of Israel’s other arch-enemies: Iran, Lebanese Hezbollah, Palestinian Hamas, all actively involved on the ground in Syria.
In her existential war against the Kiev regime, Russia, who considerably underestimated the importance of drones in modern warfare, turned to Iran to provide this type of equipment. What does that tell about the trust between these two countries?
Libya was destroyed by the actions of people primarily committed to Israel’s agenda, such as Bernard-Henry Levy and Nicolas Sarkozy; this fact is beyond discussion, with BHL involved in the earliest planning and Sarkozy famously stating: “Time is against us“. (He did not mean “us” the West). At the time, the attack on Libya caused great anger to Putin, and a violent public disagreement between him and Medvedev, who was Russian president at the time. (Medvedev is
Putin has since turned the situation completely over, making former CIA asset Khalifa Hafter now report to Russia, and bringing back Libya, a staple of Russia’s “great game” and important country for her naval autonomy, back into the Russian fold.
Africa has
always been an essential playground for Israeli economic and military activism.
There is currently a big public battle taking place at the Organisation of the
African Unity (the forum for all African countries), because Israel has
attempted to gain an official position of “observer”.
Why does Israel need to be part of the African Union is everybody’s guess, but
is easy enough to work out: identification of African officials for the purpose
of subversion, corruption and physical elimination.
Senior Israeli diplomat ejected from African Union summit as row escalates
This need for direct control of African affairs (and commodities) is directly countered by Russian diplomacy and para-military forces, Wagner and others, who are now implemented in core countries such a Mali and the Central African Republic.
(As a side note, there is little doubt that Russia is working in agreement with China, the former being the military arm, the latter the economic one, for a grand agenda that will transform Africa, and pull her out of the claws of the tribal “financial industry”. One of the most ambitious projects, stalled since the 1960’s, is being quietly progressed in the background: the mega Trans-African Highways project).
China builds
on the Trans-Saharan dream
The project is a continental-scale infrastructure that passes through six
African countries: Algeria, Chad, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, and Tunisia
Everywhere one looks, Israel’s agenda is being quashed by Russia; how could she be aligned with Israel’s interests?
Some Americans mistakenly think that Putin is subservient to Israel because he shows public respect to Judaism and to the Jewish people: well, the Orthodox Russians show the same respect to ALL people and ALL religions present in the Russian Federation !! It is just part of their civilisation.
But Russians are not fooled by Israel’s hostility, and the war on Ukraine has further acted as a revealing test: a lot of prominent Jewish Russian public personalities, artists, actors and entertainers, chose in Feb 2022 to leave Russia for Israel, as a show of distrust in Russia’s prospects in the Ukraine. This has not gone down well with the average Russian people.
The obvious geopolitical conclusion is that the world order is being re-organised by consciously-allied Russia and China, with Israel playing no role whatsoever in this major re-organisation; this tells all one needs to know about how much Israel is “important” to either of these rising powers.
Conversely, Israel has played an absolutely instrumental role in the USA’s bloody imperial initiatives, the 9/11 “war on terror” and the 2014 Maidan coup preparing the Ukraine war. Israel was not just a clueless NATO pawn, such as Norway or Denmark, but truly a mastermind: how could Russia and China not see that as we do?
• Agree: mulga mumblebrain
• Disagree: Brás Cubas
• Thanks: littlereddot, Levtraro
• Replies: @QCIC, @Saba, @the Man Behind the Curtain
227. MacOisdealbhtoo says:
May 2, 2023 at 9:04 pm GMT • 9.6 days ago • 100 Words ↑
By deception make war crowd fake everything, that’s their M.o. Rong.
America always flushes their partners down the toilet, that’s their m.o. and their heritage from their British masters.
And Tucker the trojan horse has over 75 million views of his Mickey Mouse two minute speel, all that was missing was him heating up a Swanson’s hungry man dinner while he spoke
Did you get a boner Rong , when you saw how many views Tucker had
228. MacOisdealbhtoo says:
May 2, 2023 at 9:11 pm GMT • 9.6 days ago • 100 Words ↑
Every Empire goes through these stages too, just different names for Neocons is all.
History repeats, the object is to learn and not repeat same eff ups!!
USA had a chance after the soviets blew up to become the leaders of Shangrila, the US born Anglo Saxon’s sold the US out bigly, and now you pay the piper.
You killed your best Gaelic men, maybe just maybe one of their sons can save you!
Kennedy’s are from the O’Brien Clan, their ancestor Brian Boru saved Ireland from Viking domination 1014!
Always hope,
never despair!
C’est la vie
229. Mr_Chow_Mein says:
May 2, 2023 at 9:20 pm GMT • 9.6 days ago • 100 Words ↑
The Neocons have been very successful, if their intentions are to make the U.S irrelevant in the affairs of the majority of humanity on this planet then in one term of the Bidet regime it seems they have achieved that.
Every day there is an announcement -of what was considered an
ally of the West- that an ally are pulling away and going a different path,
soon these “world” institutions will just have the usual lapdogs barking along,
Australia, Canada, U.K.
230. Iris says:
May 2, 2023 at 9:29 pm GMT • 9.6 days ago • 200 Words ↑
We may never pull the plug; but we’ll stop being able to supply electricity.
It is a nice and apt formula.
Another one of your long-term formulas which was much prescient and insightful to the prophetic was that: “Israel will die with a whimper, not a bang”.
Thanks to Chinese civilisation and sense of responsibility, a bloodshed will most likely be avoided in the Middle-East. An international conference under the auspices of China will impose peace and Palestinian rights onto Israel. But because her current leaders are not Itzhak Rabin, but arrogant and deluded psychopaths instead, the Israeli people is not prepared to make any concession; they will go the fanatic way of Algeria’s OAS and leave the country, instead of staying put as did the blameless majority of White South-Africans.
I think that the collapse of the Israel regime, which is near (my prediction is 5 years) will actually cause more ripples and violent consequences within the American political system than it will in the Middle-East, for America does not seem to have any credible and trusted arbitrators to shore herself against such cataclysmic change.
• Disagree: the Man Behind the Curtain
• Replies: @the Man Behind the Curtain
231. QCIC says:
May 2, 2023 at 10:18 pm GMT • 9.6 days ago • 400 Words ↑
I wonder if Russia will tire of Africa? Playing around there makes no sense for them as a country, though individuals may profit. As you suggest, it may be part of a “great game” which is simply a bad habit they need to cure.
On a different point, I think the Naval significance of the Black Sea for Russia is misunderstood. In wartime, any vessel trying to get out can always be destroyed in the Turkish straits or later at Gibraltar. In peacetime the Black Sea ports are useful, but militarily what is important is to keep other Navies out of the Russian coastal waters. This discussion harks back to earlier times when the Russian impetus was to have a warm water port somewhere outside of the Black Sea. I think this need has passed. Russia has all the resources and agricultural land she can use, along with nuclear submarines and icebreakers, jet aircraft and satellites. It is a much different world.
Finally, the topic of the Iranian drones is very interesting. Russia has operated drones and smart weapons for a long time (as the USA) so it seems not credible they do not appreciate the significance of drones in Ukraine-style warfare. I have wondered if development and production of the Iranian drones was fostered by Russia in the first place so these are seen as being essentially Russian.
The strong NATO involvement in Ukraine may have created a hybrid form of drone warfare which Russia was not quite willing or ready to tackle. This is a hybrid of Ukrainian drones with Western communications links. The crucial weakness of non-autonomous drones is communications: they send and receive information to complete their mission. Without NATO involvement, I believe Russia could substantially jam the drones and greatly reduce their relevance. However, with other counties involved the drone communications may be relayed through satellites. These links may be difficult for Russia to jam, so NATO is playing in a dangerous grey area where they are very active participants but are hiding behind some fig leaf which Russia has decided to respect in order to avoid WW3. In a WW3 scenario I assume the satellites would simply be destroyed.
• Replies: @the Man Behind the Curtain, @Jamali
232. Saba says:
May 2, 2023 at 10:23 pm GMT • 9.6 days ago • 200 Words ↑
Good analysis, thank you.
Israel is very active in Africa since its inception. Israel played a major ROLE in Sudan civil war that let to South Sudan to break away from the main land. Sudan was the biggest country in Africa. Israelis from Mossad, pose as businessmen, are active in South Sudan like in the North of Iraq giving them military training to its pawns to fight on their behalf for Israel’s interest in the region.
Israel is
supporting the Generals of two sides of the conflict in Sudan who are fighting
for power that is against the interest of Sudanese people and Sudan’s
integrity. Both are Israel’s agents where should be removed. The major media in
the West does not mention that Israel is deeply involved in the Sudan war.
Israel is trying to partition Sudan further into smaller states, like Darfur.
The Africans and Arabs should intervene to bring the two sides of the conflict
together for a peaceful solution and kick Israel out of Sudan now.
• Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
233. mulga mumblebrain says:
The Zionazis declared, after Sudan joined the 1967 war on the side of Egypt, that Israel would not cease taking revenge on them, in traditional Judaic fashion. The answer to the peaceful Chinese development of Africa is unending war.
• Replies: @Wizard of Oz, @Saba
234. Michael1928 says:
Thank you Mr Unz for an outstanding website that provides information that allows people to compare narratives and decide for themselves who is likely being truthful.
235. Wizard of Oz says:
I know it makes your Western anti Chinese obsession difficult to entertain but are you aware of Sir Francis Galton’s letter to the London Times of June 1864 (easily found in the Galton archiv headed “Africa for the Chinese”?
236. ariadna says:
Stomach turning to hear to hear Beinart “explain” Tucker Carlson
237. Saba says:
Only fools
will trust these liars.
Everyone knows what has happened with JCPOA that US made with Iran. Trump left
the deal hoping to force Iran to capitulate and give more concessions to
Israelis, but did not happen. One of the reasons behind Iran – Saudi Arabia
resumption of relations is the fact that NO one can trust the words or promises
of US and Israel.
238. the Man Behind the Curtain says:
were overwhelmingly Jewish.
Specifically, overwhelmingly Ostjudisch. They are a bunch of Eastern European Jews.
clueless NATO pawn, such as Norway or Denmark,
Don’t underestimate the ability of the Nordics to understand the inner workings of NATO
239. Colin Wright says: • Website
‘Wow, did ADL’s bête noir really say that? ‘
I clearly recall him saying it.
240. the Man Behind the Curtain says:
May 3, 2023 at 12:36 am GMT • 9.5 days ago • 100 Words ↑
Thanks to Chinese civilisation and sense of responsibility, a bloodshed will most likely be avoided in the Middle-East.
I doubt it. China still doesn’t have that much power projection ability into the region, and middle eastern powers are arming rapidly, especially Turkey which feels more strongly about the Xinjiang issue than most countries. A more likely scenario is a general conflagration in the region leading to one or more consolidated, larger states.
• Replies: @Iris
241. the Man Behind the Curtain says:
May 3, 2023 at 12:40 am GMT • 9.5 days ago • 100 Words ↑
This discussion harks back to earlier times when the Russian impetus was to have a warm water port somewhere outside of the Black Sea.
Nothing has changed; they have a naval base in Syria which they have recently undertaken to expand.
The black seas fleet was the pride of the Soviet Navy.
• Replies: @QCIC
242. mulga mumblebrain says:
May 3, 2023 at 12:54 am GMT • 9.5 days ago • 100 Words ↑
Did Afrikaaner South Africa ever control US politics, the MSM, ‘entertainment’
and sundry other entities as Israel does today, through the Jewish collective
in the USA? Did South Africans ever comprise more than half of an American
Administration’s senior appointments as Jews do today (and NOT Jews of the
Chomsky type, either)? Was there ever a US President as grovelingly obsequious
to South Africa as Biden is to Israel?
If and when Israel goes down, ie refuses Chinese led peace plans, its
psychopathic secular fascist and Talmudist fanatic ruling elites have promised
to ‘…take the world down with us’, in the ‘Samson Option’. Bibi would give a
kidney, half his liver and one gonad to be the hero, the New Joshua, who
destroyed the ‘Jew-hating world’. Nutterdamerung, ordered from his bunker.
• Agree: nokangaroos
243. mulga mumblebrain says:
‘Hard nosed on the Palestinian issue’. Translating from the coprophagic gibberish-she is a hard-core Zionazi who hates the Palestinians with Talmudic fury and vengefulnes. ENDLESS racist oppression and suffering, but that’s OK-they ‘got in the way’, so it’s their own fault. Besides, they are ‘antisemites’.
244. QCIC says:
I think Tartus has more symbolic significance than anything else. The Russians could not defend forward bases in a real war. I suppose the fleet does need some place to visit during peacetime. I think the Soviet Navy was more Imperial than what Russia needs these days.
I suspect the reasons for Russia’s engagement in Syria were 80% to prepare for the Ukraine war, 10% for old time’s sake and 10% because of any future military relevance. The preparation aspect included demonstrating to the West that Russia was prepared to fight.
• Replies: @Poupon Marx
245. Poupon Marx says:
• Agree: the Man Behind the Curtain
246. Pierre de Craon says:
May 3, 2023 at 3:35 am GMT • 9.4 days ago • 200 Words ↑
Interesting that you mention Willmoore Kendall. Were he still alive, it is extraordinarily unlikely that any neocon would allow him to publish—or even leave home to shop for groceries. His devotion to unreconstructed majority rule would, in and of itself, make him a hate object to neocons, for whom democracy can mean virtually anything except a system of governance that conforms with or even responds to anything that actual American gentiles want and vote for.
It would be a lovely thing if you could get the rights to add Willmoore Kendall Contra Mundum to your PDF library of Horrific Books by Unmentionable Authors. (I choose that book because of its sampler nature—by which term I mean the book no disrespect, of course. Quite the contrary.) As an insightful critic and analyst of a United States of America that is as dead as Dido’s Carthage, Kendall’s only rival is the Comte de Tocqueville. Like Tocqueville, Kendall understood the United States both statistically and noumenally and never lied about either. May God rest his soul.
247. the Man Behind the Curtain says:
May 3, 2023 at 4:54 am GMT • 9.3 days ago • 100 Words ↑
South Africa helped CIA with germ warfare, conventional proxy wars, agents, wet work, all kinds of stuff.
That’s right, some early people who started the funny business in South Sudan were based there. Some of the COVID strains originated in Seth Efrikka so maybe some of this is ongoing…
248. Brás Cubas says:
May 3, 2023 at 9:15 am GMT • 9.1 days ago • 100 Words ↑
If one thinks Jews have favored Israel’s interests over American ones, the assumption is that they *wanted* to do that, and that they had the power to do that. But Ron Unz says they now have *more* power, and thus no longer *need* to do that. But wait a minute. There is no logic there! Suddenly their past actions are not caused by an excess of power, but by a lack thereof.
• Replies: @Brás Cubas
249. Iris says:
I, of course respect your opinion, and will just give mine.
The fact that regional powers are arming rapidly is detrimental mainly to the Israelis. Their atomic weapons are unusable; they would expose themselves if they use them.
neighbours are arming with conventional air weaponry (artillery, missiles and
drones) at a production capacity than dwarves anything Israel can ever deliver,
and will drown it under long range air fire. The Israeli air force could only
operate as far as her foes had weak air defences, which is the main lesson to
draw from the Russia-versus-NATO fighting in the Ukraine.
But it is now reliably believed that Iran possesses sophisticated S-400 air
defences. De facto, this means that in an Iran-vs-Israel war, without US intervention,
Iran would win.
The way it will play out is that China and All will have to first make it sink into the current American political establishment that the US cannot sustain a Middle-East war on the side of Israel, without Israel itself going through a bloodbath. A lot of smarter Americans already know that: it is possibly the significance of the recent controlled Pentagon “leaks”.
The war in Ukraine is a demonstration of what should NOT happen in the Middle-East. After the Ukrainian army had been decimated, there will come a time when the military on both sides will start making summations, showing that Israel/US cannot win a war for lack of industrial military capability. Israel will then be forced to negotiate; her leaders are many things, but they are not suicidal.
Of course, it is not past the NeoCon lunatics to attempt an attack on China, once the Ukraine war is lost. But again, industrial power will talk: the US Navy will be obliterated by a sea of drones long before even reaching Taiwan.
Apartheid Israel is simply a grotesque geopolitical anachronism in the coming sovereignty and international law-based world order being overtly and explicitely promoted by China and Russia. Neither of them need Israel, neither will tolerate its antics, which are hanging by the fragile thread of American military “supremacy” currently being demolished under everybody’s eyes in the Ukraine.
• Thanks: emerging majority
• Replies: @the Man Behind the Curtain
250. Wielgus says:
May 3, 2023 at 12:24 pm GMT • 9.0 days ago • 100 Words ↑
Hitler was originally sent in by the army to check out the DAP – he was still a serving soldier and there was some concern in the army, in the wake of the Bavarian Soviet Republic, that a group calling itself the German Workers’ Party might be leftist or even Bolshevik. If it had been it would probably have been closed down.
• Replies: @Levtraro
251. teo higgins says:
May 3, 2023 at 1:24 pm GMT • 9.0 days ago • 100 Words ↑
Being old enough to remember: the Neocons were originally
Democrats (and probably aee still loyal to the Dem social issues) who grouped
around a prominent Democratic Senator in the early sixties whose name escapes
me; but the Chicago ’68 Democratic convention revolution riot
destroyed their power and influence; and when Senator George McGovern later won
the ’72 Democratic nomination, the Trotskyite/Neocons moved ien mass to the
Republican party <and were welcomed in.
• Replies: @geokat62
252. geokat62 says:
… who grouped around a prominent Democratic Senator in the early sixties whose name escapes me;
Henry “Scoop” Jackson
• Agree: Pierre de Craon
253. Peter Gent says:
May 3, 2023 at 2:48 pm GMT • 8.9 days ago • 100 Words ↑
If you really want to understand this you need to read One Idea To Rule Them All: Reverse Engineering American Propaganda on Amazon (
It explains how that happened and set the stage for all we see today.
254. Levtraro says:
And then one good day he was not content with just sitting on the scarcely populated benches taking notes and decided to speak. Faithful decision for many. At precisely that point he started his career as nationalist orator, leading to taking over the small party, then Germany, and then a few more things happened until he has to blow his brains into the wall of his room in the bunker.
255. Richard B says:
May 3, 2023 at 5:05 pm GMT • 8.8 days ago • 100 Words ↑
Found the JIDF Troll
You have missed perhaps the most important insight in Ron’s article: the Trotskyite label attached to Neocons is highly overblown. Yes, there is some, but it is much lesser than historic WASP desires to conquer as much of the world as possible.
Projection + Moral Reversal =
Bold Inversion of Reality = Jewish Supremacy
256. annamaria says:
You protest too much.
“The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution and Russia’s Early Soviet Regime.
Assessing the Grim Legacy of Soviet Communism,” by Mark Weber
&Although officially Jews have never made up more than five percent of the country's [Russia's] total population, they played a highly disproportionate and probably decisive role in the infant Bolshevik regime, effectively dominating the Soviet government during its early years. …
With the notable exception of Lenin (Vladimir Ulyanov), most of the leading Communists who took control of Russia in 1917-20 were Jews. Leon Trotsky (Lev Bronstein) headed the Red Army and, for a time, was chief of Soviet foreign affairs. Yakov Sverdlov (Solomon) was both the Bolshevik party's executive secretary and — as chairman of the Central Executive Committee — head of the Soviet government. Grigori Zinoviev (Radomyslsky) headed the Communist International (Comintern), the central agency for spreading revolution in foreign countries. Other prominent Jews included press commissar Karl Radek (Sobelsohn), foreign affairs commissar Maxim Litvinov (Wallach), Lev Kamenev (Rosenfeld) and Moisei Uritsky.
Lenin himself was of mostly Russian and Kalmuck ancestry, but he was also one-quarter Jewish. His maternal grandfather, Israel Blank, was a Ukrainian Jew… Lenin viewed ethnic or cultural loyalties with contempt. He had little regard for his own countrymen. "An intelligent Russian," he once remarked, "is almost always a Jew or someone with Jewish blood in his veins." … [Solzhenitsyn was right that the mass murderers who ran the Bolshevik revolution hated Russia and Russians].
Contemporary Voices of Warning
Well-informed observers, both inside and outside of Russia, took note at the
time of the crucial Jewish role in Bolshevism. Winston Churchill, for one,
warned in an article published in the February 8, 1920, issue of the London
Illustrated Sunday Herald
Bolshevism is a worldwide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality.
The eminent British political leader and historian William Grimsta:
There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews. … the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders. … In the Soviet institutions, the predominance of Jews is even more astonishing. And the prominent, if not indeed the principal, part in the system of terrorism applied by the Extraordinary Commissions for Combatting Counter-Revolution [the Cheka] has been taken by Jews, and in some notable cases by Jewesses.
“Anyone who had the misfortune to fall into the hands of the Cheka,” wrote Jewish historian Leonard Schapiro, “stood a very good chance of finding himself confronted with, and possibly shot by, a Jewish investigator.”
In Ukraine, “Jews made up nearly 80 percent of the rank-and-file Cheka agents,” reports W. Bruce Lincoln, an American professor of Russian history. (Beginning as the Cheka, or Vecheka) the Soviet secret police was later known as the GPU, OGPU, NKVD, MVD and KGB.) Needless to say, the most intense passions of revenge have been excited in the breasts of the Russian people.
David R. Francis, United States ambassador in Russia, warned in a January 1918 dispatch to Washington:
The Bolshevik leaders here, most of whom are Jews and 90 percent of whom are returned exiles, care little for Russia or any other country but are internationalists and they are trying to start a worldwide social revolution.
The Netherlands’ ambassador in Russia, Oudendyke, made much the same point a few months later:
Unless Bolshevism is nipped in the bud immediately, it is bound to spread in one form or another over Europe and the whole world as it is organized and worked by Jews who have no nationality, and whose one object is to destroy for their own ends the existing order of things.
“The Bolshevik Revolution,” declared a leading American Jewish community paper in 1920, “was largely the product of Jewish thinking, Jewish discontent, Jewish effort to reconstruct.”
As an expression of its radically anti-nationalist character, the fledgling Soviet government issued a decree a few months after taking power that made anti-Semitism a crime in Russia. [That was a precursor of the profitable holobiz schema intended for creating and protecting Jewish prevelidges]. The new Communist regime thus became the first in the world to severely punish all expressions of anti-Jewish sentiment. Soviet officials apparently regarded such measures as indispensable. Based on careful observation during a lengthy stay in Russia, American-Jewish scholar Frank Golder reported in 1925
because so many of the Soviet leaders are Jews anti-Semitism is gaining [in Russia], particularly in the army [and] among the old and new intelligentsia who are being crowded for positions by the sons of Israel.
Historians’ Views
Summing up the situation at that time, Israeli historian Louis Rapoport writes:
Immediately after the [Bolshevik] Revolution, many Jews were euphoric over their high representation in the new government. Lenin’s first Politburo was dominated by men of Jewish origins.
Well. Currently, it is the collective west that is dominated by zionist bankers/fascist corporations and their deputies of Jewish origin in all western governments. The warmongering Kagans’ clan (including the Nazifier of Ukraine Nuland-Kagan), the sleek pro-Banderite Jake Sullivan, and the idiotic liar Blinken (from the holobiz survivor family, of course, and with Maxwell-Epstein connections) are the nowadays Jewish/American Bolsheviks striving for world domination shamelessly and with openly genocidal intentions.
Straussians: “The EU brought to its knees by the Straussians,” by Thierry Meyssan
• Thanks: Wizard of Oz, Miro23
• Replies: @Patrick McNally
257. Wielgus says:
May 3, 2023 at 5:39 pm GMT • 8.8 days ago • 100 Words ↑
Blair (Orwell) was once called by T.S. Eliot a “Trotskyite with
big feet” but he never actually joined any Trotskyist group, all of which were
tiny in his lifetime, and probably he would have regarded them as a waste of
time. In one article he singled out the British Trotskyist newspaper Socialist
Appeal as an example of bad writing.
He did read Burnham, but accused him of being motivated by power
I think he was impatient with political doctrine and this kept him away from
organised left politics. He did join the Independent Labour Party but this did
not require him to be politically active and was very loosely organised, which
probably suited Blair.
• Replies: @che guava, @Patrick McNally
258. Anon[245] • Disclaimer says:
Another fake news buzz phrase (neocon) being used without checking the definition.. The word that should be used is neoCOM. There is no “conservative” in the people you are calling neocons. There IS however, a definitive tie in to Communism. So they should be called neocoms!
• Replies: @emerging majority
259. KenH says:
May 3, 2023 at 11:50 pm GMT • 8.5 days ago • 100 Words ↑
You have just contradicted yourself, or more truly, you have just shown that your view misses the full picture,
I don’t think you comprehended what I wrote. Pompeo is a neocon more because it’s good for one’s career in the Jewish swamp of D.C. than his feigned evangelical beliefs. Being an Israel loving, warmongering neocon opens many doors in the world of politics. Being a Puritan and WASP not so much since the 1990’s.
Puritans and WASPS were not the driving force behind all of America’s foreign wars since 2001. I can’t believe you believe that garbage which makes me think you are a Jewish disinfo agent.
260. Mark Matis says:
None dare mention the Jews, lest they be deleted!
261. RichardDuck says:
May 4, 2023 at 12:14 am GMT • 8.5 days ago • 200 Words ↑
Iraq has been a big problem for Israel long before 911. One memorable event in that vein is the assasination of Canadian Engineer Gerald Bull by the Mossad in 1990. Bull was alledgely providing technical expertise to Bagdad to build a super cannon that might have had the capability to hit Israel from Iraq.
I also recall that prior to many Middle-East US wars the Israeli prime minister was seen very frequently in Washington as if he was party in the decision to launch a war.
In the perspective of Israel’s politics, the Neocons act as the Israel fifth columnists helping Israel from within the US government, Canada and Europe. That fifth column includes Americans and Europeans of all origins who feel threatened and who overreact. The Israeli ambassador in Germany just said that Israel has been providing much help to Ukraine while keeping a very low profile (I am paraphrasing); does that imply that Zelensky and the radical Ukrainian nationalists are fifth columnists acting for Israel interests in Ukrine? Why not? Eussia is working against Israel ibterests in Syria, and Israel would profit from a priviledged Zccess to the resources of Ukraine. I view the Neocons’ agenda to be pretty much in line with Israel’s interests — if one discards sone superficial disagreements in the rhetoric coming from Israel and the Neocons about China.
• Agree: Iris
262. Jamali says:
May 4, 2023 at 1:24 am GMT • 8.5 days ago • 100 Words ↑
[I have wondered if development and production of the Iranian drones was fostered by Russia in the first place so these are seen as being essentially Russian.]
The Iranian drone and missile technology was not fostered by Russians to be ‘essentially Russian’. The military technology of Iran is endogenous. You can hear it from Iran’s enemy, General Kenneth F. McKenzie:
• Replies: @QCIC
263. Michael Fury says: • Website
May 4, 2023 at 1:41 am GMT • 8.5 days ago • 200 Words ↑
From Weimar’s broken humiliation
Noble Germany had arisen
Like a captive lion remembering
His strength and made of the circus ring
A reckoning for his spirit’s sake.
For his pride the Enemy vowed to make
Him cower, and marshaling all his proxies
Bled him, beat him down in democracy’s
Name. But in their rise and furious going down,
264. QCIC says:
May 4, 2023 at 4:10 am GMT • 8.3 days ago • 100 Words ↑
Could be.
There are some sharp people in Iran and I don’t even consider remote control drones to be sophisticated, so the development could be indigenous. On the other hand the Iranians have copied, improved and probably license-built a lot of Russian hardware. I don’t think there is any challenge for Russia to make drones so I am trying to fit the pieces of the puzzle together.
Drones are not new and drone swarms have been anticipated for a long time, so military commanders who do not realize this may be out of their league.
• Replies: @Amman
265. mulga mumblebrain says:
May 4, 2023 at 4:28 am GMT • 8.3 days ago • 100 Words ↑
In Judaism killing one’s enemies is not a dreadful necessity, but a joy, a celebration and a religious act, a mitzvah. That extends to civilians, and to children even babies, if they can be said that they would grow up to ‘oppose the Jews’. Funny old world where such beliefs are unable to be ventilated, let alone criticised. Applebaum is just a good, observant, Talmudist, Jew. Mo wonder Top Level loves her with such, tragically unrequited, ardour.
266. Dieter Kief says:
“the de-literated” masses is a trope, Germn poet and essayist Peter Rühmkorf put once this way: “The Second grade analphabetist masses of our times” – – – – A core part of the overall confusion .
What is the Pretzeldunce idea? – I like the term, but have the
feeling I don’t quite get it.
• Replies: @emerging majority
267. Triteleia Laxa [AKA "The Economist"] says:
May 4, 2023 at 10:52 am GMT • 8.1 days ago • 400 Words ↑
This article is a bizarre Jewish supremacist fantasy. Jews are described as every type of overman. Non-Jews are described as less than NPCs, barely plankton. is Unz’s ego unleashed and his lunatic anti-Semitic followers worshipping him. And just as you sacrifice a child/do evil to worship the devil. So too do Unz’s followers engage in mad projecting hatred to worship him.
Hilariously, the only practical advice Unz ever offers his plankton followers is that they act like “berserkers” or lunatics, which will totally discredit whatever causes that might be salvaged from their insanity.
That and the genuine kindness of suggesting these deranged old loons get vaccinated, as Unz isn’t actually the devil that craves worship, but a lonely LARPing fool who wishes he had maintained his friendships, rather than sacrificing them for pretend ones (“famous academic”), exaggerated memories of the dead (Odom) and suchnl luminaries as Metallicman (psychic powers from metal in head), Raches (would be more sensible with metal in his head) and all manner of other nutcases.
The world is sort of unfair Ron. I have no doubt you’ve been a genuine and wonderful friend to everyone you’ve been close to, but most people need more than that, they need to be needed. This is so that they can feel secure, rather than being crushed in the inequality of your self-contained superiority. Sailer is an exception. Everyone else will let you go, unless psychoapthic grifters taking advantage of you. And they’ll do it because you push them away, by never asking anything vulnerable or personal.
And this ugly and stupid politics arc you’ve been on for a decade or so doesn’t help. It ups the cost of knowing you, and since you don’t “need” their friendship, they won’t maintain it. No harm no foul.
Admit to yourself that you want to be a martyr and admit to yourself that you have self-victimised and transcend this nonsense. Writing long articles where you think you’re denouncing the Jews, while lauding them in the most extreme ways, and think you’re defending the others, while portraying them as useless, is pathological. You’re not a prophet or a Satan or Voldemort or whatever. You’re just a lonely old man. Show yourself some compassion on that and open up a bit. You’ll feel much better, and that’s the least you deserve from yourself.
• Replies: @Wizard of Oz, @geokat62
268. che guava says:
True in a limited way. From reading, CPGB was monotholic, Trot groups didn’t exist until long after WWII.
In Spain, he certainly joined a Trot group, POUM, and wrote about it.
• Replies: @Wielgus
269. che guava says:
May 4, 2023 at 11:42 am GMT • 8.0 days ago • 100 Words ↑
You have a point, but it seems anyone who reads knows it. As I said, Ron’s article seems to be a pretty good summary of recent things, falls short on origins. Easy enough to find good articles that cover it.
[On origins, see Cynthia Chung , esp. The Empire on which the Black Sun Never Set with ISBN.docx for this line of thought from the Factual History folks. –FNC]
Just run a search on Trotsky, Leo Strauss, Schactmann, and neo-conservative as terms, you will find good articles on origins.
Really, the explosions of Trotskite micro-groups everywhere, from the sixties, and their micro-disagreements were clearly a Zio + CIA cold war tactic.
True in Japan, too, but the members of such groups are very old and not very active now.
Neo-conservatives (and neo-liberals) came out of that milieu in western Europe and the U.S.A.
• Replies: @Commentator Mike
270. Brosi says:
Kanekoa has a great thread on the Curbing of Serbia during the Yugoslav civil war. Biden shows his true “Neocon” colors. Of course Biden also brags about being a Zionist, so I guess they can’t be too far apart.
• Thanks: Wizard of Oz
271. Wizard of Oz says:
May 4, 2023 at 1:40 pm GMT • 8.0 days ago • 100 Words ↑
Why do you waste our time with such a low grade video proving nothing but that you apparently approve of Greyzone’s abuse of Anee Applebaum as a neo-con without any supporting evidence? I have now also read the very thin case made against her by Mondoweiss which is only a case at all if one takes its second and third hand hearsay as fact and supporting the interpretation put upon it and its reflection on Applebaum. it is a long time since I have read Anne Apple aum articles but, since she has an even more distinguished academic background than Ron Unz and is vastly better informed about Slavic Europe I maintain my hope that he will cease to try and write her off with yah-boo-sucks- she’s-a-neocon dismissal.
• Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
272. Wizard of Oz says:
I can’t say “Agree” because of my inveterate problem of anything which even suggests pop-psych to me but I find your assessment of Ron very interesting.
273. emerging majority says:
Within our massively corrupted court system a convict may or may not be a criminal, due to the many terroristic laws passed by corrupted legislative bodies. However, the proper description of the Khazarian Mafiya is NeoCON. Their every intent is classically criminal.
274. emerging majority says:
May 4, 2023 at 2:44 pm GMT • 7.9 days ago • 100 Words ↑
“Pretzeldunce” is a simple riff on “President”…a specific holder of that orfice, who is so far fallen into mental deterioration that he has achieved the status of a dunce.
As a wordsmith, I frequently engage into various neologisms, some of which are quite apt. Logically, I would not be the first person to coin the phrase “de-literated”. Many readers get caught in mental ruts and thusly tend to breeze through a sentence, as their apperceptions have been routinized. A term such as “de-literated” is employed to engage the reader into committing a currently radical act…thinking.
Dieter. Sie sind ein Deutscher vielleicht, und Sein Verständnis über Amerikanischer Englisch geht nicht so schnell. Mein Deutsche gelehrten ist ein und sexzig Jahre dabei. Amerikaner “Hoch Schule. Meine Grammatik aus Deutsch ist aber schrecklich.
275. Amman says:
May 4, 2023 at 3:29 pm GMT • 7.9 days ago • 100 Words ↑
There is no puzzle here to be solved.
Iranian drones are designed in such a way that they attack their target with high accuracy. They are not only precise, but also are much cheaper to build. US drones or Russian drones are very expensive. US drones may cost millions of dollars to be built, but Iranian drones are worth thousands of dollars, with high accuracy. Furthermore, the Iranian drones are harder to detect.
• Thanks: Iris
276. Patrick McNally says:
May 4, 2023 at 3:34 pm GMT • 7.9 days ago • 1,200 Words ↑
“David R. Francis, United States ambassador in Russia, warned in a January 1918 dispatch to Washington:”
This is just one instance of how Weber misleadingly references a source. David Francis was not “ambassador in Russia” in “January 1918.” The US government never recognized the new Soviet government and therefore, while Francis had acted as the ambassador to Kerensky’s government prior to his overthrow, Francis had absolutely no diplomatic contacts with the leaders of the Soviet government and no first-hand knowledge of the composition of that government. His statement “the Bolshevik leaders, most of whom are Jews” is just a repetition by him of the Right-wing propaganda which was already in circulation in those Right-wing circles which Francis was in contact with.
In the past I’ve referenced this webpage
as a useful source of profiles of people who were in the very upper branches of the ruling Soviet Communist Party. That should be a useful start for any honest inquirer. Now, to just quickly review a few other falsehoods and sleights of hand by Weber.
> In Ukraine, “Jews made up nearly 80 percent of the rank-and-file Cheka agents,” reports W. Bruce Lincoln, an American professor of Russian history.
That’s a misleading case of a partial citation by Weber. Here is the more complete story:
“At a politburo meeting held on 18 April 1919, Trotsky commented:
“‘that Latvians and Jews constituted a vast percentage of those employed in Cheka frontal units, executive committees in frontal zones and the rear, and in Soviet establishments at the center; that the percentage of them at the front was a comparatively small one; that strong chauvinist agitation on this subject was being carried out among Red Army men and finding a certain response there; and that in Comrade Trotsky’s opinion, a reallocation of Party personnel was essential to achieve a more even distribution of all nationalities between the front and the rear.’
“A striking imbalance manifested itself particularly in the Ukraine, where in early 1919 the Chekas contained an extraordinarily high proportion of Jews. 75 per cent of the personnel of the Kiev Cheka, and seven out of its ten collegium members, were Jews…
“On 1 May
1919, i.e. shortly after Trotsky’s Politburo protest, the Kiev Cheka (and
doubtless other Chekas) received an order prohibiting (or, more probably,
limiting) the appointment of Jews to top Cheka posts and requiring, for
propaganda reasons, the token execution of Jews–previously only one Jew had
been executed by the Kiev Cheka…”
— George Leggett, The Cheka, pp. 262, 413.
It’s not really clear whether Leggett’s point about only 1 Jew having been executed by the Kiev Cheka represents loyalty by Kiev Jews to the Bolshevik government or favoritism by Jewish Cheka agents towards people who otherwise might have been charged and executed by the Cheka. In any event, Trotsky certainly was not interested in promoting Jews as such within either the Cheka or anywhere else. Hence his acting to curb the most extreme over-representation. This whole scandal in the Ukraine is actually more the exception which proves the rule. With the White pogroms breaking out in Ukraine in 1919, many young Jews started joining the Bolshevik forces. But Trotsky was determined to stop any resulting over-representation of Jews on the Cheka. Many years later, Stalin allowed a temporary surge of Jews in the NKVD before purging them out. But this was never Trotsky’s way.
> “The Bolshevik Revolution,” declared a leading American Jewish community paper in 1920, “was largely the product of Jewish thinking, Jewish discontent, Jewish effort to reconstruct.”
This is an especially dishonest bit of tripe by Weber. Anyone who had ever looked up that article in question knows that the author did not say that. What was claimed that the February Revolution (not the Bolshevik Revolution, which Wever falsely asserts) was the result of “Jewish thinking, Jewish discontent …” It’s actually a very stupid article which ignores the reality that the February Revolution was the result of spontaneous outbreaks of rebellion by ordinary Russians. But the author of that piece, Svetozar Tonjoroff, The American Hebrew & Jewish Messenger, September 10, 1920, does not say what Weber attributes to him. Tonjoroff tells his audience:
“The workings of this unrest are to be seen in the events that have accomplished, since the fateful year 1914, a task that looms far larger than the French Revolution–the annihilation of the most firmly entrenched, the most selfish and most reckless autocratic system in the world, the Russian Czarism. That achievement, destined to figure in history as the overshadowing result of the world war, was largely the result of Jewish thinking, of Jewish discontent, of Jewish effort to reconstruct.”
Thus far Tonjoroff is saying nothing at all about the Bolshevik Revolution of November 1917 but is merely attributing the earlier revolution of March 1917 to a general Jewish spirit. It should be emphasized that he could only mean this in the most nebulous sense possible, since it is well known that the February Revolution broke out with the fullest support of the whole Russian population and was largely independent of any distinctive prominent leaders, whether Jewish or otherwise. Tonjoroff is making rather a spiritual claim here. He believes that the vast mass of Russians who enthusiastically joined in the February Revolution were manifesting a Jewish spirit, even in the absence of any Jewish leadership.
Tonjoroff does not draw the slightest connection between Lenin and Trotsky on the one hand and his fabled Jewish spirit on the other. Rather he goes on to speak of:
“the passing of the destructive phase of the Lenine-Trotzky revolution, which may also mean the passing of Lenine and Trotzky themselves.”
Rather than associating Lenin and Trotsky with any kind of Jewish influence, Tonjoroff presents them rather as a kind of hiccup which may have temporarily disrupted what he sees as the benign influence of Jewish culture, and which is now being superseded once more by a true Jewish influence. While this article by Tonjoroff can be charged with reflecting an enormous naivete about ongoing events, it certainly does not serve as evidence for what Weber wishes to ascribe to it.
> The Netherlands’ ambassador in Russia, Oudendyke, made much the same point a few months later
The report from that Netherlands Minister shows precisely how the Right-wing was just lumping all Russian Leftists together with the Bolsheviks in ways which guaranteed the victory of Lenin’s party. Here is more from the actual transcript:
“I am also
of opinion that no support whatever should be given to any other socialistic
party in Russia, least of all to Social Revolutionaries, whose policy is at the
moment to overthrow the Bolsheviks, but whose aims in reality are the same,
viz., to establish proletariat rule through the world. Social Revolutionaries
will never fight any foreign power and any profession which they may now make
in this sense is merely a tactical move in their struggle with the Bolsheviks.”
— Foreign Relations of the United States: 1918, Russia, Volume 1, p. 679.
With that kind of Right-wing attitude it’s no surprise that the Netherlands Minister would simply lump all Social Revolutionaries who might be of Jewish background in with “Jewish Bolsheviks.” But it was that kind of attitude which enabled the Bolsheviks to win, since the alternative to a Bolshevik victory was never a White victory by Admiral Kolchak. The only alternative would have been a popular government headed by Social Revolutionaries and Mensheviks.
• Thanks: Wizard of Oz
• Replies: @annamaria
277. Patrick McNally says:
May 4, 2023 at 3:45 pm GMT • 7.9 days ago • 900 Words ↑
“I think he was impatient with political doctrine and this kept him away from organised left politics.”
More than, Orwell generally supported the Allied war effort in World War II. Given all of the lies about Leon Trotsky which are frequently spouted on this board, it’s worth reprinting Trotsky’s statement from September 5, 1939, about the war as an inter-imperialist war. Agree or disagree, it certainly is very different from what is often falsely attributed to him around here.
Who Is
Guilty of Starting the Second World War?
(September 1939)
Written: 5 September 1939.
Source: Socialist Appeal, Vol. III No. 68, 11 September 1939, p. 1.
278. geokat62 says:
You’re just a lonely old man. Show yourself some compassion on that and open up a bit. You’ll feel much better, and that’s the least you deserve from yourself.
Hmmmm. The only other Unzer who had a penchant for performing psycho-babble on people was a woman with the screen name of Triteleia Laxa.
Ron, I’m willing to bet 30 pieces of silver shekels that The Economist is really Triteleia Laxa.
279. Wielgus says:
May 4, 2023 at 5:15 pm GMT • 7.8 days ago • 100 Words ↑
There were
several small Trot groups in Britain during WW2. Worldwide, the most
influential Trotskyist organisation at the time was probably the US Socialist
Workers Party. Its leader, Jim Cannon, came to Britain shortly before WW2 in an
attempt to unite various small Trot groups, but Gerry Healy, a later and
controversial Trotskyist leader, made the crack that “Cannon came to England
and united four organisations into eleven.”
The POUM was denounced as Trotskyist by supporters of Stalin, but the actual
Trotskyists in Spain were a tiny group of “Bolshevik-Leninists” (the preferred
self-designation early in the history of the Trotskyist movement) and Trotsky
criticised Andreu Nin, the POUM leader, whose formation of the group went
against Trotsky’s advice.
280. Wielgus says:
Oh, Blair (Orwell) actually subsided into a sort of English (as opposed to British) nationalism during the war.
281. Iris says:
May 4, 2023 at 6:05 pm GMT • 7.8 days ago • 900 Words ↑
I think my explanation is the most plausible one, but what’s yours? Do you think the Pompeo/Netanyahu battle was faked? Or do you believe that the Chinese ambassador happened to expire randomly at such an opportune moment?
The coincidence seems troubling. Other than you, at least one China official, Hua Chunying 华春莹, a spokesperson for the Foreign Affairs ministry, had at the time privately made the same assumption. But I find it too reductive.
Ambassador Du Wei died a few weeks after he underwent a long Covid quarantine at his arrival in Israel. If I were a member of your very lively Unz Community of vax deniers, bless them, I would argue that a nearly-60 yo could have been obliged to take the only vaccine recognised in Israel, and had succumbed to a blood clot caused by Dr Bourla’s kiss of death. But I am not a facetious person, so I will concede the assumption that Du Wei was indeed deliberately killed for the sake of the discussion.
If so, what allows to conclude that he was killed on order of Pompeo? Since when did the Americans, especially a clown coming out of nowhere, like Pompeo, had the clout to kill whoever they want on Israeli soil? It works the other way round, remember?
It is the 200+ Israeli “art students” who freely roamed the USA, to
place two dozen Saudi witless patsies and finally pull out a Holocaust of 3,000
innocent Americans.
It is Israeli Jonathan Pollard who sold the entire NSA manual, as well as the
names of thousands of US intelligence assets, endangering their lives in the
I cannot recall any real-life example of US intelligence agents acting the
same way against Israel security interests on Israeli soil; can you?
So assuming Du Wei was killed, he would have most likely been by a rival Israeli faction attached to her shared US imperial agenda. They are not stranger to it: just remember what they did to Itzhak Rabin.
But it is
not at all certain Du Wei was killed.
What one can observe is that, while all American elites, Democrats and
Republicans, had recently started showing highly-obvious signs of panic at the
prospect of losing their hegemonic position to rising Eurasian powers, they do
not prioritise the same “enemy”.
By and large, the Democrats tend to focus on destroying Russia, while the Republicans are more intent on targeting China. This is an important and significant difference that ought to be better considered, and it is in part caused by the politically-unprincipled NeoConservatives freely moving back and forth between the Left and the Right, solely on the basis of which one of the two would gain the next US Presidential election.
President Trump was an outlier, a recalcitrant imperialist. When he was elected, he tried to devise an altogether third position, by attacking China as his fellow Republicans saw fit, but only using a smarter, less violent, less hazardous way, by deliberately waging commercial instead of military war. That was Trump’s minimum concession to the Deep State, the much lesser result he engaged to deliver to America’s permanent government. But Trump (and probably Pompeo) did not realise that such concession was too little, and that the Deep State, even enlisting the help of foreign agents such as the MI6/Bellingcat British guy who single-handedly cooked up the RussiaGate story, was already planning for his removal.
Without going into whether the election was stolen, it was obvious months in advance that the US Deep State’s relays in Europe, Boris Johnson for instance, knew beforehand that Trump would not be allowed to win. Arch-opportunistic Johnson knew because he always knew who the real decision-makers were and what they had decided would happen.
So if Netanyahu was as well informed as Boris Johnson was, which is very likely, he would have been told not to openly antagonize Trump in his only major foreign policy initiative, the economic isoaltion of China, because Trump was going to be dumped anyway, and because until the very last minute, the core Israel party based in the US tried to extract from Trump a military attack against Iran. (Please read your very own UR Philip Giraldi’s article at the time).
There was no need to show Trump the fate awaiting him by being too openly defiant, while there was a much bigger prize at stake to be snatched from a deluded President hoping to get elected: the destruction of the Islamic Republic of Iran by the witless USA.
Finally, the
Israel-China cooperation has not been stopped at all, and is going on, with the
caveat that Israel is not supposed to transfer sensitive (US) technologies to
China. There has been a recent agreement (April 2022) between the two, for the
25-year long management of the bay port of Haifa. But to give an idea, this
port represents an investment of only US$ 1,7 billion, a miniscule peanut in
China’s portfolio. And its usefulness is actually for Israel alone. So, in
– Israel is doing whatever it see fits to promote its interests with China
– China does not need Israel but treats it with respect and fairness, as it
does with her most important allies.
• Replies: @Ron Unz
282. Matt B says:
May 4, 2023 at 6:46 pm GMT • 7.7 days ago • 300 Words ↑
I was
expecting some commentary on the influence of Leo Strauss, my impression was
that he was the founder of neo-con thinking,
a central core was his three terrible truths that should be used but never
revealed to the masses,
on the editor often refers to the Straussians in an effort to be more specific in who he is identifying,
I found an online essay many years ago, it’s only available on now,
I have to use an old browser to reach it, Firefox is proving to be very obstructive,
can be quite interesting, it’s produced from outside the anglophone zone and
has different outlooks and insights on a lot of subjects,
they introduced me to a Soviet era Russian term for the Jews that conspire with
Banderites to attack Russia,
“Numerous Russian sources have recounted the history of the Jewish-banderites (Zhidobandera), a term that first cropped up in the USSR in 1981. This group of violently anti-Russian Jews supported the banderites, to avoid being the target of their anti-Semitism.”
I’ve noticed some people referring to the neo-cons as the neo-cohens, a tongue in cheek jibe, I’ve also seen references to the Kosher Nostra, again I thought this was just a jibe but it’s actually included in a wikipedia entry ;
the English language world has been very effectively sanitised of anything that could offend Jewish sensibilities, not so much the case in other language regions.
please don’t
think of me as ‘anti Jewish’, I simply recognise that good and bad exists in
all walks of life and the Jewish community has it’s share of black sheep,
whether they’re prepared to recognise it or not,
I rather admire Mr Unz for speaking out when he see’s it as appropriate, even
if it ruffles a few feathers,
• Thanks: littlereddot, Wizard of Oz
• Replies: @che guava
283. Ron Unz says:
May 4, 2023 at 7:10 pm GMT • 7.7 days ago • 100 Words ↑
Ambassador Du Wei died a few weeks after he underwent a long Covid quarantine at his arrival in Israel. If I were a member of your very lively Unz Community of vax deniers, bless them, I would argue that a nearly-60 yo could have been obliged to take the only vaccine recognised in Israel, and had succumbed to a blood clot caused by Dr Bourla’s kiss of death
Well, I noted that the likelihood that of someone of Wei’s age would die in that two day window was probably 1 in 50,000. Even the most extreme anti-vaxxers don’t claim that vaxxing increases the normal death rate by any large amount, so the odds against a natural death would still be gigantic.
Since Netanyahu was friendly towards China and Pompeo intensely hostile, I think my explanation is the most plausible one.
• Replies: @the Man Behind the Curtain, @Wizard of Oz
284. annamaria says:
What is your point? – That Jewish revolutionaries did not play a major role in the Bolshevik revolution? You have presented your righteous indignation with petty details like ” Francis had acted as the ambassador to Kerensky’s government prior to his overthrow.” He was an ambassador, and his opinions of the role of Jews in the Bolshevik revolution and the first Soviet government were of a witness.
Also, the consistently malicious anti-Rassian activities of
Jacob Shiff are well-documented. He was the financial engine behind the
Russia-Japanese war of 1904/1905, which produced the Revolution of 1905 in
For the father-in-law of Max Warburg’s brother, Felix, was Jacob Schiff, senior partner in Kuhn, Loeb & Co. (Paul and Felix Warburg, you will recall, were also partners in Kuhn, Loeb & Co. while Max ran the Rothschild-allied family bank of Frankfurt.) Jacob Schiff also helped finance Leon Trotsky. According to the New York Journal-American of February 3, 1949: “Today it is estimated by Jacob’s grandson, John Schiff, that the old man sank about 20,000,000 dollars for the final triumph of Bolshevism in Russia.”
Warburg. Where have we heard this name before? Here:
In November 1910, six men – Nelson Aldrich, A. Piatt Andrew, Henry Davison, Arthur Shelton, Frank Vanderlip and Paul Warburg – met at the Jekyll Island Club, off the coast of Georgia, to write a plan to reform the nation’s banking system. The meeting and its purpose were closely guarded secrets, and participants did not admit that the meeting occurred until the 1930s. But the plan written on Jekyll Island laid a foundation for what would eventually be the Federal Reserve System
The two Germans most responsible for the financing of Lenin were Max Warburg and a displaced Russian named Alexander Parvus. … the brother of Max Warburg was Paul Warburg, prime mover in establishing the Federal Reserve System and who from his position on the Federal Reserve Board of Directors, played a key role in financing the American war effort.
We should be grateful to Weber for his paper on the role of Jews in the Bolshevik revolution in Russia in the context of the Jewish involvement in the Nazification of Ukraine before and during the ongoing SMO. The Kagans’ family representative Nuland-Kagan has been the most visible and active Nazifier of Ukraine. She personally collaborated with Andrij Parubyj, the founder of the Ukrainian Nazi Party of Ukraine, in 2014. Among other active Jewish Nazifiers are Carl Gershman (NED), Jake Sullivan (State Dept.), and Antony Blinken (from the holobiz survivor family with connections to a Mossad agent R. Maxwell. Remember Epstein’s blackmailing pedophile affair? R. Maxwell’s daughter Ghislaine was a procuress of children for Epstein and his MEGA sponsors:
All 37 Jewish members of the US Congress support the Ukrainian Banderites. Are you a holocaust/holobiz skeptic? You should be, since the Jewish Lobby, including the Simon Wiesenthal Center and the thuggish ADL believe that Banderites (followers of a prominent Nazic collaborator Stepan Bandera) are “freedom fighters” against Russia the Amalek. The Jewish Community at large celebrates Jewish Fuehrer Zelensky, a supreme commander of self-proclaimed Nazis (do you understand the words “self-proclaimed Nazis?”), whose position helped the homoerotic dancer (and “pianist”) to become a Jew of the Year, as announced by the Jerusalem Post and Times magazine.
Zio-Nazified Ukraine celebrates Nazi collaborator Stepan
The explanation of Zionists’ love and support for Banderites:
The Jews have a right to subordinate to themselves the rest of mankind and to be the masters over the whole earth. This is the historic destiny of the Jews, Harry Waton, “A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites” (New York Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), pp. 99-100
The foundation of the ziocons’ triumph at the US State Department:
Beginning in 1949, the German Jewish philosopher Leo Strauss taught at the University of Chicago. He soon formed a small group of Jewish disciples from among his students. He taught them orally, which was quite different from his writings. According to him, the democracies had shown their inability to protect the Jews from the Nazi final solution. To prevent this tragedy from happening again and the hammer from falling on them, his disciples had to be on the other side of the handle.
He advised them to build their own dictatorship.
Several of the members of this sect have held very high positions in the United States and Israel. The operation and ideology of this grouping were the subject of controversy after the attacks of September 11, 2001. An abundant literature has opposed the supporters and opponents of the philosopher. However, the facts are indisputable. …
One of the characteristics of this group is that they are ready for anything. For example, they wanted to return Iraq to the stone age. This is indeed what they did. For them, all sacrifices are possible, including for themselves, as long as they remain the first; not the best, the first.
• Thanks: Iris
• LOL: Wizard of Oz
• Replies: @Commentator Mike, @Patrick McNally
285. mulga mumblebrain says:
May 5, 2023 at 5:46 am GMT • 7.3 days ago • 100 Words ↑
Oh dear-how Top Level’s heart must ache that he, and his ‘distant beloved’ Applebaum, are so far parted. Does she feel, as she drifts off to sleep, hanging upside down from the rafters, that a fellow soul pines for her, so far away in the Antipodes. It would bring a tear to the eye of a statue.
286. Commentator Mike says:
What do you think predisposes Trotskyites to become Neocons? It would be useful to have some explanation for this. I have read some analysts who claim that many prominent Trotskyists who died earlier, including even Victor Serge, would have become Neocons had they lived longer.
• Replies: @che guava, @Iris
287. Commentator Mike says:
May 5, 2023 at 9:57 am GMT • 7.1 days ago • 100 Words ↑
Jews are just using the Banderite Nazis but once they establish their New Khazaria (let’s hope not and that they are completely and utterly defeated and destroyed by the Russians) they will quickly be rid of them. The Zionists also used some Palestinian collaborators during the phase when they were setting up the state of Israel, and apparently even had some Palestinians fighting alongside them against the British (although I haven’t read the book so can’t vouch for the latter assumption).
288. Brás Cubas says:
May 5, 2023 at 10:59 am GMT • 7.1 days ago • 200 Words ↑
Ron Unz
artificially unites under one label (“neocon”) different groups and even
different generations of people. In my previous comments, though I have
diverged from him in some points, I didn’t challenge that particular
assumption. I think I should do it now, even if that entails changing my view
of things.
I think it is an error to conflate all belligerent factions in the U.S. under
the label “neocon”. It would agree more with the facts to continue to separate
them into neocons and neoliberals, as it was done in the past. That way, it
becomes straightforward to explain the Israel angle, and in fact all angles,
without the need to resort to verbal contortionisms. The Israel lobby has more
clout with neocons than with neoliberals. The neoliberal faction is strongly
influenced by George Soros, who is a big Democrat donor. Soros wants nothing to
do with Israel, but hates Russia because it is illiberal.
Neoliberals are Democrats. Neocons are Republicans. Ukraine has become somewhat
bipartisan, but that does not really destroy this categorization. Support for
the Ukraine war is weaker on the Republican side.
China is a bit of a bipartisan thing too. There will always be issues that are
• Thanks: Wizard of Oz
• Replies: @Commentator Mike
289. the Man Behind the Curtain says:
May 5, 2023 at 12:31 pm GMT • 7.0 days ago • 200 Words ↑
I, of course respect your opinion, and will just give mine.
The fact that regional powers are arming rapidly is detrimental mainly to the Israelis.
Thanks – Yeah, I think you’re right about that.
The war in Ukraine is a demonstration of what should NOT happen in the Middle-East.
A middle eastern war would likely be less controllable and more destructive than the Ukraine conflict, because it would be fought between weaker powers with greater population. The Tigray-Ethiopian conflict was the bloodiest conflict in 2022, for example.
After the Ukrainian army had been decimated, there will come a time when the military on both sides will start making summations, showing that Israel/US cannot win a war for lack of industrial military capability. Israel will then be forced to negotiate;
If Israel is proven indefensible, America is proven too weak to defend her allies, and international borders are no longer sacred (novorusiya) then the logical conclusion isn’t that peace will break out, but that alliances will be renegotiated and further wars will be fought until a new political equilibrium is established.
Neither of them need Israel, neither will tolerate its antics,
That doesn’t necessarily mean they will directly contribute to Israel’s destruction. Israel has a lot of neighbors that might, though.
• Replies: @Iris
290. Iris says:
That doesn’t necessarily mean they will directly contribute to Israel’s destruction. Israel has a lot of neighbors that might, though.
Exactly. I don’t think neither Russia nor China want Israel’s destruction, and I am sure they have the will and the power to rein in their local allies, starting from Iran, to prevent them from undertaking such destruction.
Israel’s main survival problem is the Zionist mindset itself, the Israelis’ extraordinary belief in their superiority and entitlement, in their right of taking anything they want that belongs to others in order to achieve the standards of living they think they deserve.
Such mentality is a grotesque remnant of an imperialist mentality explicitly being flushed to the gutter by the rising Eurasian powers. Unfortunately for them, neither the Israelis nor their friends worldwide, seem to understand that they are swimming against the flow of History.
• Replies: @the Man Behind the Curtain, @Arami
291. che guava says:
Anti-Stalin, also (in the U.S. in particular), simple shape-shifting. They were pretending as a game for further ethnic power.
As for neo-liberals ex-Trots in western Europe (a later phenom.), Anthony Blair, most of his cabinet, a few Jewish, most not, just the various Trot groups had programmed them to despise their own people, and Zionists were waving immense ‘opportunities’ around.
‘The working classes didn’t rise as in our Trot fantasies, so send them to hell!’.
The U.S. and europe are different, there although the background reptilian puppet-masters were the same.
A full reply would take too long for now. Some photographs of the joint Red Army and Wehrmacht victory celebrations in Poland are still extant, the senior Red Army officers at the time were visibly Jewish. That changed over the course of the war, they were eliminated from senior commands, just running machine-gun nests as political commisars to shoot non-Jewish soldiers, then not even that.
That made ’em mad boy,
hot dog, that made ’em mad!
Could write a doctoral thesis on it, however, have to be a little busy tomorrow.
Look into the behaviour of D.P.’s there were many displaced people, including many from Japan (captive forced labour in Siberia for years) and in Europe, but the worst behaved were Jewish, most of whom went to the U.S.A., many even faked being U.S. M.P. and ‘prison guards’ beating the prisoners at the unjust Nuremberg trials. Almost none had been in uniform before.
Insta-fake G.I.
So, that is certainly part of the origin of ‘neoconservatism’.
• Thanks: Commentator Mike, Iris
292. the Man Behind the Curtain says:
May 5, 2023 at 3:27 pm GMT • 6.9 days ago • 100 Words ↑
Exactly. I don’t think neither Russia nor China want Israel’s destruction, and I am sure they have the will and the power to rein in their local allies, starting from Iran, to prevent them from undertaking such destruction.
I am really unsure how hostile or not they are. Do you have any evidence one way or the other? I have just not been following Russian-Israeli or Sino-Israeli relations that closely. The Middle East is such a mess they may just try to stay out of it as much as possible? China is strongly committed to electric vehicles (bad news for Volkswagen) which would make them much less dependent on Middle Eastern Oil.
• Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
293. Commentator Mike says:
Thanks, but I can’t tell the difference between NeoLibs and NeoCons, they’re all the same to me. Che Guava mentions that Blair was a NeoLib but I can’t see the difference between him and Bush, a certified NeoCon.
294. the Man Behind the Curtain says:
May 5, 2023 at 4:06 pm GMT • 6.9 days ago • 300 Words ↑
While I agree with your assertion that Ambassador Du was likely assassinated by Pompeo and friends (@Iris – Pompeo did not “come from nowhere,” he is a former congressman and CIA director), I would just like to talk briefly about this point:
Well, I noted that the likelihood that of someone of Wei’s age would die in that two day window was probably 1 in 50,000. Even the most extreme anti-vaxxers don’t claim that vaxxing increases the normal death rate by any large amount,
We have anti-vaxxers in the Eugene Kusmiak thread claiming 20 million excess deaths (I am unsure of this). There have certainly been a lot of noteworthy people experiencing serious adverse events with some even dropping dead (like the Thai crown princess being kept alive by ECMO).
Obviously there is some extra math that makes the likelihood of death within a two-day window much lower, I would just like to point out how easy it is for a lot of people to die of dangerous drugs without most people noticing. In the 1980s, VIOXX caused 38,000 excess deaths, or 1 in 8,000 Americans. Now, this was over a longer than two-day window, but it does speak to the broader point of how plausibly deniable these deaths are. The vast majority of Americans were totally ignorant of the VIOXX deaths for years before an epidemiologist did an academic study to get the thing pulled.
So, while I agree it’s extremely unlikely Ambassador Du died of covid or the shot within a very specific two-day window (and you’re right Pompeo had all sorts of motives to off him), there is a lot of evidence to suggest the Pfizer shot is much more dangerous than VIOXX, so based on that I’d estimate the excess death rate to be well north of 1 in 8,000.
295. che guava says:
May 5, 2023 at 4:17 pm GMT • 6.8 days ago • 100 Words ↑
Err, ‘Bugsy’ Siegel, Meyer Lansky, the list goes on, Gangs of New York, the book , not the stupid film, goes into much more detail. The book ends with the Kosher Nostra as the dominant outfit. That’s because it ends just before the Cosa-kosher alliances start to rise. It isn’t a novel, but a good work of history,
Henry Hill’s (Goodfella‘s) foolishly chosen Jewish wife? She was obviously involved in the rackets, right up to the end, did the rat on him, wonder if she lives in the U.S.A. of now or escaped to asylum in Israel? If she did the latter, she’d be back to free travel to the U.S. now.
296. Iris says:
What do you think predisposes Trotskyites to become Neocons?
Because that was their mission from the get-go: act as a the fifth column of the financial oligarchy to destroy the Labour movement from within, from its (pretend) Left side.
The role Trotsky played against the then-Soviet people was despicable from the onset of the Russian Revolution; his primary role always was to subvert it and destroy it from within.
The Communist parties of Western Europe’s, for all their flaws, were primarily motivated by improving the socio-economic conditions of the local Labour classes, and adhering to the USSR’s labour ideology was just a means to it. (Socialism under Jean Jaures was a powerful ideology in France long before the Russian revolution, and Jaures was killed because he had decided to stop working class people from being butchered in WW1).
With the end of WW2, Communist parties benefited from credibility (they had been the fiercest anti-Nazis), from the USSR’s aura as WW2 victor, and from the 3 decades of labour-hungry growth to come: they were very powerful . Entered the Trotskyist parties, who under various fabricated pretexts, such as fighting the alleged excesses of Stalin, fought exclusively against the Labour parties and undermined them from within, as would the oligarchy’s attack dogs do.
When the Labour movements got finally destroyed, heavy industry closed and outsourced at the beginning of the 1980’s, the “Left” Trotskyist, having finished off their prey, all turned to the “Right” and all became NeoConservatives, unanimously approving the most racist and imperialist initiatives such as the first Iraq War in the early 1990’s.
In other terms, “NeoConsrvatism” is not a Right or a Left ideology: it is the ideological disguise that was used on a very long term by a certain faction to destroy the USSR, then Russia. This faction was centred in the USA, but had very similar appendices operating in coutries with formerly-strong Left-wing parties (France and Italy in particular).
Last but not least, it happens that a majority of these extreme-Left Trotskyists turned overnight to extreme-Right NeoConservatives are of Jewish descent. A most prominent French Trotskyist, Alain Krivine I think, once famously joked that given its human component, the Trotskyist Party could held all its meetings in Yiddish.
The lesson, the summary is clear: the real litmus test by which to judge politicians is their adherence or not to the imperial wars agenda, and not their pretended affiliation to the “Left” or to the “Right”, which have become void concepts. Any politician who refuses to engage in unnecessary foreign wars de facto defends the well-being of his own people, by refusing to drown them in unpayable debts.
• Thanks: Commentator Mike
297. Wizard of Oz says:
May 6, 2023 at 12:20 am GMT • 6.5 days ago • 100 Words ↑
If Netsnyahu was convinced that the ambassador had been killed to send a message , the Chinese would also have been. If so, the Chinese would have warned off any such future murders by choosing a suitable American or American agent of identifiable relevance to kill or at least severely wound. What evidence is there that this happened?
The very fact that this retaliation by the Chinese might occur would surely have been a severe restraint on Pompeo. He would at least have been warned that to do it in a way that sent a message was likely to send an equivalent message to the Chinese.
An alternative problem in reaching you conclusion is posed by Netanyahu being advised “We don’t think it’s the Americans because they wouldn’t risk setting up retaliation bt the Chinese”.
• Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
298. marylinm says:
Yet another, very confused, and self-aggrandizing divagation. Usually , a very reliable indication that the time to consider retirement seriously is near.
• Replies: @Wizard of Oz
299. Patrick McNally says:
May 6, 2023 at 3:53 am GMT • 6.4 days ago • 1,200 Words ↑
“He was an ambassador, and his opinions of the role of Jews in the Bolshevik revolution and the first Soviet government were of a witness.”
No, he was not, and they were not. Francis had served as an ambassador to the Kerensky government, but the United States did not establish any diplomatic connections with the new Soviet government from November 1917 onwards. Francis remained in Russia through part of 1918 before withdrawing. But the only Soviet official whom he ever had any limited contacts with was Georgy Chicherin, a distant relative of Alexander Pushkin and undisputed Gentile. The only contacts between Francis and Chicherin consisted of the latter’s efforts to convey to Francis that either he needs to recognize the Soviet government or else plan on withdrawing from Russia since he was no longer an acting ambassador.
> According to the New York Journal-American of February 3, 1949: “Today it is estimated by Jacob’s grandson, John Schiff, that the old man sank about 20,000,000 dollars for the final triumph of Bolshevism in Russia.”
I’ve referred to this tripe before. The silly claim that is quoted there appeared in a gossip-column, not in any kind of news report. The gossip-column that was published under the pseudonym “Cholly Knickerbocker” by Igor Cassini. It was not any kind of news investigation and there’s no evidence that Cassini ever spoke with John Schiff. It reads like a debauched version of something which the real John Schiff said. The use of the word “sank” is telling here, since to “sink” money in some way usually implies a failed enterprise. If Jacob Schiff had actually supported Lenin’s Bolsheviks (he never did) then this wouldn’t be counted as a “sunk” investment. It would be a successful investment.
What Jacob Schiff did do was he sent money to Alexander Kerensky’s government, which in turn was overthrown by Lenin’s forces. Since Schiff had given money to the losing political actor Kerensky, he had “sunk” that money in a bid which did not pay off. Most likely, the real John Schiff did make a statement about his grandfather having “sunk” money in an effort to support Kerensky, and the Right-wing rumor-mill simply turned this into a fake claim about John Schiff saying that Jacob Schiff had supported Lenin. Schiff never supported Lenin at all.
For some factual background about Schiff’s responses to the revolution in Russia, this piece by Priscilla Roberts from the American Jewish Archives, Volume 49, Numbers 1-2, July 1997, is pertinent:
“Schiff welcomed the overthrow of the Tsarist government and subscribed to Russian war loans in 1917. He and his partners were less enthused when a radical Bolshevik government took power in Russia at the end of that year, and refused to provide any further financing. He supported Allied intervention in Russia, and was closely associated with anti-Bolshevik Russian elements in the United States.”
That bit of junk from the Heritage website is just repeating lies from Robert Wilton. For example:
“When Trotsky left New York aboard the S.S. Christiania, on March 27, 1917, with his entourage of 275 revolutionaries,”
Complete rubbish.
“Trotsky and
the family had been in America for less than three months. They boarded the SS
Kristianiafford of the Norwegian-American line on 27 March looking forward to
the journey … 300 well-wishers saw them off… A handful of revolutionaries
secured berths for the same trip. These included Trotsky’s associate Grigori
Chudnovski. Another passenger was Andrei Kalpashnikov, who may well have been
sent by Allied agencies to keep an eye on Trotsky.”
— Robert Service, Trotsky: A Biography, p. 159, Pan Books, 2010.
“On 27 March
Trotsky, his family, and a small group of other emigres, having the day before
been given a boisterous farewell by a multilingual gathering of Socialists,
sailed from New York… British naval police forcibly removed him and his family
from the ship… the internment became a political scandal. The Menshevik
Executive of the Petrograd Soviet demanded Trotsky’s release… Finally, after
much bungling and intrigue, Miliukov [Milyukov] was compelled to renew the
demand for Trotsky’s release.”
–Isaac Deutscher, The Prophet Armed, pp. 246-7, Oxford University Press, 1989.
“So Trotsky cooled his heels in a Canadian prison—for five days.”
Another lie. Trotsky was held up for about a month:
“British intelligence was already on the trail of the 37-year-old radical, and when the ship pulled in for a stop at Halifax, police stepped aboard to arrest Trotsky and a small group of other Russians as dangerous socialists’ set on overthrowing Russia’s fragile provisional government…
“Worse still, the British suspected that Trotsky’s passage had been funded by the German enemy…
“The left-wing Russian press, however, was reportedly whipped into a frenzy by news that a prominent comrade was being held against his will by Canadians.
most difficult prisoner was fast becoming an international incident, and after
only one month in Nova Scotia, the British ordered Trotsky freed after
receiving an official request from Pavel Milyukov, the foreign minister of
Russia’s democratically minded Provisional Government.”
— Tristin Hopper, “Where was Trotsky when the Russian Revolution began? Why
Nova Scotia, of course,” National Post, published June 28, 2017.
Here’s more Heritage nonsense:
“Then all of a sudden the British (through future Kuhn, Loeb partner Sir William Wiseman) and the United States (through none other than the ubiquitous “Colonel” House) pressured the Canadian government.”
No, it was the Provisional Government of Russia which made the demands for Trotsky’s release.
“Are you a holocaust/holobiz skeptic?”
It seems plausible that a lot of the more popularized stories from that have been either exaggerated or sometimes outright invented. Of course, that doesn’t change the fact that eastern Europe was better off with a Soviet victory over the Third Reich. The Poles, Russians and other Slavs who fought against Hitler really weren’t spending their time worrying about gas chambers in Auschwitz. It was Hitler’s attempt to conquer their lands for living space which drove the Slavs to fight back. This is actually quite similar to the causes of the White defeat in the Russian Civil War. Many Russians and could easily have accepted the White pogroms against Jews which killed somewhere on the order of 150,000 or so, However, the brutal and corrupt military dictatorships which the Whites tried to impose on Russians were repeatedly rejected in ways which worked to the benefit of Lenin’s party.
“He was the financial engine behind the Russia-Japanese war of 1904/1905,”
Schiff did give loans of about 41.2 million British pounds to Japan. Then again, France gave loans to Russia of around 30.4 million and Germany another 24.5 million. You’re kind of overstating the degree to which Schiff supposedly acted as the critical force, and you’re downplaying the extent to which the Czarist government itself blundered into an avoidable mess. Russia had stated that it would withdraw forces from Manchuria which had been sent there over the Boxer Rebellion. But the deadline date of April 8, 1903, passed with no change. Japanese students began demonstrating against their own government for allowing this. That’s just some of the blundering arrogance which led the Russian government into a disaster.
• Thanks: Wizard of Oz
• Replies: @emerging majority
300. Wizard of Oz says:
Who is this addressed to and what is it about?
301. mulga mumblebrain says:
May 6, 2023 at 8:01 am GMT • 6.2 days ago • 100 Words ↑
When have the Chinese retaliated for a US attack on them? Sure, they pick on a junior thug like Austfailia when Huawei was banned, and human zeppelin Payne was demanding ‘weapons’ inspection type powers’ for an investigation into the US bio-warfare attack in Wuhan, but they know that they are dealing with a dying rabid dog, so it is best not to provoke it. Just keep safe and wait until it dies.
• Replies: @Wizard of Oz
302. mulga mumblebrain says:
Volkswagen are making EVs. Where DO you get your ‘information’?
• Replies: @the Man Behind the Curtain
303. Arami says:
May 6, 2023 at 1:08 pm GMT • 6.0 days ago • 200 Words ↑
{{I don’t think neither Russia nor China want Israel’s destruction, and I am sure they have the will and the power to rein in their local allies, starting from Iran, to prevent them from undertaking such destruction.}}
You are right, these two countries do not want Israel’s destruction. In fact, these countries need the Israel, like US and EU, to CONTROL Muslism world in order to implement their project in the region and to protect their interests. Russia was part of the West until yesterday and still will keep the doors open, so China. Thus, they use Israel like a SORD over the Muslim’ heads to control them accordingly. Therefore, it is important for Muslims to work together as a strong camp to neutralize this intention and to protect their interests. By working together and supporting each other, the Muslim community worldwide will send a strong message to Russia and China that they can not repeat Western policy again by supporting Israel against Muslim community’s interest through divide and rule. Muslim community with a large population, large portion of the resources, large number of skill workers will not be manipulated by anyone including China and Russia. Russia and China must understand that Israel is NOT an asset, only liability. They have shown themselves throughout the history not once but many times.
• Replies: @the Man Behind the Curtain
304. the Man Behind the Curtain says:
Volkswagen are making EVs. Where DO you get your ‘information’?
Not very good ones, Wartzing Matilda:
I would think an aspiring Red Guard like you would know China is the largest car market by a wide margin which makes BYD’s leadership in EVs kind of a big deal
• Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
305. the Man Behind the Curtain says:
May 6, 2023 at 1:52 pm GMT • 5.9 days ago • 100 Words ↑
Thus, they use Israel like a SORD over the Muslim’ heads to control them accordingly.
I don’t know about this. China is a very old country and got along more or less ok with that original Islamic super-state, the Abbasid caliphate, so I would guess as China moves towards EVs (this reducing greatly their need for Middle East oil) I think they will just let events take their course, and try to get along with whoever wins the looming free-for-all. As for Israel:
“For they
have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind: it hath no stalk: the
bud shall yield no meal: if so be it yield, the strangers shall swallow it up.
Israel is swallowed up: now shall they be among the Gentiles as a vessel
wherein is no pleasure.”
– Hosea 8:7-8, the Bible, KJV
• Replies: @Arami
306. Wizard of Oz says:
Why do you waste energy and time writing and posting irrelevant crap? Even if it was true that China had never retaliated for anything your reply does not answer my point. You would have to posit that the US would have been confident that China would not retaliate in any serious way. Including retaliation against allies in a way that mattered.
• Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
307. Anonymous[907] • Disclaimer says:
How the pipeline was blown. Detailes!! NOTICE THIS IS PAGE THREE
308. Arami says:
“I don’t know about this. China is a very old country and got along more or less ok with that original Islamic super-state, the Abbasid caliphate, so I would guess as China moves towards EVs (this reducing greatly their need for Middle East oil) I think they will just let events take their course, and try to get along with whoever wins the looming free-for-all. As for Israel”
No, the
states that want to influence the world will not “let events take their
course”, they intervene whenever is necessary to inject power in order to run
their project all over the world to protect their interests. China and Russia
are not exception to the rule. China was a colonial or imperialistic power. She
was a victim of the imperialist powers, such as British , American and others.
China always stayed within its own communities. Now, China is going to replace
US rule soon, and the situation is very different. Thus, China/Russia may or
may not need to use pressure on others when it is necessary achieve certain
goal that is not beneficial to others to make them compromise. Thus, Israel
could be useful in this game to achieve the desired outcome.
Today, US is openly engaged in piracy at the sea and stealing of other
countries resources using fake excuses.
US and the zionists use the presence of minorities in the target countries in
order to destabilize the targeted countries. China has Muslim minority, thus,
the west is using this group to destabilize China for geopolitical advantage,
like what they are doing with many states in the middle east and the North
China has been an ally of the US for a long time. This was very important to US
since the Soviet Union let by Russia was the main enemy and US was pressuring
Russia using China to destabilize the Soviet Union. China cooperated with US
against the Soviet Union to develop its economy with more support from the US.
Now, China is allying with Russia against the weaken US because they left with
no other choice.
• Replies: @the Man Behind the Curtain
309. the Man Behind the Curtain says:
May 6, 2023 at 8:38 pm GMT • 5.7 days ago • 100 Words ↑
No, the states that want to influence the world will not “let events take their course”, they intervene whenever is necessary to inject power in order to run their project all over the world to protect their interests. China and Russia are not exception to the rule.
China and Russia are not the same country and I have seen little evidence that China wants to get involved in the Middle East in any meaningful way; there is little to gain and much to lose. The Middle East has nothing to offer but hydrocarbons but if China is not dependent on them for energy they save themselves a lot of trouble.
Russia is much closer to the Middle East and is an active participant in the region, as evidenced by the Syrian War and is another story entirely
• Replies: @mulga mumblebrain, @Arami
310. mulga mumblebrain says:
I rather fear that the fact that the Chinese actually truly believe in justice and harmony means that they see geo-political and moral necessity in ending Israel’s barbarity, while securing its peaceful existence on its illegitimate, but regretably internationally recognised, 1947 borders. A peaceful Near and Middle East would make borders pretty irrelevant in any case. China wants peace, the West craves discord and conflict. It’s in the culture.
• Replies: @the Man Behind the Curtain
311. mulga mumblebrain says:
May 7, 2023 at 6:27 am GMT • 5.3 days ago • 200 Words ↑
No, no
Toppers. Remember your Imperial Psychology 101. The ruling psychopath thugs in
the Anglosphere want China to retaliate. Then the vermin in the Western MSM can
screech ‘Chinese aggression’, and keep up brainwashing the serfs into a proper
race war frenzy.
Once China surpassed the USA in economic PPP terms, the denizens of
Thanatopolis DC decided that the Yellow Peril must be euthanised. Hence the
ever growing chorus of lies, hypocrisy, race ans cultural hatred and increasing
hysteria, ever since. Hence the bio-warfare attack in Wuhan. Hence the tariffs.
Hence the lies concerning Huawei, and its banning by stooge regimes like
Austfailia. Hence the fraudulent ‘Freedom of Navigation’ provocations. Hence
the mobilisation of the compradore goons in Hong Kong, hence the incitement of
the Japanese lesbian cat-lovers in Taiwan, hence the vicious racist hysteria
when Pacific States dare to enter friendly relations with the PRC, before
getting permission from the local White Boss in Canberra.
Hence, hence, hence. All in support of the Fools’ Crusade to launch a race and
civilizational war on China to maintain the God-ordained rule of White
ubermenschen, like your good self, over humanity, FOREVER!. Even you must see
that that would finish this pathetic colonial appendage off for good.
• Replies: @the Man Behind the Curtain, @Wizard of Oz
312. mulga mumblebrain says:
Yes,Hyde, but VW will still make a motza in the PRC, and in the EU and elsewhere, and, they must hope, learn from the experience. EVs are the future, old boy. Nothing to be frightened of. ICEs are for dinosaurs.
• Replies: @the Man Behind the Curtain
313. Arami says:
[I have seen little evidence that China wants to get involved in the Middle East in any meaningful way;]
What do you
mean? China already is involved in the middle east, not like US and never will
be like US US involvement is based on creating chaos putting one against the
other to partition the regional states to control the regional states.
But China wants to implement Belt and Road Initiative so the majority benefit.
China needs security and cooperation in the region to implement its belt and
road initiative. Middle East still is very important region to all and needs
• Replies: @the Man Behind the Curtain
314. the Man Behind the Curtain says:
May 7, 2023 at 1:07 pm GMT • 5.0 days ago • 100 Words ↑
China needs security and cooperation in the region to implement its belt and road initiative.
Not really. There are so many countries that have signed up to it I have a hard time believing they need every one of them to be at peace. Once the Port or whatever is built they may just decide to protect the port. China also sells weapons into the wider world so is perfectly capable of profiting from war as well as peace.
315. the Man Behind the Curtain says:
the Chinese actually truly believe in justice and harmony means that they see geo-political and moral necessity in ending Israel’s barbarity,
The idea that China has moral qualms about dealing with Israel is ridiculous beyond words. Sun Yat-Sen, who both the Communists and Nationalists hail as a national hero, was a Zionist. Israel and China have collaborated in the past on defense projects – the IAI Lavi / Chengdu J-10 fighter, for example.
China wants peace, the West craves discord and conflict. It’s in the culture.
Your lack of any Chinese language ability is showing, Wartzing Matilda.
See, American Masonic Jesus is the Prince of Peace and may even get you out of your “non-binary” nonsense through plural marriage if you are in fact female as I suspect (although hanging out with some Asian tech nerds now I’m not so sure):
“For verily,
verily I say unto you, he that hath the spirit of contention is not of me, but
is of the devil, who is the father of contention, and he stirreth up the hearts
of men to contend with anger, one with another.
Behold, this is not my doctrine, to stir up the hearts of men with anger, one
against another; but this is my doctrine, that such things should be done
– 3 Nephi 11:29-30, the Book of Mormon (Another Testament of Jesus Christ)
316. the Man Behind the Curtain says:
hence the incitement of the Japanese lesbian cat-lovers in Taiwan,
I was going to say some of them aren’t Japanese but half Scottish-American and then I noticed her birthplace…
So true…
317. Wizard of Oz says:
Well I suppose uou are entitled to take off on any tangent your febrile mind is attracted to though why you think the types you say would like to cause China to retaliate would be the same as the decision makers in the case of the ambassador to Israel I do not understand. Especially when you add in the fact that it would most likely be retaliation that couldn’t be shown to be a hostile act by China.
More important. Have a serious look at the following video and give me a serious factual and analytical response to it without bluster which makes readers fear for your health.
China’s Economy is 60% Smaller Than We Thought:
• Replies: @the Man Behind the Curtain, @the Man Behind the Curtain, @mulga mumblebrain
318. emerging majority says:
Here we have the case of a “debunker” who cites many accounts denying that Trotsky had the support of fellow Talmudist oligarchs; while at the same time insisting that “150,000 or so” Jews died during the “White pogroms”. Totally unsubstantiated by any reasonably objective source.
Is “Patrick McNally” a genuine I.D. or a nom de plume?
Japanese students demonstrating? Was that organic, or were there hidden forces within the Japanese military and related ultra-nationalist groups involved in Japan’s own imperialistic drives?
• Replies: @Patrick McNally
319. the Man Behind the Curtain says:
May 7, 2023 at 11:21 pm GMT • 4.5 days ago • 100 Words ↑
This is pure propaganda by a diversity professor. Harvard recently released a study by one of its diversity professors stating that 2+2 does, in fact, equal 5. Meanwhile the smartest Catholics who have successfully run China-focused hedge funds for years were delivering lecture back in 2015 about how the Chinese government had systematically lied about its economy in the other direction – it had been downplaying its size for years.
The reason slave races are in charge of everything in the Anglo sphere at the present time is that they will be left holding the bag when everything finally collapses, an event we are not long from.
Pure copium.
• Replies: @mulga mumblebrain, @Wizard of Oz
320. the Man Behind the Curtain says:
Yes,Hyde, but VW will still make a motza in the PRC,
No… they won’t… that’s kind of the point of the article, which means trouble ahead for ze jehman economy, ja?
• Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
321. the Man Behind the Curtain says:
May 7, 2023 at 11:52 pm GMT • 4.5 days ago • 200 Words ↑
After skimming this, the methodology of this video is so stupid your new nickname shall be Puzzle, after the jackass in “the Last Battle” who dresses up as Aslan to help the Ape in the paper crown import Calormenes (disreputable darkies who worship cruel idols) into Narnia:
“Now don’t stand arguing, please,” said Shift. “What does an ass like you know about things of that sort? You know you’re no good at thinking, so why don’t you let me do your thinking for you? Why don’t you treat me as I treat you? I don’t think I can do everything. I know you’re better at some things than I am. That’s why I let you go into the Pool; I knew you’d do it better than me. But why can’t I have my turn when it comes to something I can do and you can’t? Am I never allowed to do anything? Do be fair. Turn and turn about.”
– C.S. Lewis, The Last Battle
• Replies: @Wizard of Oz
322. mulga mumblebrain says:
Trouble ahead for the Hun, but not necessarily in China. VW think that they can make a living there, and perfect models to be sold in the saner reaches of the West. They could be wrong, but it’s still too early to say.
323. Wizard of Oz says:
You aren’t clever enough to be able to “skim” the contents of the video** and provide the worthwhile analytical and factual criticism I invited. And don’t you think it worth following up the reasons suggested why economic performance in China, as in the USSR, might be exaggerated by the pressure to apparently achieve targets?
**How did you “skim” the video? Did tou find a transcript to skim? Or are you bullshitting?
• Replies: @the Man Behind the Curtain
324. mulga mumblebrain says:
riposte! A palpable hit, sir! Top Level is a typical Austfailian reactionary.
They hate the Yellow Devils hereditarily, and China’s rise has them soiling
themselves with fear and angst. The world is NOT meant to be led by ‘mere
Asiatics’. In response, one facet of their reptilian brains turns to plans for
mass murder, in their habitual fashion, and another floats off into the
fanatic’s paradise of hallucinatory confabulation, and this ‘ China’ economy is
60% smaller’ garbage is a doozy, even for Toppers.
I’d bet that it soon appears on John Anderson’s (a fifth-rate local reactionary
politician, now fancying himself a sage)web-site, or on Amanda Fatstone’s, or
her ‘Labor’ equivalent, Philip Adams’ radio programs. I dare say it is designed
to make the frenzy of racist bloodlust being stoked by the Western MSM and
politics, seem less ludicrously suicidal.
• LOL: the Man Behind the Curtain
• Replies: @Commentator Mike
325. mulga mumblebrain says:
May 8, 2023 at 4:02 am GMT • 4.4 days ago • 400 Words ↑
I thought I
posted an answer to this ludicrous idiocy. Man behind the curtain swiftly
skewers you below, but for what it’s worth, here goes.
NO other agency (IMF, World Bank etc) private bank, other ‘studies’,
eye-witnesses etc, report a similarly ludicrous situation. The author is out
there with the extreme Sinophobes in mortal panic ie you. Somehow China has
built the most productive economy in history, become the greatest trading
nation in history, is the country that sent one hundred and forty million
tourists overseas (and they were not mendicants or defectors)in 2019, and the
country that has constructed the greatest network, of high speed rail,
highways, metro lines, great bridges, hydro dams, water diversion
mega-projects, 5G communications etc, and scores of hyper-modern cities, with
an economy vastly smaller than reported. Reported, as I said, by all other
foreign observers, too, until this fellow saw a profitable niche in hyperbolic
propaganda in which to fit.
What about Chinese emissions, of greenhouse gases and other pollutants, sign of
their frantic efforts to supply Western consumers? Have they been ‘faked’, too?
What of foreign exports TO China? Are they in on the scam as well? Satellite
imagery must surely reveal Chinese industry to be mostly made of cardboard and
string, too, I suppose, yet I’ve somehow missed that revelation.
The apparent lack of night-time lighting could be explained in many ways, if it
is genuine. Poor lighting control in the USA, inefficient lighting methods,
excess advertising signs, lights left on overnight unnecessarily etc, and
China, conversely, may have more efficient lighting, less light pollution of
the skies thanks to hoods over street-lights etc. Less lighting in the
countryside, where they enjoy a restful darkness, perhaps.
And, on the other hand, the US economy is dominated by FIRE (finance, insurance
and real estate) money shuffling, rent-seeking and blood-sucking. US cities do
NOT compare well with Chinese cities, unless you prefer NO high-speed rail,
crumbling infrastructure, metros infested with hoodlums and vast armies of the
homeless pissing and shitting on the side-walks. Perhaps YOU do.
All in all, Top Level your desperation, born of racism, cultural arrogance and
contemptuous supremacism, and gut-wrenching FEAR, has hit a new low with this
tripe, but I confidently expect new depths to be plumbed in the future. You’re
that kinda guy.
• Replies: @Wizard of Oz
326. Wizard of Oz says:
You really are in trouble now with the mad Mumblebrain bot turned on to praising you.
327. Commentator Mike says:
So the Wizard of Poz is a generational genocidal Sinophobe. Wow! Who would have thought? Such a nice elderly gentleman. And also a Neo-Nazi Banderite Russophobe backing New Khazaria. And a fascist Zionist supporter of Israel. They’re coming out of the woodwork, the closets and from under the beds, even in their old age. Free at last to show their true colours after a lifetime hiding under some liberal democratic cover. It must have been painful, all those years of pretence.
• Thanks: Wizard of Oz
• Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
328. the Man Behind the Curtain says:
May 8, 2023 at 9:07 am GMT • 4.1 days ago • 100 Words ↑
The video isn’t that clever. It makes a silly regression model about how “autocratic countries” are “systematically lying” about economic growth when you regress growth vs. lighting as observed from space. OK. Look, economics is one of the least intellectually challenging fields. Most papers (like the one cited in the video) don’t do anything more than run a simple regression model against some cherry-picked data points and call it a day.
to “skim” the contents of the video** and provide the worthwhile analytical and factual criticism
Give it a rest, Puzzle. The idiots have taken over the academy.
You know the old joke about how to win a Nobel prize in economics, right?
A: drop out of a physics program
• Replies: @Wizard of Oz
329. Wizard of Oz says:
FWIW I am not sure that it is true to say that economics is intellectually undemanding. True, it might well be chosen by the not so bright school student but that is probably because the exams will only require remembering what some economists have said and regurgitating it. To solve economic problems which requires that they first be recognised and defined (complicated as well by it being human preferences, decisions and actions which are of the essence) is arguably more difficult than physics, requiring the genius of a Keynes.
To prevent your own limitations o trading too much you might care to assess the validity of the methods and the results described in the video. If the results are accurately described how do you explain them?
• Replies: @the Man Behind the Curtain, @mulga mumblebrain
330. Wizard of Oz says:
I’ve found a passage where you aren’t frothing at the mouth or overflowing with ipse dixit assertions, to wit
The apparent lack of night-time lighting could be explained in many ways, if it is genuine. Poor lighting control in the USA, inefficient lighting methods, excess advertising signs, lights left on overnight unnecessarily etc, and China, conversely, may have more efficient lighting, less light pollution of the skies thanks to hoods over street-lights etc. Less lighting in the countryside, where they enjoy a restful darkness, perhaps.
Indeed, so why don’t you, who claim such expertise about China , examine those speculations and tell us the facts?
• Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
331. Ace says:
332. Ace says:
May 9, 2023 at 12:25 am GMT • 3.5 days ago • 100 Words ↑
However, the military balance is shifting in favor of the Arabs and Iranians.
S-300s and S-400s in Syria and Iran specifically, Hezbollah rocket barrage
capability, Hezbollah clever infantry defenses, improved anti-armor weapons,
drones, and Iranian long-range missiles, inter alia, leave Israel in a much
more vulnerable position. Israel’s gamble in Syria has failed and there won’t
be any eastern expansion.
Iron Dome is nice but limited by the expense and what surely must be very
limited reserves of ammo.
I think the stupid proxy war in Ukraine is to create a fall back position for Israelis as the “ancestral homeland” nonsense wears thin and they are outclassed or outnumbered. Think about it. It makes zero sense for the US to be involved there but someone is making a full-court press for some reason. Who and what?
333. the Man Behind the Curtain says:
You have a way of blithely ignoring facts that don’t suit your narrative, Puzzle, and I am not going to comment further on the very substantial criticisms that many have given on your rather insubstantial video. Remember to keep your step count up, boomer!
• LOL: Wizard of Oz
334. mulga mumblebrain says:
Unnecessary, Top Level. I have an infallible nose for bullshit. If you REALLY believe that China’s economy is sixty percent smaller than all other observers believe, I fear for the balance of your mind.
• Replies: @the Man Behind the Curtain, @Wizard of Oz
335. mulga mumblebrain says:
Economics was created to make astrology look rigorous.
336. mulga mumblebrain says:
The pretense
was easy, given the complete control of the indoctrination machines by Rightist
reactionaries of Top Level’s ilk. One need only peruse the agit-prop being
peddled with ever increasing fervour, spewing hatred at China amidst a
veritable tsunami of outright lies (eg Uighur genocide, China having the
world’s biggest Navy, China’s military spending the greatest in history,
Chinese ‘imperial’ intentions etc)to see what the Anglosphere Right intends,
and the Left, such as it is, is too frightened to oppose in any way.
Race hatred and cultural and racial supremacism have characterised the West’s
reign of terror over humanity for five hundred years. To plead that the heirs
of this tradition are really peaceful, amiable and harmless paragons of ‘human
rights’ and ‘moral values’ is nauseating idiocy. China’s rise to eminence is an
insufferable insult and affront to the delusions of superiority of the Western
• Replies: @the Man Behind the Curtain
337. the Man Behind the Curtain says:
China having the world’s biggest Navy
China does have the world’ s largest navy in terms of hulls, though not tonnage. I think this is a very newsworthy item to report when the PLA navy was not really combat worthy as late as the 1990s.
As another example of why the video from WoZ and FKA Max is very unlikely to be true, China has a car market twice the size of America. 30 years ago, many would have laughed at you for even suggesting this was possible. Now this kind of stat is nearly impossible to fake as it would require collusion by international automakers from unsympathetic countries for decades on end.
338. the Man Behind the Curtain says:
I have an infallible nose for bullshit.
If only that were true…
“And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.”
– 1 Timothy 2:14, the Bible, KJV
339. Chris Moore says: • Website
May 9, 2023 at 10:20 pm GMT • 2.6 days ago • 100 Words ↑
Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld were in charge on 9/11, and the same trio of liars led the United States into a War in Iraq
Mearshiemer and Walt showed how the “Israel Lobby” was the “decisive” influence behind Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld and the Iraq war. (Where is Zoglodyte Rumsfeld now? Either in hell, or the void. And cursed for eternity as a Devil’s stooge by most ponder who him.)
History has shown how the “Israel lobby” was the decisive
influence behind the 9/11 inside job that was the pretext for Mideast wars.
The “Israel lobby” again was key in Hillary/Obama atrocities against Libya.
“It’s the Jews, stupid.” That phrase should be the slogan for the entirety of Western Civilization from here on out. It was the slogan for Christendom 1.0 until the Judas Class let the wrong ones in.
• Agree: the Man Behind the Curtain
340. whodat says:
You are correct about the Trotskyite roots of the neocons. People think the connection is too arcane to deserve their attention, but their pedigree is important. I saw it emerge in 1967 on the University of Wisconsin Campus during the raucous political debates around the vietnam war. The two leftist forces, stalanists and Trotskyites, bitterly arguing across card tables in the student union. Both NY Jewish, but Stalanists were fans of the old fashioned Wobblies and labor left and supported Russia etc. Trotskyites were globalists and their left wing fantasy was much more academic, plus Stalin had turned on the Jews real died in the wool Jews supporting left wing values were Trots. I was a bumpkin for Wisconsin at the time and did not get the fine points of their arguments, but saw their clan as Jewish and world socialism, and the other , saw the existing socialist establishment lead by Russia mostly, as their clan. Aldous Huxley, yes that Huxley, had a lesson on the difference when he went to fight in the spanish civil war, and the Stalanists turned on his Trot brothers, and he added Russia to the list of totalitarian bogey men along with Nazis. What became of the Trots in the US, I will tell you. they became neocons. I am not kidding. The right wing was so happy to find an ally to fight international communism, that they embraced the trot snakes. Sidney Hook … and they became a wing of the republican party. Oh they were enemies of Russia all right, but they had their left wing dreams. Read the link about who the Hux-ster was and his dream for Europe.
which gives a insight on the little neocon scamps. Now that the USSR has fallen, Russia is no longer what they were pre 1991. Some Russians still feel nostalgia for the power of the former USSR, but their dream is not a socialist one. Jews left Russia now are their most bitter enemies as they see Russia as a cats paw for Iran, the true regional foe of Israel. So that’s the battle line on which the world finds itself. Orthodox Christian and Muslim, Russia holds the candle for what used to be traditional western values. The west now is militantly post Christian and the neocon Trots are in the drivers seat here, holding their candle for the Jewish utopian vision.
• Agree: Zarathustra
• Replies: @Commentator Mike
341. Commentator Mike says:
Aldous Huxley, yes that Huxley,
Surely you mean George Orwell.
342. Wizard of Oz says:
I trust I have never indicated anything as unsophisticated as belief in it! I simply sought help in picking over the case made as I couldn’t spot the killer problems with it, if any, at first look. You raised some intelligible possible answers but didn’t develop them into a convincing opposite case.
• Replies: @the Man Behind the Curtain
343. the Man Behind the Curtain says:
The more time I spend reading comments on this site the more worried I am about Australia.
• LOL: Iris
• Replies: @Wizard of Oz
344. Wizard of Oz says:
Nice of you to care about Australia.
• Replies: @the Man Behind the Curtain
345. Patrick McNally says:
Regarding the approximate number of specifically Jewish casualties of White pogroms in the Russian Civil War:
Thanks to the newly opened archives, we now have a fuller idea of how many Jews
were killed by pogroms in the civil war… The most important document to emerge
from the Russian archives in recent years, a 1920 report of an investigation by
the Jewish organizations in Soviet Russia, talks of ‘more than 150,000 reported
deaths’ and up to 300,000 victims, including the wounded and the dead.
— Orlando Figes, A People’s Tragedy, p. 679.
It calls for emphasis here that these numbers in the document which Figes is citing were not something published by the Soviet government. The Soviet government tended to remain quiet on these things. The Cheka would crack down on anyone who tried to stir up pogroms, but otherwise the Soviet authorities preferred not to call attention to the issue. But the point is that this document is not something which was cooked up for public consumption but was purely an internal document which the Soviet state filed away until 1991. The number of around 150,000 is certainly consistent with many other reports made by various individuals at the time.
“denying that Trotsky had the support of fellow Talmudist oligarchs”
That certainly is a lunatic claim. I can hypothetically imagine that Trotsky in New York during the months January-March 1917, when he was agitating against US involvement in World War One, may plausibly have gotten some kind of sponsoring by someone like Jacob Schiff. Although no one has ever produced the slightest shred of documentation for even this claim, it is often tempting to look for a small grain of truth in any widespread lie. No one disputes that Jacob Schiff had sought to campaign against US entry into WW I while the Czarist government was in power (unfortunately, he abandoned this position after the February Revolution). So, one could at least hypothesize that Trotsky and Bukharin (both of whom spent some time in New York campaigning against the war) might have received some small sponsorship from someone like Schiff. But that’s just a hypothesis, and even if it were established as true it wouldn’t shed any special light on the later overthrow of Kerensky.
During this time, by the way, Bukharin was out of favor with Lenin. Trotsky, of course, had been a prominent opponent of Lenin’s since 1904 and did not join the Bolshevik faction until July 1917. Even if one uncovered a secret notice showing that Jacob Schiff had written up a check to cover housing costs for these two, it still would imply nothing about Schiff having supported Lenin. It would merely relate to Schiff’s antiwar stance which he held up until the March revolution toppled the Czar.
But talking about “support of fellow Talmudist oligarchs” for Trotsky is particularly insane in light of the way that he was repeatedly refused political asylum in the 1930s. He finally ended up in Mexico because people like Roosevelt and Churchill refused to accept him as a political refugee. If there had ever been any kind of “support of fellow Talmudist oligarchs” for Trotsky, then the minimum one would have the right to expect is that he should have refused the kind of refugee status granted to Solzhenitsyn after a relatively mild process of exile administered to him by the Brezhnev administration. The repeated demands that Trotsky should leave one place of exile after another until finally Mexico accepted him show that there was no “support of fellow Talmudist oligarchs” for Trotsky. That’s just your silly fantasy.
• Agree: Billy Bob
346. the Man Behind the Curtain says:
By “worried” I mean “my country has a defense and intelligence-sharing treaty with these people and it sounds like they are going to badly miscalculate vis-a-vis China.”
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